Hi all,
My father and I have been using a home distilling machine that we purchased online to distil water for my mother's bipap machine (a ResMed Lumis 150 VPAP ST).
The distilling machine we purchased uses carbon filters as part of the process, does anybody know which part of the distilling process the carbon filter performs? Is it the removing of the minerals, or are the minerals removed in the boiling/steam collection process of distilling?
The reason I am asking is that I have noticed some black coloured grime at times in the humidifier tray of her bipap machine, along with a few small black specs and a patchy thin film type substance on top of the remaining water in the humidifier tray and in the mask of a morning after a night's use (kind of similar to what I was noticing in her previous Philips Bipap machine that was recalled).
I am suspecting it may be related to the black carbon substance in the filter we use for distilling, however I am not sure.
After we finish a distilling run, we take the carbon filter out of the distilling machine and let it dry on some paper towel, I have noticed that it stains the paper towel a black colour, as whatever material is inside the carbon filter does leak out (We have also had an issue one time where the carbon filter bag ripped open and we had to replace the filter), I am assuming it is some kind of black carbon material in the filter, I don't know if this is dangerous or not if it is in the humidifier tray water.
Once we bottle up our distilled water it looks very clean/pure aside from the odd specs of dust, so perhaps I am wrong that the carbon filter is causing issues.
Sorry for the long over-explanation, but in summary I was wondering if I remove the carbon filter from the distilling process would it still effectively be distilled water, or would running the distiller without this filter make it no different from just boiled tap water?
Thank you for any help