Llife "AFTER" Hurricane Rita

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Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:24 pm
Location: Texas

Llife "AFTER" Hurricane Rita

Post by Lil_Jon » Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:05 pm

Well Rita has been both a blessing and a curse in one. My wife got back home yesterday to find that we've lost our home and most of our belongings due to water damage, mold and mildew. We have no insurance as the house is very old and due to us being in a major flood plane were unable to obtain any coverage. However we are thankfull that we have our lives and we are starting over. We stayed with my brother for a week but had to leave because of some issues that arose with him and the fema supplies that were being handed out. He decided it was up to him to take the supplies and put them under lock and key and only give out what he wanted to and keep the rest for himself. A big argument insued with most of the family members being involved, most of whom also left. We then proceeded to Texarkana Arkansas to stay in a hotel which was provided for free. The red cross was generous enough to provide us with clothing vouchers and some cash to help out along with the fema emergency funding. I want all to know that fema and the red cross are first rate organizations and the people of Texarkana are some of the most wonderfull and generous people on this earth!! We are now staying with my wifes sister and her husband about 10 minutes from our home and I am trying to find work in the Austin Tx area with Dell computer corp. I have worked with them for 3 years as an outsource employee locally but the company I work for dropped our contract with them and the building we were working in suffered catastrophic storm damage. We are in good spirits otherwise and are looking forward to the future and all it holds! God had never let us down and we have truly been blessed. I wont be able to monitor the boards much as I am on a loaned laptop. I would also like to take time to thank each and every one of you for your support and prayers! God Bless each and every one of you!

Lil Jon