Sleep Apnea & Heart

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Sleep Apnea & Heart

Post by gailzee » Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:43 pm

Now it my turn in the pickle barrel so-to-speak. Had a not great thallium stress test, have noticed changes for about 2 yrs short of breath,what not.
So now I have to go in for a cardiac catheterization next Thurs. The cardiol. is now in FULL AGREEMENT and talking like my SLEEP APNEA saga and treatment was his idea. I told him I had the SA for yrs and he said, ''you know that can lead to heart problems". So bottom line, advocate for your own health, because doctors will ignore this problem BIG TIME and could be a serious health issue. He assured me that I'm probably ''fine" but is putting me thru an invasive test ''just to be sure''.....Who's he kidding...?

I've been counseling someone on SA and I can counsel myself on SA and heart and see what if anything untreated SA can do to one's self.

Isn't this something?

If I'm not for awhile you'll all understand and be back at cpap..soonest..


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Post by rested gal » Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:19 pm

Hope you're back soon with good news, Gail!!


Sleep Apnea & Heart

Post by JAVIJAVI » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:03 pm

Gailzee, I couldn't agree more. My wise mother told me years ago that we have to take responsibility for our own health, because no one else wants too. Drs. are all too often afraid of a law suit, I think. Anyway, about 15 yrs ago I was sitting indian-style on the bed, clipping coupons, cut the tip of my little toe off and didn't know it until I got up and there was a puddle of blood where I was sitting. Went to the doctor and said, 'hey, you know diabetes runs in my family and I had gestational diabetes with 2 of my 3 kids, don't you think I should have a glucose tolerance test?" His response? "I don't think you are diabetic, some people just have a higher tolerance to pain than others". Oops, 5 yrs later, unconsious in the ER, I was diagnosed with diabetes. We all have to educate ourselves about our bodies and be our own healthcare advocates. But then, I sound like the preacher talking to the choir. Isn't that why we're all here?

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Post by HappyHoser » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:07 pm

Greetings Gailzee! I had the cath last year and to be perfectly honest, it was no biggie! Sounds much worse than it really is. Mine was during hospitalization for congestive heart failure. Not something I would give gift certificates for but helped save my life. I was fortunate to have a cardiologist who listened and got me into a sleep lab right away, yours comes off a little irritating but the important question is "is he a good MD?". I'll add you to my prayers as I'm sure many will here.



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Post by dirtsurfer57 » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:36 pm

Hey GZ
The Heart Cath is actually pretty cool just had that and an angioplasty in April of this year and both were really simple procedure, be sure you check it out on the screen cause it's really cool watching the dye squirt through your heart. Man I can totally empathize with you I just got the triple whammy, in April I got an angioplasty, in June I found out I've got SA, and today I found out I'm diabetic, hasn't been a great year but I figure it's time to step up and take care of my body, I've gotten all the warning signs now it's time to do something about it. I was really bummed out this morning after I got the diagnosis but as the day went on I got pissed off and decided that this stuff wasn't gonna get the best of me, I'm not goin' out like a whiney little punk, I'm actually not that little but you get the idea. Well I got signed up for Cardiac Rehab, my Cpap should be in any day now and I'm gonna talk to a dietitian next week so I'm kinda hittin' the ground runnin'. Anyway didn't mean to take over your post, just got on my Soapbox for a little while. Take care of yourself and hang in there, ask a bunch of questions too, don't walk out of there not knowing anything make the Dr. explain to you what's goin' on.

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Post by glassgal » Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:59 pm

Hi Gailzee,

Good luck with your procedure -- I would be annoyed with the doc too!

Best wishes,
Sleep well,


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Cardiac Cath

Post by gailzee » Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:10 pm

Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers. They all help and are gret, and thank you. This is my second cath, had one 4 yrs. ago. Dr. said I don't ''fit the curve''' that I'd have a change, but I said, on insulin, and sleep ap, he actually said, "Yes you're right". I felt like a robot speaking no one listening. Sort of knocking on the door with dr. and no one answering! Now my SA treatment plan (my idea) is now ''his".

