Tired again after changing masks

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Tired again after changing masks

Post by coffee9724 » Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:02 pm

Hi, I've been using CPAP since early November 2023. I suffered from extreme daytime sleepiness my entire life and spent years searching for answers. I had immediate relief when I started CPAP and have used it religiously ever since.

I started out using the ResMed AirFit N30i nasal cradle. It was fine, it sometimes woke me up a couple times a night if I moved too much and it got pushed out of place. I used this with the "Nasal" setting on my CPAP although I just read 5 minutes ago on the ResMed website that I should have used the pillow setting, oops. The problem was that I started experiencing a dermatitis reaction and extremely dry skin anywhere the cushion touched my face. I tried a cloth liner, but with the cushion just having two holes it makes it very hard to position accurately and felt like I was suffocating. I did get silk liners for every part that touched my face except the cushion but nothing helped my skin.

A couple days ago I got a ResMed AirTouch N20 with the memory foam to hopefully help with my skin reaction. I am still using it on the Nasal setting. TBD on if it helps there, but after 4 nights of use, I am feeling a lot more daytime sleepiness than I was with the AirFit N30i. I haven't looked at my OSCAR data yet but don't think it's leaking, if anything I am actually sleeping through the night with the AirTouch (not waking up as much from mask movement). Has anyone else experienced this when switching masks, and is it possible I just need to wait it out? I cannot go back to being tired all the time but would also like to save my skin if possible. There seems to be very little on the ResMed site about the AirTouch.

I also own my CPAP outright, so I am able to make pressure/setting changes if that would be helpful. It definitely doesn't feel like as much pressure as the cradle.

Thank you in advance for any help!!!

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Re: Tired again after changing masks

Post by vandownbytheriver » Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:51 pm

We really need to see some Oscar or SleepHQ to see if you've got leaking going on... some comparative nights would be excellent, one from each mask. I prefer nasal or face masks that don't touch the nose, cannot stand the Evora or the Bleep for instance.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: Fisher & Paykel Vitera Full Face Mask with Headgear (S, M, or L Cushion)
Additional Comments: I use O2Ring, Oscar, SleepHQ, and Cover Roll Stretch mouth tape.

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Re: Tired again after changing masks

Post by coffee9724 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:35 am

I tried uploading images... hopefully this works. I posted one night with each mask. I used the AirTouch again last night and am pretty tired again today - not back to my old levels of being unable to stay awake, but definitely sleepier than I would like to be.

Looking back through my history in OSCRAR, my pressure never seems to get above 7, which I know is really low but I'm set to a range of 4 - 20 per my sleep doctor's instructions. I can try to post more info if that would be helpful, please let me know!
