Lots has happened with AC11 & Sleeping

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Lots has happened with AC11 & Sleeping

Post by alancalan » Thu May 30, 2024 10:54 am

Monday night I went to sleep at 12:45 and woke up. So I started breathing in and nothing's coming it's into my nose. So I looked at the machine and tried to read it, which is not very easy when you first wake up even with my glasses on because the screen is not the greatest screen. It's not backlit enough and the manual absolutely sucks in its design and the very thin and small fonted uses without any bolding. There was a message in MyAir that said if you have reading issues call this number at ResMed. I have reading issues especially in the middle of night. So I called and this guy answered, a little bit arrogant as you would expect from ResMed, I said that your screen stinks on the air curve 11 and he said well it's activated by The Light in the room so if it's dark in the room the backlighting is much darker. How stupid can these people be? I could not read what was on the screen and you can't put a flashlight on it cuz that blocks the whole thing out. He sends my anger and got a little nasty, also what you would expect from ResMed. They make great machines but they don't really give a crap about the patience. Then to make matters worse I told him how bad the manual was and that nowhere does it have an error section. You know like the big front bolded word ERROR. There was an error is so stupidly laid out that you can't find anything especially when you can't see it well. I thought I saw an X for error X there and in the manual it said to pull out the plug and restart it. I did that and it worked and I went back to sleep at least a half hour later, well maybe not sleep right away.

After I woke up I went back into the bedroom and I noticed that message was there but then I after being up for a while I was able to read that it said error 1. l looked in the manual I don't see an error 1, let alone any error section. That area where I saw the X didn't have a listing of error #s. They had 10 years to make this machine and they couldn't come up with a better manual than that POS. The guy from ResMed said they don't really take care of these problems I should see the DME. That pissed me off because there was a phone number for him in my air.

So I wrapped everything up and went over to Lincare which is only 12 minutes away thank God I didn't go to Palm Beach Gardens which is 45 minutes away. So I saw Patrick first and he asked me what was wrong. After I told him he said okay go into the RT's office and she will help you. So she sees on the screen where it says go to the manual and look for it error 1 and she goes to the manual and she can't find it either. So she called ResMed. Error number one is the the motor failed. So she went and told Patrick and Patrick said send this one back to ResMed and give him another new air curve 11. So she had to set up the return and then reset up the machine so that took about 15-20 minutes and I was on the way home. They were extremely nice there and they took care of it quickly. The new one is working fine and it's quiet as can be, quieter than the S9 was.

Also, I saw my internist yesterday and I told him I wanted to wean myself off the Zolpidem/Ambien. He was surprised when I told him that I was waking up tired and yawning. So he said you're on 5 mg so cut it in half. And then he told me to get melatonin. But I never asked him how much melatonin should I take so what I did was I cut the Ambien and probably left 2/3 rds and then I took a 5 mg melatonin and cut that in half. I slept great and did not wake up with that tiredness in my head. As I wrote this last sentence I started to yawn. So until a few seconds ago I had no tiredness in my head now all of a sudden I have a little bit but it took four or five hours. So I think the sooner I get rid of the Ambien the better off I'll be.

Additional Comments: also have mirage activa 2nasal masks but using the p10
Last edited by alancalan on Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lots has happed with AC11 & Sleeping

Post by ChicagoGranny » Thu May 30, 2024 4:23 pm

alancalan wrote:
Thu May 30, 2024 10:54 am
As I wrote this last sentence I started to yawn.
I started yawning halfway through this.

Just kiddin'!

I think it's a good idea to taper off Ambien.

Be aware that some people don't tolerate melatonin. It causes wild dreaming.

Gramps took a very small amount and slept 12 hours. He tried it a few times and had to discontinue.

Good luck!
"It's not the number of breaths we take, it's the number of moments that take our breath away."

Cuando cuentes cuentos, cuenta cuántas cuentos cuentas.

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Re: Lots has happened with AC11 & Sleeping

Post by alancalan » Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:24 pm

Last night I took a ¼ of a 5 mg Ambien/Zolpidem and a 5 mg melatonin tonight I just took the 5 mg melatonin and hopefully I'll be able to go to sleep but I woke up this morning without that heaviness what you wanting not a lot but enough, that I got from the ambien. So we'll see the key will be with or not I can go to sleep.

I am having a problem with leaks and I have a feeling it's coming from the water tank on the air curve 11. My number is from my air are pretty good except for whenever I look in the morning it tells me to adjust but I do do a mask fit and it seems to be okay but I did have a problem last week where it just stopped and I had to get the tank in perfectly so I'm not sure there is not a problem there. I'm going to go to Lincare tomorrow and ask. There is something to say about being able to drive for 12 minutes and get help pretty quickly.

Additional Comments: also have mirage activa 2nasal masks but using the p10