Harmony / Synchrony BiPAP S/T reliability?

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Harmony / Synchrony BiPAP S/T reliability?

Post by ClareMcD » Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:33 am

I live in the UK, and have been using a BiPAP for over 15years. I've always used Respironics machines. I've currently got two Harmony S/T (think goes by name of Synchrony in US??), both of which are around two years old now. I am very dependent on my ventilators, going without them is not an option! I'm ventilated for around 18-20hrs a day - hence the reason I must two working at all times. About a year ago I first reported a fault in one of them, when you switched on the lights came on, but it didn't start blowing. When switched off, and on again it usually was ok. This is an intermittent fault. It gradually started to happen more often. The second BiPAP started to do it as well, but it also stops blowing for aroound 20-30secs when its on, again with power lights on, so no alarm sounds. A few weeks again the first vent also cut out when it was on too. Around the same time the other was away being repaired (suppsidly!) so I had a loan machine from the company; my BiPAP wouldn't switch on again, I didn't trust it so started using the loan machine. It seemed ok for a few days, but one night it refused to come at all, power lights on the same as the others. I was forced to use my own machine which I new wasn't right. My other machine arrived back a few days later and I've been using it for the past few weeks. The other is away again, so I've got a second loan BiPAP just now. The other day my own vent (just back few weeks) wouldn't switch on again, so I went onto the loan machine, this one seems ok (so far....). The repair company said they can't find anything wrong with the one they have just now, and that nobldy else has reported the fault. This makes me wonder if they've ever repaired the any of them, or are they just sending them back saying they are fine? Although they ar only two years old, I don't know if anbody else will have used them as much as I have in this time? Has anybody experinced this fault, either with this model or any Respironics machines? Recently they've been away more than they've been here! Knowing how important a machine that workking 100% is to my health, saying that I'm rather annoyed is putting it politely!
If anybody has experienced this or similar problems I be grateful if they could post here, or email me claremcdonald28@hotmail.com


Post by christinequilts » Sat Nov 20, 2004 12:48 pm

I use a Synchrony ST for Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)- I've had mine for 9 months or so with no problems. I use it 9-10 hours at night. I do have an older model Respironics BiPAP ST that I purchases myself when I wasn't sure if my insurance was going to cover a BiPAP ST (rental here in the US is $600 for a BiPAP ST and I was able to buy the BiPAP ST for $1000). I use it as a backup- like when I had to drop my Syncrhony off for a couple of days at my DME so they could have the data downloaded (I've since gotten the software on my home computer so I can monitor my breathing better). The BiPAP ST was discontinued but the one I got had less then 20 hours use on it so it was basically brand new.

Longevity wise it can be a gamble- my DME origiannly gave me a ResMed VPAP II STA and the first one died with just 12 hours of use (the second didn't help my breathing enough no matter how much we played with the settings). There are both computerized breakdown and mechanical....I have a feeling most of the breakdowns tend to be computer issues but that is just my gut instinct. Insurance wise here in the US they cover a new xPAP every 5 years with nightly use generally but some of the other style machines like my BiPAP ST are still going after 10 years with little or no matenance because they were built to last...if I had to bet on one of my machine lasting longer according to total hours of usage the BiPAP ST would be the one.

I do know that with my Synchrony it takes a 20 seconds or so to power up and put out full air pressure when I turn it on which is normal. I'm pretty sure you are not talking about that happening, are you? Other then that I can't think of anything else that would cause the problem but it does seem like the low pressure alarm should come on if the machine cuts out while it running. You mentioned you run yours 18-20 hours per day- does it run continously or do you go off it for short periods of time throughout the day? I was wondering if its like other mechanically stuff that needs to cool down after so many hours of continous use? Just a thought.



Post by claremcd » Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:29 pm

christinequilts wrote: some of the other style machines like my BiPAP ST are still going after 10 years with little or no matenance because they were built to last...if I had to bet on one of my machine lasting longer according to total hours of usage the BiPAP ST would be the one.
Yep, my original BiPAP ST which I had since I was seven ran for the first six years without a service, then continued to work in conjunction with a second one for a further six years perfectly! If I could buy one I would! Patients over here can't buy their own machine, it has to come through Doctor; and then its all legal stuff of your hospital is responsible for maintence etc, but because they're not made any more, and you can't get parts then they can't get a service contract for them, so they can't give them to you cause its not safe and you could then sue them!!
christinequilts wrote:my Synchrony it takes a 20 seconds or so to power up and put out full air pressure when I turn it on which is normal. I'm pretty sure you are not talking about that happening, are you?

Although similar to the Synchrony (I think) the Harmony is a bit different. It has sliders to set the pressures which have lights on them. They light up when they give a breath etc. For example the IPAP light comes on when you get a breath. When it hasn't been working the IPAP light comes on indicating that it giving a breath,it just that no breath is given....
And it does of course stop blowing when its on too. I'm not sure how how I'd have to wait for the low pressure warning to come on. I can't lie indefinetly without it to see, I have to get up. I'm not sure if it would come on anyway siince its still indicating that it is giving a breath. I've also tried triggering a breath myself when its like this incase the timer has gone (timer went in old BIPAP ST), but its completly unresponsive.
christinequilts wrote:You mentioned you run yours 18-20 hours per day- does it run continously or do you go off it for short periods of time throughout the day?

Apart from at night, it only run for about 3-4hrs at time, and I do switch between them quite often.

Thanks for your help. I can't help but feel that there isn't going to many people that have used them as much as me. I suspect that they're getting to the end of their life! If anyone else has experince of Respironics BiPAPs I'd appreciate their info.