Kinda Bad News

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Sleepless on LI
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Post by Sleepless on LI » Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:28 am

Well, since you say it's not your meds., that's one less thing to discuss. But I lived with a, now cured, heart problem until four years ago. Had been misdiagnosed my whole life and then finally correctly diagnosed and there was a procedure to treat me and rectify the problem. But while I was going through heart troubles, which consisted of severe tachycardia (rapid hearbeats) and arrhythmia, one year when my 22 year old son was a baby, I was suffering for two weeks straight with trouble catching my breath and palpitations. My parents suggested to leave my son with them so that I could get some relaxation and much needed rest and my husband and I decided to drive down to this beautiful beach to have a nice day. I was driving and the shortness of breath got so bad, I pulled over, turned around and we went to the ER. I couldn't breathe.
Long story short (yeah, now she says that... ), I had virtually no potassium in me whatsoever. Usually that can happen when you take diuretics without a potassium supplement or if you're a cigarette smoker, neither of which applied to me. To this day, they never found out why it was so low. But they kept me in the hopt. overnight and infused me with potassium and, lo and behold, no more of that feeling of gasping to breathe.
Perhaps one of your medications deplete your potassium level? When was the last time you had your blood levels checked that included a potassium level reading? It could be something as simple as that.
Please look into it. I hope that's all it is and perhaps is coming from one of your medications. Please keep me posted. I'll be thinking of you.
L o R i

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Kinda Bad News

Post by CandyADiva » Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:02 pm

I had blood work done about two weeks ago and everything was fine accept I was still a anemic. Well when I admitted in the hospital I was under a heart doctor care with my family doctor also. So I have a friday appointment with the heart doctor so I hope he can help me. well my family doctor order a lung function test while I was in the hospital and it did say I have a mild disease with the lungs that oxygen dont get through like it should. I dont really know what to think but i'm tired of feeling like i'm going to past out. not being able to breathe right is not the way i wont to be.

Sleepless on LI
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Post by Sleepless on LI » Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:24 pm

My last suggestion would be to move up the appointment. You shouldn't have to go all week feeling like this and worrying on top of it. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well.
L o R i


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:39 pm

I'm not sure if this helps or not but my Mom was having a really hard time breathing when she was recovering from a quadruple bypass last year. The doctor finally took a chest x-ray and found fluid around her lungs. The fluid was making it very difficult for her lungs to expand. They drained the fluid and she takes a diuretic daily....she's back to normal now.
Just a thought....Amy

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Post by yawn » Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:48 pm

That last reply was from me...I got Guested again.


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:07 pm

i'm tired of feeling like i'm going to past out. not being able to breathe right is not the way i wont to be.[/quote]

Syncope or near-syncope (passing out or feeling like you will pass out) is one of the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension, as is the shortness of breath and a number of other symptoms you describe. Please ask your cardiologist to test for this disease just in case. You then need to find a PH specialist if this is indeed your problem. They are usually pulmonologists but some are cardiologists. Many people are misdiagnosed with something else because not too many doctors know about this orphan-disease. Not intending to scare you but you should be prepared to inquire about it because they may never consider it. Look at the PHA website to see if some of your symptoms fit. I hope you find out the cause of your symptoms soon. You are in my prayers, Candy.

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Kinda Bad News

Post by CandyADiva » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:12 pm

I had a chest x-ray when I was in the ER and it came out fine. I really dontr know what's going on but I will get to the bottom of it. I like to thank everyone for listening to me and giving me some good advice. I'm all ears if anyone have anything to add.

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Post by Fatigue Fighter » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:22 pm

Chest X-Rays rarely identify pulmonary hypertension. An echocardiogram with dopplar studies is the first test for this. Did you have one of these tests? Whatever is the cause, I hope they find it Friday.

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Re: Kinda Bad News

Post by WAFlowers » Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:30 pm

CandyADiva wrote:I was having bad chest pain and couldn't breathe.
If you have difficulty breathing or chest pain, and especially both together, get yourself to the closest ER immediately! It doesn't matter that you just saw your doctor, regardless of what he said. He might be wrong, or your situation might have changed. Call 9-1-1 and have yourself tranported. Don't use your car.

I was a First Responder (like a limited volunteer paramedic) in a rural area in Canada, and one thing we studied were case studies where people decided to transport themselves or a loved one with these sorts of symptoms. What would you or your significant other do if you went into respiratory distress or heart failure while they were driving you to the hospital?

If you stop, you now have to call for an ambulance and hope they can find you since you are not at a fixed address.

If you don't stop, will you still be alive when you pull up at the ER?

It's not worth taking the risk.
The CPAPer formerly known as WAFlowers

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Kinda Bad News

Post by CandyADiva » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:57 pm

Well I went to see the heart doctor today and the news was not good I have to have one more test done it is called a MUGA Scan to confirm what the other test I had two weeks ago. He did up my blood pressure meds because it will help with my heart. so if the MUGA Scan show what he think is wrong then I will go on meds for my heart.
I'm really scare because I'm only 33 yrs old with two kids and i just got married last yr. He did say my sleep apnea and my anemia plays a big part in everything and the pulmonary test I had done.

Sleepless on LI
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Post by Sleepless on LI » Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:09 pm


I know from personal experience, anything having to do with your heart is scary. And I hear what you're saying about only being 33. I had heart troubles that really started to act up severely in my teens and got progressively worse, until finally having it corrected in 2001. Live almost my whole life never knowing when the next attack would happen.

One thing I will say is, they have some very good meds. out there to deal with many cardiac-related conditions; and just be thankful it is something that can be treated with meds, rather than needing invasive surgery or some type of uncomfortable procedure and THEN have to take meds. for the rest of your life.

My biggest advice is, try to stay calm and relax until you know if there is cause for alarm. A, it doesn't help your BP and, B, you may be worrying for nothing if this test doesn't confirm what they are thinking is the problem for which you'll have to go on the meds.

There is a lot worse in this world than to have to take meds. to keep a condition at bey. Don't get yourself crazy over this. Try to take it slow and wait and see what they tell you. Please let us all know when you know. I'll still keep my fingers crossed you get some great news. Anything is possible. Thanks for sharing the information with us.

L o R i

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Kinda Bad News

Post by CandyADiva » Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:21 pm

Thank You For those nice words. Yes i'm very scare to know what's going on with my heart but it's best I know and get trested for it. I will let you all know what the results will be and please keep me in your prayers. I will try to relax to best I can but knowing there could be something wrong with my heart is so difficult to deal with. I have a wonderful sweetheart thats standing by my side and I have god to pray to. I also have friends here to talk me through everything. Thanks Again Sleepless On LI

Sleepless on LI
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Post by Sleepless on LI » Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:07 am

No need to tell me to keep you in my prayers. You are already there. Don't worry until you hear news to worry about. Really.

L o R i

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Post by Flower51 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:27 am

Dear Candy, I'm praying I read your posts, God brought to mind the scripture, "be still and know that I am God"....His ears are open to you and He is God...He is bigger than your fear, wiser than the doctors and ready to help as you put your trust in Him. When you begin to feel afraid, focus on His love for you....pick up the bible and read what He says about you in the book of John 3:16....the God that knows you so personally is here in this moment with you right now. Love, Terry

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Post by Margaret » Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:41 pm

The good news is that you are getting this all checked out rather than when you were unaware of it. And remember
(ROMANS 8:28) And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God....
I will pray for you and your family as you get your health back.
Love from Margaret