What I found helped me last go round for my cath is one little word, VALIUM. Mainline into the IV.

I take probably anal care with diabetes, insulin, etc. So I know what I'm in for.
I'll be happier when it's over.

Thanks again~

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heart to heart,

Post by barbyann » Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:20 pm

me too gailzee, cardiologist gave wrong treatment to me for four years. Now, starts me on more drugs but poo-poo'd the sleep study I asked for. So, I booked it myself, and put him down as the referring MD. Time will tell. I awoke last night to that pounding in my chest again at 2am. My pulse was too fast to count (means over 200bpm). After a half hour of trying to convert myself back to normal sinus rhythm I got up and dressed to go to the hospital for chemical conversion. By the time I got downstairs I realized my heart had slowed down into the 110-120 range which is my baseline. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out my arrythmias must be related to my sleep cycles because it always happens to me upon awakening. Duh!!!!!!!! You have the right idea......fight for your healthcare choices.

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Post by ozij » Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:40 pm

Good luck Gail!

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And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
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Post by Harmony » Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:10 pm

Good Luck Gailzee. Keep on top of the Docs. I had a heart attack in Dec. 2001 at the age of 41. Thank God for a wonderful ER Doc. I have felt tired for years. After the heart attack I had more energy than I could remember in years. I always blamed the exhaustion on a stressed life and to many irons in the fire as they say. So I got rid of some of the irons and try to stay destressed (yeah right) as much as possible. The past year or maybe longer, I have been exhausted like before the heart attack. I was beginning to think that there was some heart issues again. Thanks to my husband (emergency surgery in Jan. 05 for a perforated bowel) we have qualified for insurance for a short time. So I have been trying to get as many exams done that I can before we lose it. I have a wonderful new general doc that truly seems to care. She was so kind to tell me what a wreck I was and started ordering everything. I was shocked when my stress test came back great. After my whining about how tired I am constantly and stating the fact that I guess I just need to lose this extra fluff that I carry around (100 #)and don't get enough exercise she started asking all the ?????'s. Do I snore, gasp for air, blah, blah, blah. Yes, yes, yes. She preceded to tell me that I may very well have SA and that it can be very hard to lose weight when you have it. So away I went for the sleep study and surprise surprise I have sleep apnea. My heart doc blamed the attack on stress and my weight. I have no family history of Heart disease, had no high BP or cholesterol. you think that maybe my SA had some thing to do with it? Anyway, sorry to drag on, really just wanted to say good luck and keep on looking out for yourself.

I'm so excited-------my new Love/Hate relationship will begin tonight. I go to see the DME to get my machine.


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Post by gailzee » Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:10 pm

Now I expect my doc's, cardio and g.p. to be all over me like a wet blanket. I'll be so in their radar, it'll be nauseating. Cardio. just said he was ''not sure'' why my nuclear scan didn't perfuse in the back o my heart. (I told him of pain in between shoulders, and fatigue). I guess all the glassy eyed looks and ''hmmm's'' at my B&C'ing now may mean something. But interestingly he actually asked me questions about sleep apnea, and treatment. I told him, you know I hadn't slept a night thru for years, probably 10, and quality/quanity of sleep was terrible. got a few more ''hmmm's'' to all this. Ad nauseum.....

Well we'll see what it is, fix it, do what i have to do..

But interestingly, have been on a strict diet, and for first time in 30 yrs. since using my apap, I am losing a little more each wkly weigh in. Anyone else finding this with their treatment.

B/P is lower, my sugar is good, and weight is slowly cming off. Not a quick fix, but any improvement is always good, huh?

THanks for all your good wishes, prayers, will keep you posted.

