OSA and Epilepsy

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OSA and Epilepsy

Post by Mikesus » Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:16 pm

The Cleveland Clinic is testing breathing machines worn over a patient's nose overnight.

The machine, called a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), opens the airway to stop symptoms of sleep apnea, a condition in which people repeatedly stop breathing as they sleep -- sometimes for as long as a minute at a time.

"The idea behind this study was to see if treating sleep apnea in people with poorly-controlled epilepsy would have a significant impact on seizure control," said Dr. Nancy Foldvary, of the Cleveland Clinic.

To test the CPAP's effectiveness, half of the patients will use one that works and the other half will use one that does not work.

"I suspect a couple of my patients have been treated with the real thing because I saw positive effects in them pretty quickly," Foldvary said.

Three other medical centers around the country are also participating in this sleep study.
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