
General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.
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Post by Jim » Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:59 am

Hi to everyone, new to this board.

I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea for almost a year now, but just curious if anyone suffers or has suffered from bouts of depression. It seems from time to time the world just seems to collaspe around me. Life is no longer fun. Sometimes i wonder what is going through my head, and why things that didnt bother me before, seem to bother me now. My wife use to think I was the most patient person but lately these feelings I have, got me thinking. Is this something more serious or just a by product of this condition I live with and how do I get through this when it happens again?


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wading thru the muck!
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Post by wading thru the muck! » Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:38 am

Hi Jim,

Are you being treated for your sleep apnea and how is the treatment going?
wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!

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Post by Jim » Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:42 am

Hi Wading.

Yes, I am a current user and am not having any issue with the CPAP. Actually, the quality of sleep is very good right now.


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Post by wading thru the muck! » Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:52 pm

My understanding is that OSA can be a cause of depression, but I would assume if you are being treated and it is going well that the OSA is not your cause.

As a new user of cpap therapy I can say that the treatment can be a daunting experience. It certainly could be contributing to the list of things that have got you down.

I hope you find a solution. Know that getting treated for your OSA is a good step toward your total well being.
wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!

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Post by sansoucie28 » Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:37 pm

Hi Jim

I have appnea and depression. I am being treated for both. I don't think I can say the apnea caused the depression but may have contributed to it by making me take a good hard look at life and what it was all about etc. etc.....the toughest thing to deal with was getting used to the CPAP and knowing that the allternitaves were either not very pleasant or fatal. That was the contributing part but once I knew I could deal with the mask I was fine. Good luck on your treatment and welcome to the world of what we call "hoseheads"


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Post by sharonokc » Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:49 pm

The sleep apnea may have precipitated the depression, but it may take more to correct it than just cpap. You may need more time with the cpap or possible a course of anti depressents to lift you up. Or a good exercise program for natural anti depressents. Talk to your doctor. good luck

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Post by Snuffle-nose » Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:03 pm


I have done a bit research about the depression that some people end up suffering from.....I found if one get deprivated of quailty rest or sleep it can cause the suffer to become depressed.

As I found out for myself as I went down that path too. I found out the suffer soon become exhusted both phyically and mentally. They find it harder to continue doing what they have to do during the day.

The body soon get exhusted phyically as soon health and moral of suffer soon suffer due to the fatuige caused by untreated sleeping problesms ie: Sleep Apenoa or other sleep issues like Restless Leg sydrome or combination of sleep issues. IF left untreated too long it can CAUSE depressive illnesses due the phyical and mental stress it places on the suffer alone.

I soon found out the hard way that untreated sleep Apenoa can be life threatening, I nearly got myself wiped out on the road whist crossing to lights as I fell asleep on the road. if not for my friend helping me at the time I would not be here to tell this story. This was before I got treated, long waiting list didn't make it easier. But i got booted to top of the list as was regarded as it was life threatening, as the that day my sleep condtion nearly killed me!

I got depressed and that was treated with meds, since dealing with the sleep deprivation issue I was never the same. Now I find myself on meds because of it. But I am happy I am on CPAP treating my sleep conditon; OSA.[/b]
Been on CPAP for a while.....I had moderate apenoa

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Post by Lana » Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:07 pm

Also, its not just fatigue and physical exhaustion only that brings on depression. Low levels of serotonine in body can contribute as well. That is why taking anti-depressants is important. I suggest you follow up with your MD and have this problem taken care off. If your OSA is going well there is no reason to leave depression unchecked. And, above all, be positive and belive in yourself and this threatment 'cause its saving your life.
Good luck!
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