[quote="Harmony"]Good Luck Gailzee. Keep on top of the Docs. I had a heart attack in Dec. 2001 at the age of 41. Thank God for a wonderful ER Doc. I have felt tired for years. After the heart attack I had more energy than I could remember in years. I always blamed the exhaustion on a stressed life and to many irons in the fire as they say. So I got rid of some of the irons and try to stay destressed (yeah right) as much as possible. The past year or maybe longer, I have been exhausted like before the heart attack. I was beginning to think that there was some heart issues again. Thanks to my husband (emergency surgery in Jan. 05 for a perforated bowel) we have qualified for insurance for a short time. So I have been trying to get as many exams done that I can before we lose it. I have a wonderful new general doc that truly seems to care. She was so kind to tell me what a wreck I was and started ordering everything. I was shocked when my stress test came back great. After my whining about how tired I am constantly and stating the fact that I guess I just need to lose this extra fluff that I carry around (100 #)and don't get enough exercise she started asking all the ?????'s. Do I snore, gasp for air, blah, blah, blah. Yes, yes, yes. She preceded to tell me that I may very well have SA and that it can be very hard to lose weight when you have it. So away I went for the sleep study and surprise surprise I have sleep apnea. My heart doc blamed the attack on stress and my weight. I have no family history of Heart disease, had no high BP or cholesterol. you think that maybe my SA had some thing to do with it? Anyway, sorry to drag on, really just wanted to say good luck and keep on looking out for yourself.

I'm so excited-------my new Love/Hate relationship will begin tonight. I go to see the DME to get my machine.


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Post by qrlylox » Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:28 pm

Gail - good luck and keep us posted! My sister recently had a cath done and she was so scared - and she yapped the whole way through it (drove the techs crazy - they said her mouth was running like a sewing machine!)
But she was amazed at how painless/easy/interesting it was - she said its fascinating watching the monitor.
I too have just found out there is something amiss with my heart; i've been retaining alot of fluid and PCP sent me for an echo which showed some things -now have an appt with a cardiologist. I wouldn't be surprised if its related to my severe OSA, which I just started treating in May.

Hey Dirtsurfer - what is Cardiac Rehab??

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Post by dirtsurfer57 » Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:51 pm

Hey grlylox
The hospital has a supervised exercise unit, monitored by Dr.'s. They put heart monitors on you while you are exercising, start you out slowly and work you up to your max level. They monitor any other medical problems you may have also, I recently found out I may be diabetic, so they will check my sugars before and after the workout. I really wish I would have checked into this after my Angio, but stupid me I figured I could Get R Dun on my own, wrong. If you check with your Cardio Doc most hospitals have these programs and most insurances will cover the cost. Check it out and let me know how you do.

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Cardiac Rehab

Post by gailzee » Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:44 pm

Living with a husband 2 h. a.'s and a bypass, stents, meds', scan's etc. this household has been thru the cardiac rehab route several x's My husband esp. liked it after heart attack #1, it gave him a psyschological boost that he could once again be active, etc. He had another mi 10 mos. later, again 12 wks of rehab. When it came bypass time, the card surgeon, said how about rehab, and my husband told him,I could teach the d---- rehab course, I use my treadmill and that's it. 18 yrs later, he's still using treadmill, and is faithful. It's always good to live w/someone who's been through the proverbial ringer and can be supportive. Sleep ap's were never even mentioned to him, but I am finding slow acceptance and mentioning of sleep studies more and more.

Thanks for good luck wishes, and will keep all posted.

qrlylox wrote:Gail - good luck and keep us posted! My sister recently had a cath done and she was so scared - and she yapped the whole way through it (drove the techs crazy - they said her mouth was running like a sewing machine!)
But she was amazed at how painless/easy/interesting it was - she said its fascinating watching the monitor.
I too have just found out there is something amiss with my heart; i've been retaining alot of fluid and PCP sent me for an echo which showed some things -now have an appt with a cardiologist. I wouldn't be surprised if its related to my severe OSA, which I just started treating in May.

Hey Dirtsurfer - what is Cardiac Rehab??