Newbee CPAP Question

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Newbee CPAP Question

Post by Tarkus » Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:46 pm

I have been using the CPAP for about 3 weeks. 12 lbs. pressure, full face mask, and humidifier. I feel like crap in the morning. Kinda like if you don't eat all day. I saw something on the forums about not breathing thru your mouth. I've always had a constant stuffy nose, so I'm sure that I'm breathing thru my mouth. I also read something about a chin strap. I guess that must keep your mouth shut. Can someone please elaborate on this or give me some info? Could that be the cause of my problem? Thanks.

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Location: Tempe, AZ

Post by NOzsnAZ » Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:51 pm

Welcome Tarkus!

The purpose of a Full Face mask is so that you don't need a chin strap or
tape and so that you CAN breath through your mouth. Chin strap, tape and
keeping your mouth shut "issues" are for people using nasal masks
because if they open their mouths, that can create leakage of air.

I TOO am a mouth breather, also primarily due to stuffy noses and use a Full
Face Mask (Ultra Mirage FF). I had some difficulty at first but now I look
forward to putting it on. I'd like to eventually try to adjust to a nasal
mask but we'll see. There are folks on here that say you can "train"
yourself to NOT be a mouth breather but I'm happy just the way I am so far!

I don't know why you feel so bad, but I'd venture to guess that it's not
because you are mouth breathing....

Hope that is of some comfort.

Keep at it!


Yes, there is a Nirvanah; it is leading your sheep to a green pasture, and in putting your child to sleep, and in writing the last line of your poem.

Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)

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Is your Mouth dry?

Post by iscius » Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:10 pm

A sure sign for me that I had my mouth open is ultra dry mouth.

I hate using a chin strap. The mask is bad enough. I prop a pillow under my chin as I start to sleep. (Tape on the mouth is bad news for the sensitive lip skin tissue. Yes, that is the voice of experience.)