Everything but sleep

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Everything but sleep

Post by slowday » Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:21 am

I had a sleep study that showed I had severe OSA. I've been reading lots of posts and decided on a remstar auto with a heated humidifier and an ultra mirage full face mask (bought from the fine folks at cpap.com)

I read the directions in both of the manuals that came with it. Set it up the first night for the maiden trip but first I freaked out over the reading on the display and was convinced it was screwed up and couldn't unscrew it. Mikesus got me through that with a quick reply post.

Then I tried sleeping with it and was so jumpy that I took off the mask and tried getting some sleep on the recliner. I'm not nervous about wearing the mask but whether it would work for me.

The next night I tried to use it but the mask started to sound like a rusty gate for the first half hour before it went quiet. Then the pressure started to rise and around 11.5 the mask started to make a noise like a french horn.

So the next day I reset the machine so the pressure won't go above 10. That's kind of the limit for the mask and my face. I spend the last few evenings wearing using the mask and machine off and on while doing other things so I would get used to the feeling and the sound and I have. I've even gotten used to the marks the mask makes on my face after I've worn it for a while.

I still have a few things to sort out. One is that even with a humidifier I get chapped lips, so tonight I use chapstick. The other is that after I pass eight cm of pressure my cheeks start puffing out, sort of like dizzy glillespie but I figure I'll try a chinstrap under the full face mask straps to keep them from ballooning out.

But the real problem is that when I put on the mask and turn on the machine I just can't fall asleep. I stare at the ceiling or at a wall. I've tried exercising earlier in the day instead of the evening. I put on soothing music. Its dark and quiet. No matter how tired I am before I go to sleep as soon as I put on the mask I just go all wide awake. I guess I've conditioned myself expect the mask to go off at some point and go to sleep.

So at this point I figure that instead of expecting to fall asleep like I normally would I'll just put on the mask and wait it out, all night if I have to. I have to fall asleep eventually.


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Post by Mikesus » Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:26 am

Talk to your Doc. Maybe he can prescribe something... But if you can tolerate Benedryl, you might try it, it is not addicting, will zonk you out and help your sinuses.

I take 2 every night for allergies and it works wonders for helping to get to sleep...
Last edited by Mikesus on Sun Apr 10, 2005 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Guest » Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:59 pm

I was under the impression that I wasn't supposed to take anything for sleep once I started therapy but now that I think about it, I can't remember anyone actually saying that. I have some benadryl lying around. The wife has some simply sleep. Neither gets used very often but tonight I'll try some of the benedryl and then see the doctor this week. Thanks once again.

Unfortunately my wonderful sainted wife has been on me to take something to help me sleep since the first night and now for the twelve millionth time since we got married she gets to be proven right. One of these days I just gotta stop thinking for myself.

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Post by Mikesus » Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:06 pm

Yes it is true that sleep aids can make apnea worse, but compared to no sleep, which is worse? Also if you are on treatment, you should be taking care of the apnea, so the bigger problem is not sleeping at all in my opinion. But I am not a doc, nor do I get paid like one

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Post by littlebaddow » Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:23 pm

slowday, it's bound to take time to get used to sleeping with a mask on blowing pressurised air at you, so don't get too disheartened. This just isn't something that most people can take in their stride immediately, so do give it time. I would say it was 4 or 5 weeks, 2 masks and 3 machines before I started to get used to it and I can remember laying awake for hours thinking I would never get the hang of it. Whether or not you try the medications to help you sleep, do persevere.
Good luck

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