Gross! Droole! Why?

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Gross! Droole! Why?

Post by crazyone » Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:34 am

Okay, first of all, this is disgusting. For some reason, the past two nights, I have woken up multiple times with drool coming out of my mouth. Yes, this has happened in sleep life previously, but only on rare occasions. This has been consistent the past two nights everytime I wake up - which is often when I have the mask on. I ended up taking it off after the first few drool sessions. Also, When on my left side, my cheek was going numb along with the drool. What's up with this?

Has this ever happened to anyone else or am I just crazy? The answer of crazy will be easily accepted.
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Barb (Seattle)
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Re: Gross! Droole! Why?

Post by Barb (Seattle) » Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:55 am

I drool ALLL the varying degrees. It's been one of the really annoying things I've dealt with. It was the reason I can't use mouth tape to keep from mouth breathing with a nasal mask, it just grossed me out too much to have drool under the tape *shudder* I guess I have just gotten used to it. It was really pronounced when I had a dental device as well.


Post by SLEEPYCD » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:56 pm

Crazyone & Barb,

So glad you asked that question, hope someone out there can give us an answer. I droole sometimes and almost every morning I have tons of (clear) mucus to spit out of my mouth!!!! What is with that??? Sometimes I think I need to wear a baby's bib to bed!!! Help!! I bet Mike Moran would have a funny, inventive solution for us!!!

Ms Piggy
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Post by Ms Piggy » Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:58 pm

Sorry to hear of your problem, pretty awful for you both. I had a few drools when I first used my mouth device, luckily it didn't last too long and is now reduced to to 2 on initial use. Maybe it will stop if you persist.
Have you tried posting this on other sites to see what you come up with?
There must be others with the problem. How about the ASA Assoc. site, worth a try. Good Luck