Weird feeling in throat?

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Weird feeling in throat?

Post by MissAmethyst2U » Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:49 pm

Ok, first off I will say sorry if this is a little off topic but ya'll are always sooo good to me on this site so I thought ya'll could probably calm my nerves a bit as well give me some possible info. For the past few months now and getting worse and worse the past week or two I have had the feeling of something stuck in my throat. (A little bit of background for those who dont know, I have severe panic and anxiety problems and also bad reflux/GERD) I have been on meds for the GERD but none really have worked great. Protonix worked for a long while but one day just seemed to stop working so I went back to Nexium which also helps somewhat but the doctor is still seeing signs of reflux in the back of my throat and I am also of course feeling it. I thought at first it might be something to do with CPAP but I am pretty sure its not. No matter what I eat now it seems to cause reflux and pain and burning and even water on an empty stomach just seems to come right back up in my throat! I am getting miserable and it's getting to the point I would rather not even eat.

The doctors seem to think the lump/choking feeling in my throat is from anxiety and well I do know when I start to feel it which seems to be after I eat then I feel as if I am choking or something is stuck and then I panic which gee of course makes the feeling worse. My doctor said she would order a barium swallow which I greatly refused as for a CT scan last year they tried getting me to drink some similar mess which made me gag and puke after two swallows so anything involving drinking anything I want nothing to do with. SHe said she would send me for a consult with a GI doc and have him do an Endoscopy. I am fine with that as long as I am knocked out! lol I am a little concerned about being put out and of course laying flat for the test and when waking up but its the best doc around for this kind of thing so I am hoping I will feel really comfortable with him and i will go over my fears about it specially having asthma and sleep apnea. My pulmonologist doesnt want me put under without him being present but I have no choice because the hospital he works out of I would NEVER let them put me under there its not the best place. I have been put under twice at the oral surgeons office and was fine and someone watched me the whole time and a nurse was right there with me the whole time when I was waking up and woke up so I seem to do ok (knock on wood)

I am just very concerned, scared they will find something really wrong ya know. My dad and grandma think its either an ulcer or Hiatal hernia. The only good point out of all this is my doctor is positive that the severe chest pains I have been having since like nov/dec are caused by the GERD and poss if anything else going on in there and NOT heart related. Of course, I wont be so certain til they are like yeah this is whats wrong blah blah...I am a HUGE worrier (I know I need to get over that but its hard when you have done it your whole life ) and I have a HUGE fear of dying! So if anyone out there has any words of wisdom or insight on all this I would greatly appreciate it... Ohh my consult is on the 7th so I will diff let ya'll know what I find out!


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GI Doc

Post by Bellcrest » Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:33 pm

You wrote:
>>>She said she would send me for a consult with a GI doc and have him do an Endoscopy.>>>>>

I had similar problems prior to OSA diagnoses. Went for endoscopy, and GI do stretched my esophagus (sp) that along with cpap has cured all my acid reflux problems. No longer take meds for it.

Now once I get the apneas under control, can't seem to get them down below 18 per night. Working on it by monitoring my own treatment. Better than the 106 per hour I had during my sleep study.

The endoscopy wasn't bad....was awake for it just slightly sedated. I have had worse procedures.


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Post by MissAmethyst2U » Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:28 pm

Hey there, thanks for the reply...I have heard of the stretching cause my grandpa had that done adn was telling me about it. I am not too too worried about the endoscopy but I have to be FULLY out and best not wake up til its over lol...I told my oral surgeon (this was after he witnessed me have a horrible anxiety attack lol) that PLEASE don't let me wake up during the procedure and well he response was Ohhhh don't worry I won't lol...I just wish this feeling would go away! its more annoying than anything and reflux is a pain as well...


