How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by idamtnboy » Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:29 pm

SMenasco wrote:It's impossible to move pressurized air silently. Very few, if any, noise muzzling systems will eliminate 100% of the noise. After this many machines I believe it's time for you to ask, "You suppose maybe it's me, and not the machine?"

I think you are being overly sensitive, overly concerned, overly intolerant, overly impatient, and overly unwilling to allow your body to learn to accommodate itself to the sound of life.

Recognize this condescending remark?
I do, and admit it was somewhat over the top. I apologize. At the time there just had been no other reported cases that matched yours. Now it seems that it does occur, although rarely.

I still for the life of me can't figure out why it would happen at the end of exhale because, in my case anyway, the transition from exhale to inhale is smooth. Even at that zero point of pulmonary air flow the machine is pushing out air at a pretty good volume far higher than breathing volume. With my machine I did not hear any change in sound at the end of exhale when I used the EPR set at 1 and the pressure would make a step drop.

Actually, I have been wondering and have been thinking about asking you if you ever were able to figure out what was causing the sound with your machine and were you able to either get rid of it or successfully cover it up?

Mask: AirFit™ P10 Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by jen4700 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:51 pm

I've had my ResMed S9 VPAP for 5 days. I barely notice the exhale noise, but the tick....tick....tick is a bit annoying. I think it is the heater in the humidifier. I listen to audio books when I go to bed so I try not to stress about it.

Mask: SleepWeaver Elan™ Soft Cloth Nasal CPAP Mask - Starter Kit
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by SMenasco » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:04 pm

Thanks for asking. Yes, the first S9 made the noise as well as its replacement. It makes two similar sounds, depending on the pressure at the time. It is not as rare as someone might think. Since my original post, I have read or talked to a considerable number of people that experience similar exhalation noises. Extrapolated, there may be thousands that experience this condition. With as much discussion on this topic on at least two forums, in my opinion ResMed monitors these, is fully aware of, and knows the cause of the noises. So remaining silent is a viable decision from a corporate viewpoint. To correct this worldwide would constitue recalls that would probably cost multi-thousands, even millions. Even though you might think the transition between inhale and exhale is slight, a machine that is sensitive even to a .1 cm change in output pressure, the difference between in and out is significant. Unless engineering data proves differently, I am now convinved that this is a noise the turbine makes when sensing a pressure reduction at the end of the exhalation. Mine will wake me up, so it's covered up with a pillow on a stand near the floor. Even though it is a great machine, I'll never buy another ResMed unless I am fully guaranteed it will not try to communicate vocally.

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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by chunkyfrog » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:07 pm

I wonder if there's a market for a muffler?

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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by xenablue » Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:20 pm

When I first saw a post about this, that night I left my box fan (white noise) off for a few minutes so I could hear every noise, and every now and then I heard a light coo-ing sound on exhale from the vent hole of my mask.

With the box fan on and my earplugs in I can't hear a thing. I asked DH and he said he can't hear anything at all coming from my CPAP machine or mask and even nudges me sometimes because he worries I'm sleeping "too soundly" and wants to make sure I'll wake up.


Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by chunkyfrog » Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:12 pm

Maybe he doesn't want to fix his own breakfast?

Mask: AirFit™ P10 For Her Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by SneakerPumpernicle » Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:27 am

anyone know of a place I can upload a recording of my machines "Asthma" wheeessss so we can clarify if this is what we all are hearing? It's about 20 seconds of my wonderful breathing with the "noise" on exhales.

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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by SneakerPumpernicle » Fri May 04, 2012 7:02 am

I swear i feel like it's getting louder! Is there a silencer of some sort for this machine?

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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by cjc » Wed May 09, 2012 12:51 am

I have had experience with 2 x S9 VPAP Adapt units and I can confirm both made the same noise. One was from my local supplier and had about 900 hours use on it while the other was a brand new unit I purchased with 0 hours on the clock.

I have only noticed the noise on one occasion and after trying to isolate it (Which is rather difficult in the dark with the mask on) I gave up and went to sleep. If I don't listen for it I really don't notice it.

Mask: Mirage Quattro™ Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by NateS » Wed May 09, 2012 5:35 am

Mine used to occasionally coo but it no longer does.

Maybe the bird flew away?


