Aura versus Swift

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Aura versus Swift

Post by Guest » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:31 pm

The Aura and the Swift appear to have similar interfaces at the nares.
The supporting mechanisms, however, are quite different.

Are there any key advantages that make one superior to the other?

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wading thru the muck!
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Post by wading thru the muck! » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:45 pm

The nasal seal on the aura is soft plastic with a wire embeded in it so that you can make fine adjustments to the relative position of each pillow. The swift pillows are fixed in pairs so the only adjustment is to rotate the pair in tandem on the chamber.

wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!

Sleepless on LI
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Post by Sleepless on LI » Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:01 pm

I have used the Swift for the past two months and the Aura for one night. I found the fact that Aura has nothing touching the sides of your face, as all the headgear is on top of your head, and very lightweight, I might add, makes it a dream for side sleeping.
Also, since the hose attachment is on top of your head with the Aura and doesn't attach to the piece that holds the nasal pillows as on the Swift, you don't have to worry when you wear the Aura at night that you might cause the pillows to shift when you lay on the side the tube is inserted into.
Plus, so far, the pillows on the Aura feel more softer and squishier than on the Swift.
And what Wading said about being able to position each pillow in their own way since the wire on each side allows for that, it's a nice touch and adds to the seal of each individual pillow.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Swift, but if the Aura continues on like it did last night, then it's Aura hands down for me.

L o R i

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rock and roll
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Post by rock and roll » Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:49 pm

Dang it Sleeoless, Wader, you guys are going to cost me another $120 cause if you keep raving, I will have to have one!

I love my Swift, I love my Activa but each do have their downside. The Swift does break the seal if you lay face down in the pillow and The Activa is so bulky. If anyone else raves about the Aura without Stockings and Pad, my will power goes out the window

Sleepless on LI
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Post by Sleepless on LI » Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:08 pm

If anyone else raves about the Aura without Stockings and Pad, my will power goes out the window :shock
Hate to break the news, but seamaiden, too. Read the thread I started this morning. She is an out-of-the-box Aura lover, too.

Hey, be glad there is something you can actually switch to that MIGHT work better. I'm still not a confirmed switcher yet. After tonight, I'll let you know.

Boy, after swearing by straight cpap and Swift, I'm now an apap-er and an Aura user. But they say it's a woman's perogative to change her mind, especially if something better comes along...better not let my husband read that one.

L o R i

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rock and roll
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Post by rock and roll » Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:14 pm

I have an Apap but I run it on straight, I like it better. Also have a Resmed 7 that I use to travel with and of course it's a straight. But, I am about to join the ranks here.

Anyone that bought one that does not like it and wants to make a deal, now is the time to PM me, my will power is weakening