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Post by Niteair » Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:49 pm

I had a very similar experience with acid reflux, which I tried to stop by using various over the counter antacids, etc. I didn't make a appointment to see a specialist until I got the feeling of an obstruction in my throat that after a while was there both day and night. I think that I had almost convinced myself that I surely must have cancer. The more I worried about it, the worse my stomach hurt also, it really snowballs. The doctor said that I would not be awake throughout the edoscopy procedure. The procedure went well, had a slight sore throat after. The doctor said that there was nothing seriously wrong, and prescribed Nexium. While on the medication, I had my sleep apnea test, was given a script for machine, mask, etc.. A few weeks after being on CPAP, the symptoms of reflux began to disappear, I stopped taking the medication, and have never taken them since. I would highly recommend that you have the endoscopy, it was sure worth it for me, just putting the fear of what all could be wrong behind you, and move on to whatever treatment is deemed necessary ......BEST of LUCK to YOU

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Post by Gidgie » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:00 pm

MissAmethyst. I agree with Niteair.....And truly, fear can one's worst enemy. Try to relax(if possible!) and think of the benefits of having the test(s).Even if nothing is found, at least you can be reassured of that. There is nothing scarier than the unknown.

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Post by MissAmethyst2U » Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:43 am

Thanks for the replys, fear is diff ones worst enemy. I stay tense sooo much and stressed because of anxiety and fear of EVERYTHING it seems yet I dont always notice it. My doctor always tells me I need to relax as she will touch my neck and shoulders and say I am too tensed. The crazy part is I have had bad anxiety all my life so I don't really notice just how bad it is. If I take an Ativan to relax when its real bad I freak out even more when I am fully relaxed cause to me my body feels strange all relaxed...if that makes sense... I will be glad to have my mind eased after the Endoscopy. I cannot stand this feeling in my throat it is driving me NUTS!

I will keep you all updated...


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Post by Snoozie » Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:38 pm

I seriously doubt that they will give you a general anesthesia for an endoscopy. The general norm for this procedure is to administer conscious sedation.You will be awake but very relaxed. They will also probably spray your throat with a numbing spray. It is a very minor and routine outpatient procedure and is done in less than 30 minutes. Nothing to worry about! Good luck to you.

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Weird feeling in throat

Post by Julie » Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:02 pm

Hi, what you are describing is a relatively common symptom of anxiety and it has been well researched by many doctors, neurologists, respirologists, ENT docs, etc. etc. and while it is very annoying and worrisome, it is not serious in that it won't hurt you in the long run, and does go away in time, especially if you are treated for the anxiety problems. It has nothing to do with CPAP or apnea. I should also say that an endoscopy won't 'show' anything, but if it makes you feel better and gives your MD something to do, of course go ahead, but don't spend all your money on too many investigations for the problem as it should be self limiting with the right kind of help. I am speaking from years of experience in large teaching hospital neurology and other depts.


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Post by MissAmethyst2U » Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:53 pm

Snoozie, due to my anxiety and all I will HAVE to be put out completely. This particular doctor gives you GA. My dad and Gma both have had an Endoscopy by him and were both put out. There is no way they could do it with me still somewhat awake. And yes, I was told you are done in about 30 mins start to finish.

Julie, I have heard of something like this in ppl with anxiety I cannot think of the term they use but its means Lump in the throat or something a long that line. As far as spending money on the procedure and all my insurance will cover the total procedure so I am not concerned about that as well as it will give me piece of mind. Also having the GERD and all, I am still having reflux problems which need to be checked and something about stretching the espogus was mentioned. My reflux is horrible even on meds. As far as my anxiety I have been treated for years. Nothing has ever worked. My doctors don't even know what to do anymore. I have tried EVERYTHING and every med you can name. Meds diff don't work for me and the only ones that do knock me out so I cant take them everyday. I have Ativan or Xanax for when needed but am very sensitive to them. They say my anxiety is genetic/chemical imbalance/and just life in general. I have done all kinds of therapy including biofeedback and EMDR. I have had this my whole life. I have pretty much learned to live with it and can now at least go out some places and do some things. I have good and bad days. Some days I can go out and pretty much do what I want, others I won't even leave the house. I just try and make the best of it...

Thanks again for the replys


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Post by snorzalot » Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:42 pm

I left you a private message.

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Post by Guest » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:01 pm

Actually what is often used is called Versed. Cool stuff and you don't remember a thing...