Ending 1st Week on CPAP

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Ending 1st Week on CPAP

Post by allen » Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:06 am

Hi, all, from Allen.
Tomorrow is the 1 week anniversary of my marriage to CPAP. The honeymoon has been a bit of a let down. lol

I've noticed really only one change. Prior to CPAP, I was getting up several times a night to go to the restroom. Usually, my first trip was at around 3:00AM, after 4, 5, or 6 hours of sleep. After that, it would be several more trips.

This week, that's changed. I get up after only 90 minutes (about 12:00). Later, I wake up suddenly and am on my side, rather than on my back. I'm very groggy, but it seems like I adjust my mask.

I'm dreaming, too. I think I'm dreaming right before my 3:00AM wake-up on my side.

So, I'm not going to the bathroom as much, but I'm still waking up. I'm not feeling rested, either. Last night, Thursday, I could barely stay awake from 6:00PM - 8:30PM. I went and got a burger at about 8:30, ate it, and then went to bed. I was just wiped out. This is not that different from how I usually feel on Thursdays, having built up debt during the work week.

I've still not broken down and used the Humidifier that the DME rep left behind, but I'm about to. I contacted my Dr. and he wrote a new prescription for an Auto CPAP and for a heated humidifier.

I know that some kind of adjustment needs to be made, but I don't know what. The mask seems to be okay, although I wonder if a FF would suit me better. I've always assumed I'm a mouth breather, but I'm not so sure. I'm not waking up with dry mouth, and I'm not catching myself breathing orally.

I'm not giving up by any means. I'll admit, though, to being impatient and really, really ready for some good sleep.

Coming here during the week and reading the posts helps a lot. Thanks, veterans, for hanging around and reading and responding to similar posts written by newbies. I'm sure it can get dull, but your encouragement REALLY does help!

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are facing the stars." ~Oscar Wilde~

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rock and roll
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Post by rock and roll » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:20 am

Hang in there. You are not going to see results in the first week. This is a time adjustment. I do recommend breaking out that humidifier now and using it. If you are not waking with the cotton mouth then you are not mouth breathing so don't go full face mask. IMHO they are hard to conform with. Which mask did you get? Give it time, you have a large sleep debt to come back from. I noticed a difference after about three weeks and then a large difference after two months. Still notice I get better and better. But keep in mind this is not s cure but a treatment. Good luck!

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Post by peg » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:46 am

[quote="rock and roll"]Hang in there. But keep in mind this is not a cure but a treatment. Good luck!


Truer words have not been spoken, today anyway.
Thanks for the reminder, R & R! If we stop using it we go back to the way things were.
Don't want to go there!!

Stick with it Allen, it will pay off.
WooHoo! Life is good.
I get a little cocky when I am "NO LONGER TIRED"

Moxie Chick
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Post by Moxie Chick » Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:00 pm

Yes, I encourage you to stick with it, too. My sleep doc was discouraging from the get go - he told me because I'm a woman and thin, I most likely did not have sleep apnea. But he agreed to do a sleep study anyhow and I have it. When I went in for a follow-up after about 3 weeks on CPAP, I asked him if my tiredness would get any better (I still felt very exhausted) and he told me no, the improvement I'd experienced already was about all I could expect. I'm glad I didn't believe him. After a couple of months I felt much, much better, and that was incentive to stick with it, even with having to learn to sleep on my back, uncomfortable shifting masks, rainout, etc. I've been on CPAP for 3 years now and am still learning, especially from this forum. I'm glad I finally found you guys!

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Post by allen » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:11 pm

Thanks, rock and roll & Peg!

Okay, I connected the humidifier and am excited about a new sleep adventure.
I'm using a Profile Lite Gel mask.

It's after 8:00PM on a Friday night, which is way past my bedtime for a Friday. I'm off to what I hope will be a restful night of sleep.

Thanks for the tips and encouragement: I have no intention of giving up!

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are facing the stars." ~Oscar Wilde~

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Post by thewebbie » Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:44 am

stick with it. it took me about two weeks before i started to feel a little more rested. still get up quite a bit at night though. I feel the therapy working well after three weeks.. be strong!

Additional Comments: Newbe