Mask: DreamWear Nasal CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: ResMed AirCurve 10 ASV; Dreamwear Nasal Mask Original; CPAPMax Pillow; ResScan & SleepyHead
Central sleep apnea AHI 62.6 pre-VPAP. Now 0 to 1.3
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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by Burkebang » Fri May 11, 2012 5:40 pm

My brand new S9 Autoset was hootin' severely last night, my first night with the machine. I was wondering where the owls was hiding I don't have a humidifier yet, that might make it worse. I am very used to birds though, so it didn't bother my sleep at all

Mask: Swift™ FX Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Also use Mirage FX nasal mask a lot. Contec CMS-50D+ Pulseoximeter and Zeo Mobile tracks the quality of my therapy.


Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by jem » Fri May 11, 2012 8:31 pm

I have jsut started with the new Resmed S9 this week after trialling a Resmed and Respironics. I noticed an unusual sound straight away but feel that it is more "inside my head" coming through the tube rather than coming externally from the machine.
My mask is so noisy I guess I am getting used to it. Have not had any success with a comfortable mask though & have tried about 4. I am waking so many times during the night being uncomfortable I feel just as tired in the morning as without the machine!
I have been trialling for 2 months but have to accept it is better for my health.

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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by gbbassethound » Fri May 11, 2012 9:03 pm

I've tried (3) RESMED S9 Autoset machines this week and all make the noise. I took all sorts of tests, EPR on, off, cpap mode, apap mode, different pressures, different masks, different hoses, no ramp, fast ramp, with humidifier, without humidifier, etc. etc.

I took my Kodak Playsport video camera and recorded the first two S9 machines. I posted it to YouTube and sent a link to RESMED and I actually got a call from them tonight. He asked me to make my pressure range smaller, hum, sound like a complete shot it the dark. I will try that and get back to him on Monday.

Here is the link (earphones helps) so you can hear for yourself the "cooooing".

I played this for my local DME and they said they do hear it but the majority of their costumers are old and can't hear well so most customers don't hear it. Nice. I'm surprised that they keep letting me try a new one, I'm sure that will stop soon.
Recordings of (2) RESMED S9 Autoset machines that I tried that make the "coooing" sound.

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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by dgalvin66 » Sat May 12, 2012 1:02 am

What good will changing the pressure rang do? I have the S9 CPAP not the auto and have the same noise. I do not have that option. And then even if it did change anything your settings are prescribide by the Dr. who are they to recommend changing them just to try and see what causes a sound? It happens on most every S9 at higher pressure settings and they can easily recreate the noise right there with almost any unit off the shelf. Maybe they do not have anyone willing to wear the mask.

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Re: How many Resmed S9's DON'T have the bird sound ?

Post by Burkebang » Sat May 12, 2012 2:06 am

gbbassethound wrote:I've tried (3) RESMED S9 Autoset machines this week and all make the noise. I took all sorts of tests, EPR on, off, cpap mode, apap mode, different pressures, different masks, different hoses, no ramp, fast ramp, with humidifier, without humidifier, etc. etc.

I took my Kodak Playsport video camera and recorded the first two S9 machines. I posted it to YouTube and sent a link to RESMED and I actually got a call from them tonight. He asked me to make my pressure range smaller, hum, sound like a complete shot it the dark. I will try that and get back to him on Monday.

Here is the link (earphones helps) so you can hear for yourself the "cooooing".

I played this for my local DME and they said they do hear it but the majority of their costumers are old and can't hear well so most customers don't hear it. Nice. I'm surprised that they keep letting me try a new one, I'm sure that will stop soon.
So S9's are only for hearing impaired customers? That is quite a statement from a provider...

Making the pressure range smaller will most likely have no effect, as the machine is still operating only at one pressure at any given moment. Turning off EPR would make a difference in how the machine works, but I see that you have tried that.

The 100% solution for those that don't like the hooting is to get a Devilbiss Intellipap Autoadjust, it does the excact same things as the S9, makes less noice (even if the specs says otherwise), doesn't hoot, has a better designed humidifier and feels more sollidly buildt to me. What you loose is the color screen.

Mask: Swift™ FX Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Also use Mirage FX nasal mask a lot. Contec CMS-50D+ Pulseoximeter and Zeo Mobile tracks the quality of my therapy.