Mask info requested:VIP 75 Series 7600 Vmask by Hans Rudolph

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Mask info requested:VIP 75 Series 7600 Vmask by Hans Rudolph

Post by goose » Sun May 06, 2007 4:15 pm

I had my titration Friday. Actually felt great Saturday ( I woke up this morning and felt I hadn't slept a wink....), but it'll be another 2 weeks before I hear from the doc.....Patience goose, Patience....
I believe the mask I used was the Comfort Classic -- very comfortable and minimal leaking. Problem!!!! Can't wear glasses because of the forehead "appendage"......So with that mask on I can't watch TV, read or do anything that requires sight (everything is a blur w/o glasses)

BUT that said. They had a VIP 76 Series 7600 VMask FF mask -- wrong size so I couldn't wear it, but it intrigued me. Has anyone tried it?? How is it?? Would like to hear some opinions on the mask. Seemed to be very flexible all around so it would conform to the face without leaks. I have some facial hair (goatee and walrus mustache, so that is a consideration in mask choice.

Looking forward to talking to doc about APAP/CPAP machine and the like....If the way I felt Saturday is any indication, I can't wait!!!!!!
thanks for any info!!!!

Humidifier: HC150 Heated Humidifier With Hose, 2 Chambers and Stand
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Post by blarg » Sun May 06, 2007 4:18 pm

My personal opinion on masks for guys with facial hair is go for nasal pillows if you can. That way you avoid the issue entirely.

That said, I haven't heard good things about the Hans Rudolph masks, mainly because of their willingness to squish when pressed against a pillow in any way, thus leaking. I haven't used one, so I'll let those that have give you the skinny.

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Post by azaloune » Sun May 06, 2007 4:57 pm

I have a Hans Rudolph VIP 7600 Full Face mask. I have not been able to sleep with it because it is very heavy compared to the other masks I have tried.

I have been on CPAP since January and have used 4 masks. This is my experience and opinion of them all.

The first mask: The Swift 1. I had an allergic reaction to the polymers it is coated with or made of. I like the design, but, can't live with the adverse reaction to breathing. Literally.

The 2nd mask: The Hybrid. I love it. I think it is the most comfortable mask I have used. Since I have severe allergies, I like the option of the Hybrid. Full face use and nasal comfort. The big problem: Leaks like a sieve. I was never able to get the darn thing to stop leaking. I taped it around the seams, I changed the sizes all around, after a month I gave up. I paid full price for this mask, bought it from Liked the service, hated to give it up.

The 3rd mask: The Mirage Vista. This was a gift from my DME since they had ordered the VIP 3 times and ordered the wrong size all 3 times. The owner gave me the Vista because he could not talk me into another mask. I have huge claustrophobia issues (lots of issues, I know). I can't stand to have a mask impair my vision or get between my eyes. I tried that during my titration night at the sleep lab. Could not get that mask off fast enough. Surprisingly, I Love the Vista. It fits well, I'm not having allergy issues, even though it is made by the same company as the Swift. But, I still needed a full face mask because of my allergies. You could definitely wear glasses with this one!!!

The 4th mask: The Hans Rudolph VIP 7600. I have started out a night or 2 with it. I have tried to take a weekend nap with it. It doesn't leak, the headgear is not uncomfortable. But it is very heavy compared to the others. Since the insurance paid for this mask, I still have it, and may still try it again, but, only until I can get a new mask on July 1.

I have already decided my next mask will be the new Mirage Liberty depending on the info the DME gets from other patients first. It is very simular to the hybrid. I have talked to the DME, and they are going to have other patients try it first to see if it leaks like the hybrid. They don't believe it should. They think the engineering on the Liberty is better than the Hybrid. They think resmed fixed all the problems I was having with the Hybrid.

Like I said, this is my experience and opinion. I loved the feel and design of the Hybrid. However, since I could not get it to stop leaking, and have a month's worth of data trying, I am using my Vista.

