Humidifier questions

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Humidifier questions

Post by Babbie » Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:44 am

First a little background---I've been using a CPAP since August (not always because of mask problems but that's a whole other story) but have not used the humidifier yet. I have a Remstar Plus with CFlex and the humidifier is a Remstar. My hubby works 12 hour days so he's in bed by 9 and I don't go to bed until 10:15. So.....I do all this stuff in the DARK. Not easy sometimes. Anyway, I've got an Activa coming and think I should start using the humidifier now that the weather is cooler and air drier. I have lots of questions about the humidifier. I guess I'll have to take a small flashlight with me so I can see the numbers on the humidifier....
1. The directions say to turn it on 20 minutes before going to bed. Now I really don't want to have to traipse in there with him asleep and do this. If I don't, will it be too uncomforable - will the air be too cold?
2. Is the level of the humidifier already callibrated (meaning it starts at a say, 4)?
3. I use the ramp button (the bottom one) to ramp the air down - it's set at 8 but I ramp down to 4. The directions say to push the top button (with the humidifier icon) to turn it on, then use the bottom to set the level of humidity. If I use that ramp button to adjust the humidifier, will it affect me already ramping down the air to 4?
4. Do I just keep pushing that ramp button for the humidifier until I get the number I want? I would guess starting out I need it turned low, like a 2??
5. I've read the debate about how often to clean it - does anyone put some dishwashing liquid in there, swish it around, rinse well and let dry every couple of days, then do the vinegar thing once a week?

I know these questions probably sound really dumb to those of you who have used a humidifer for years. The directions leave a bit to be desired.

Any help, as usual, will be so much appreciated.

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Post by cybergoon » Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:27 am

I use my humidifier each night. My wife and I go to bed at the same time, so I don't have the issue with filling it in the dark. I would just make a mental note to fill it to the line before he goes to bed. My humidifier is set on 2. To set that, I had to hold down on the Humidifer button until it beeps and then use the up and down arrows to set the temp. Once it is at the setting you want to use, hit the start/stop button. Then when you go to use the machine at night, just hit the Start/Stop button to turn it on, then hit the humidifier button to turn it on, it will use the previously saved setting.

Personally, I do not "warm-up" mine. If you have used the machine without the humidifier, the air will be the same temp with the humidifier shut off. The air only warms slightly when it is turned on, unless you crank up the temp.

Good luck!

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Oh 2 breathe
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Post by Oh 2 breathe » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:38 am

I use the same CPAP machine. I prefer to assemble my humidifier and set up my mask earlier in the evening instead of waiting until bedtime because when I am tired I just want to go to sleep fast without any hassles. You could try setting it all up before your husband goes to sleep. And if you're really lucky you might even be able to train hubby to press that humidifier on button when he goes to sleep so the water will have warmed somewhat for you by the time you retire. The warm-up goes off after 20 minutes but it might still help a bit.

Another idea might be to microwave the distilled water before putting it in your humidifier so that it starts out fairly warm and comes to a comfortable temperature just as you are about to go to sleep.

As far as setting the heat level on the humidifier it is a totally different process from the ramp pressure function. With the humidifier off press and hold down the humidifier until it beeps. Then use the grey forward/back buttons to move the level up or down. The range is 1-5 and I think the default level is three. I like mine set fairly warm at 4 or 5 now that the season is getting colder (I live in Canada). I find it so nice and soothing to go to sleep with the warm air flow. But you might be different so you can experiment with the levels and see what works for you.

As far as the dish soap, I think that might be a bit too harsh for your equipment not to mention your skin. I swish a few drops of unscented, hypoallergenic baby shampoo into my humidifier as I rinse it every morning and this seems to work really well. Then I set it upside down on a flat surface with a towel to let it dry.

One more note. You can set the machine up so that the buttons light up or don't light up at night. I find it convenient to have them lit so I can find the buttons in the dark. The manual should explain this.

One more tip. If you have to turn a light on it is far less disturbing to your partner to use a quiet touch lamp than a click-on lamp. You can also use a very low watt bulb to minimize the disruption.

Good luck and let me know how it goes!


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Oh 2 breathe
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Post by Oh 2 breathe » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:41 am

Sorry, meant to say hold down your humidifier "button" until it beeps.


"The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet..." ~ Robert Louis Stevenson