STICKY....OSCAR download apneaboard and ads..please read

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Re: STICKY....OSCAR download apneaboard and ads..please read

Post by SuperSleeper » Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:24 pm

After a lot of discussion and hopeful thinking, as of this evening (Feb 25), ALL advertisements have been removed from the ENTIRE Apnea Board FORUM and the ENTIRE Apnea Board Wiki.

A small number of ads remain on a few non-forum & non-wiki pages, and those are remaining there primarily so we can keep our Google Adsense account active, should we ever need to use ads again for funding purposes. But I'm hoping that our members will help prevent that for as long as possible via an increase in donations. We may have to have an increase in fundraiser events (usually we have one per year)... time will tell, I suppose.

Anyway, I sincerely hopes this helps, and it will totally eliminate any of the problems folks were having with accidentally clicking on a deceptive ad, thinking they were still on Apnea Board.

Now, there are no ads for folks to deal with-- none on the OSCAR download page, none on the Wiki pages, and none on the forums.

Again, thanks for bringing the issues to my attention here, folks. I'm sincerely trying to do the best we can for folks at both sites - cpaptalk and Apnea Board. These places are a labor of love for a lot of us.
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Re: STICKY....OSCAR download apneaboard and ads..please read

Post by zonker » Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:09 am

SuperSleeper wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:24 pm
After a lot of discussion and hopeful thinking, as of this evening (Feb 25), ALL advertisements have been removed from the ENTIRE Apnea Board FORUM and the ENTIRE Apnea Board Wiki.

thank you very much!
people say i'm self absorbed.
but that's enough about them.