Just Found Out Breeze Was Discontinued - Need A Similar Mask

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Re: Just Found Out Breeze Was Discontinued - Need A Similar Mask

Post by jamor » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:28 am

RandomGuest wrote:The band on the Airfit P10 will shrink significantly closer to original size after you wash it (presumably with soapy water like with Dawn dish soap, I've never washed it in plain water).
I've done that a few times, but it stretches back out too quickly for my taste.

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Re: Just Found Out Breeze Was Discontinued - Need A Similar Mask

Post by SemperVaporo » Sat Nov 09, 2019 10:47 am

I know this thread is old, but I have some news regarding the Puritan Bennett/Covidien "Breeze" CPAP headgear.

I also love this particular CPAP headgear and also suffered when the yoke/tongue part broke. This is the part that connects the air plenum to the strap over the head. It is a U shaped piece with a long, narrow, curved tongue that slips into a channel in the front of the headgear. (The plenum connects the hose to the nasal pillows.)

The junction of the U shaped piece and the tongue is poorly designed, in that there is no fillet at the junction, and that makes it a structurally weak point and I think this is probably the main reason for headgear loss.

I tried gluing the parts together but could not find a glue that would stick. I did find that I could use an aluminium tape (metal duck tape) cut into narrow strips and that would hold for a while, but skin oils dissolve the adhesive and it comes apart after a few months and I had to clean it well and tape it again.

I got fed up with this situation and drew a 3-D CAD image of that yolk piece using SketchUp. Then I had it 3-D printed by a web based company, ShapeWays dot com.

OH! PERFECT! I considered making the part available to others, but I had to do some filing to make it fit and didn't feel like imposing that process on anyone else.

Just recently I discovered that someone else had the same idea and they have a better (more accurate) design for sale on the same site.

This replacement part is rather expensive, but if that is the part that has failed on your headgear and you really like the style of headgear, then, well, price is sometimes no object!


I have drawn several products for personal use (not for sale) using ShapeWays to 3-D print them and have been very pleased with the quality of the printed items.

This is NOT the part that I drew and had made, and I have no financial interest in this product. I do not know the person that designed it nor the person that has made it available for purchase (apparently they are not the same person). I have not purchased this item (I am using the rather crude one I drew and had printed). But I thought that it appears there are some folk that might like to see if they can resurrect their old headgear that they liked so well, and this part might help them.

Like the one I drew and had made it does require some labor to put this part on. You will have to cut the old one off and be careful you do not damage the air plenum in the process.

One side of the U shaped part needs to be cut so that it can come off of the metal post/bolt that has the tightening nut (the nut is captive on the threaded part and cannot be removed. I used a small pair of wire cutters (often known as Nippers) to cut the old U shaped piece to create a channel to the hole that the bolt passes through, so it would slip off to the side. A small saw, (hack saw blade?) could also be used to make two cuts to produce the slot, but care must be taken so that you don't break the plastic plenum that the metal post is embedded in. The replacement part has a built-in slot in the upper end of that side of the U shaped part, so it can be fit over the metal post/bolt.

The other side of the U shaped part is held to the air plenum with a heat-staked or glued (I don't know which) button (sort of like a thumb tack) that must be twisted off. I used a pair of pliers to grip it and twist like I was unscrewing it. It broke off as just a flat button (leaving the "nail" part still in the post of the plenum).

Then the old part can be slipped off the metal bolt and off the post on the other side.

The replacement part can be purchased with a replacement button. To use it, one would have to drill out the center of the post of the original part if the original does not pull out of the post when you remove it. I don't know what size drill to use... I assume the new part can be glued into the post. I did not attempt to replace the button on mine and have not had a problem with the U shaped part coming off so I don't know if the button really needs to be replaced. The ShapeWays part can be purchased with or without the replacement button, and the button can be purchased separately if necessary. It is considerably cheaper to purchase them together. (Not to mention the $4.99 minimum shipping charge if you decided to purchase the button later by itself!)

I hope this information is useful to someone.

I am now working on a replacement Plenum since mine is developing holes in the seam where the two halves were glued together. If I ever get that right (drawing the smooth, rounded, organic shape of the original part is difficult for me!) I will test the waters to see if anyone else would like a new one. Please post here if so and even one person saying so, may provide a further impetus for me to complete it. :-)

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Re: Just Found Out Breeze Was Discontinued - Need A Similar Mask

Post by Ukcpap_user » Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:29 am

The link for the 3d printed model no longer works just as I now need this part. Has anyone got the 3d file so I can get one printed thank you. Or does anyone have a link that works where I can order it? I’m in the uk so a 3d file would be fantastic so I can get a local company to make it