For those of you who have gotten the Hybrid to work for you, I envy you.

Thanks for your time. I hope this answers your questions. I know it has more info than you asked for. I tend to give more info than necessary when I post.

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thanks so far.....

Post by goose » Sun May 06, 2007 6:59 pm

Never too much info!!!
Thanks for the info so far -- I appreciate it.
Keep it coming!!!!


Humidifier: HC150 Heated Humidifier With Hose, 2 Chambers and Stand
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Post by WearyOne » Sun May 06, 2007 8:15 pm

The Hybrid is a wonderful mask for me---now. Wasn't so at first, because it leaked so much around the bottom clips. I finally got the nerve to take someone else's advice and cut the chin flap off. Wow, what a difference. It never leaks in that area at all anymore. Not saying I don't have leak problems sometimes (on the left side between the top and bottom clips), but it's very seldom now.

I believe it was rooster who had a great post on the Hybrid, but I'm not sure how to post a connection to another post!

I'm looking at the Vista and HC431 as well, though, because I would like to have several different types of masks for differnt situations (like nasal congestion). I have a UMFF, which works pretty well although the one night I did use it all night my bottom teeth were sore the next morning because for some reason, I had to cinch it tighter than usual to stop leaks!


Machine: DreamStation 2 Auto CPAP Advanced with Humidifier
Mask: Hybrid Full Face CPAP Mask with Nasal Pillows and Headgear
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Post by bdp522 » Sun May 06, 2007 9:31 pm

Here's Roosters post about the hybrid;


Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments: Love my papillow, Aussie heated hose and PAD-A-CHEEKS! Also use Optilife, UMFF(with PADACHEEK gasket), and Headrest masks Pressure; 10.5

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Post by bdp522 » Sun May 06, 2007 9:38 pm

Here are Rested Gals instructions for posting links;

I don't use the "URL" button when putting links into my posts. I write out whatever link I want to put in, this way:

{URL=viewtopic.php?t=3758][b}Jul 19, 2005 subject: Encore Pro installation problem resolved![/b}[/URL}

The only thing to change...use straight brackets [ ] instead of the curly brackets { } at the beginning and end of the the example, and also where I had the "b" for bold on and off. I had to use curly brackets at 4 places in the example above so that you could see exactly how I write it out (including how to make the written words bold) without it becoming the link again. LOL!

I keep a short example of one (with the correct brackets - straight instead of curly) in a notepad file. I use it like a template, copy/pasting whatever URL and whatever words I want it to use into it.

For quotes and images, I do use the "Quote" and "IMG" buttons, but for URLs I'd rather write it out so that whatever words I put in it are "clickable". Then it doesn't end up being a longgggggg clickable URL that extends way across the page the way using the URL button does it.


Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments: Love my papillow, Aussie heated hose and PAD-A-CHEEKS! Also use Optilife, UMFF(with PADACHEEK gasket), and Headrest masks Pressure; 10.5

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Post by rbv24 » Mon May 07, 2007 8:55 am

I have been using this mask for over 18 months now and I love it. I tend to move a lot and I find that the leakage has been minimal over the given leak rate from the manufacturer.

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Post by DreamStalker » Mon May 07, 2007 9:07 am

I think that masks are extremely subjective to the person wearing it. You will find that for any mask, there will be some who hate it and others who love it. We all have relatively unique facial shapes and sizes and therefore need to try out a mask before we know for sure whether it will work for us or not.

Consequently, you should not always go purely on what others say about a mask unless they have similar facial features as you do. As I have said before, this forum would be so much more useful for recommending mask interfaces if we all used a somewhat current picture of ourselves for our avatar and leave the cute animal/cartoon/artistic pictures for a signiture or another forum.

Nonetheless, reading about other's experience with mask interfaces does help you learn about the different features and also the possible fixes/modifications that one can do to make a mask that does not work well initially to actually be your favorite mask.

Best of luck finding your favorite mask!
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