Barnaby? Question about the Swift :^)

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Barb (Seattle)
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Barnaby? Question about the Swift :^)

Post by Barb (Seattle) » Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:17 am

You mentioned in the other thread using the Swift, and that if worked good for you. This was what my sleep center mentioned when i called this morning, and I want to do my homework before I go in. The picture looks like I wouldn't be able to sleep on whatever side the apparatus holding the pillows was on. Difficult to describe this LOL It says you can adjust it to 4 different positions. It just doesn't really look like it's for side sleepers. Also, can the hose be fixed in one position, or does it rotate freely like the ones I've had so far? (except for the Ultra Mirage face was in one position over my head, and I loved that!) Thanks in advance

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Post by Barb (Seattle) » Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:05 am

I looked at past threads on this I am a very restless sleeper who moves all over the place. Always have been. Not sure the Swift would be comfortable on the side I'm sleeping on...ouch. I did see the modifications to this in the thread. Will be interesting to see what they finally do with me. She told me that at higher pressures, the full face masks aren't very did they turn up my pressure knowing this? An experiement I guess. Another question - does the exhaust air come straight out like the mask I have now? I sure liked the Ultra Mirage face (not full) mask - the air just blew upwards and was dispersed so it wasn't a stream right at someone


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Post by WAFlowers » Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:26 am

I use the Swift and have the hose coming out the left and going over my head. It is attached to the top-central buckle of the straps on the top of my head.

I am able to sleep on my left side without problem.

On my right side, I tend to roll all the way over onto my stomach (or most of the way), so having the hose on the right side of the barrel was a problem.

If you think the Swift would be too much of a problem for you side sleeping, I'd suggest you look at the Aura instead.

The CPAPer formerly known as WAFlowers

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Post by Barb (Seattle) » Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:37 am

I think that would be probably a good idea..another type.

I take it that the position is fixed, and you can't move it around as you sleep. I looked up some more information on another message board and the exhaust air goes straight out...don't think this is the mask for me. Get enough complaints now about being chilled out when I turn toward him LOL

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Post by Barnaby » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:14 pm

Barb .... The swift nasal pillow lays on the space under your nose...the hose comes out either side that you plug hose in on the lip and pillow holder. The thing comes with a small piece of velcro that you place around your hose and attach it to the side strap on either the left or right side of your face depending on which side you usually sleep. I have trained myself to sleep now on my my back. This allows the hose to be across the top of my bed pillow and i can sleep on either end of the pillow as the hose is actually behind my head coming from the cpap. so if you can figure this can picture it. you can send me email if you want further info.

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Post by Barb (Seattle) » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:58 pm

I can picture that I know one thing..I dont' think I can train myself to sleep on my back How many nights did that take? I tried my back during my 1st sleep study, and layed there from 9:30 till about 2 AM wide awake LOL

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Post by WAFlowers » Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:00 pm

Barb (Seattle) wrote:I take it that the position is fixed, and you can't move it around as you sleep. I looked up some more information on another message board and the exhaust air goes straight out...don't think this is the mask for me. Get enough complaints now about being chilled out when I turn toward him LOL
You can consider the hose connection as essentially fixed.

The exhaust air goes out and down. If I turn towards my wife and tilt my head up I can blow it at her and annoy her. Of course, I never, ever do this on purpose! (So how do I know that it can be done?)

The CPAPer formerly known as WAFlowers


Post by Guest » Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:26 pm

Barb: it seems that lots of people think they must roll around and then shift sleeping positions. This might be due to the fact they were not fully asleep before be began to use a cpap. They didnt go off into a deep sleep with a relaxed body and mind. As opposed to this, when I went on cpap in March 05 I began to sleep like a baby. I really get my 8-9 hrs every day of the week. If I awaken I fall back to sleep almost immediately after looking at the clock. I used to go to the bathroom as much as 5 times a nite. After the FIRST night on cpap...i NEVER get up during the nite. So give it a try and if you are tired enough you should doze off and be able to sleep in any position,
I have just received today my exchanged Bi level pap by Resmed. I intend to use it tonite to see if it will eliminate the dry mouth I will use a chin strap (tiara) again to make sure my big mouth is kept closed.
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Post by jdacal » Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:43 pm

I sleep ok on either side with it. But I use that Apnea pillow which sits high enough to were the hose doesn't bumpup agains the pillow or the bed.

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Post by rock and roll » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:01 pm

The pillow makes a big difference on sleeping on the side the hose comes across on the Swift. I had no problem either side and I toss and turn/rock and roll a lot. But a visco memory foam pillow would absorb this "lump" and you would be fine. I think more and more though that the Aura is the way to go for tosser and turners.

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Post by Sleepless on LI » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:30 pm

rock and roll wrote:I think more and more though that the Aura is the way to go for tosser and turners.
Wait...what as that I just heard...could it be, another convert??? Say it's so, R&R!!!

By the way, hate to dispute the statement of one of the nicest people on "the block," but my Tempur Pedic pillow (visco elastic) didn't really help me with my Swift. Sometimes I felt it was a bit TOO sturdy and would just end up laying the side with the hose off the pillow. Nothing really did it for me as far as that and the Swift went. But it had so many other advantages that it was worth the little extra I had to do.

Hey, maybe that's why I got into this lousy habit of waking up every few hours to see if my mask is leaking!!!!

By the way, I tried the twister tie recommendation via Seadmaiden this morning when, for the first time in years, I went back to bed after my daughter left for school because I wasn't feeling good at all (tummy flu-ish) and it worked pretty good. I even got up to use the bathroom (made a mistake and took the water pill before napping) and was able to just put the Aura right back on without a pantyhose leg and it worked fine! Maybe I'm onto something with that bit of advice.

Just tell me, does the fun ever stop around here??? What would we do if we had masks that didn't leak and everything was so tolerable? Oh, yeah, that's right, we'd sleep great. Forgot about that concept...

L o R i

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Post by rock and roll » Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:22 pm

Yes I am more and more liking my aura. With the bendable wire, the adjustments are infinate with this interface. One really has to futz with it and I wonder if those that do not like it played with it enough.

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Post by Jere » Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:47 pm

I am a side sleeper and use the Swift exclusively. Initially, I strapped the hose to my head with that velcro strip, but I found that it would hinder my movement more than help. Also, with the velcro attached, the Swift was hard to put on in the dark. Now I just leave the hose loose behind my head.

The hose comes out of the right or left side of the nasal pillow (it's up to the user to decide). I usually sleep on my left side, so I put the hose on the right side. In that way, there is no discomfort AS LONG AS I STAY PUT. If I switch to my right side (where the hose is) it (the hose) sometimes gets in the way.

After much experimentation, I discovered that I could alleviate all of the problems if I used 2 pillows, the top one placed perpendicular to the one beneath. This leaves enough space for my head to stay on the pillow while not pressing the hose into my cheek.

My 2 cents.

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Post by Sleepless on LI » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:41 pm

[quote="rock and roll"]Yes I am more and more liking my aura. With the bendable wire, the adjustments are infinate with this interface. One really has to futz with it and I wonder if those that do not like it played with it enough.

L o R i

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Post by rock and roll » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:48 pm

OK Lori,

I must of missed the thread on the twist tie. Tell me what you are doing exactly and why?