CPAP therapy and depression

General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.

Me too

Post by DCTomm » Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:40 pm

I was also "diagnosed" as bi-polar with an anxiety disorder and ADD before finally figuring out I had OSA! Looking back I'm surprised I didn't figure it all out on my own, but who would have thunk it! My OSA goes back many years and I am just now realizing how tired I've been all my life. I guess it just became a part of my life and I never thought any different of it.

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Post by There » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:10 am

I've been on various SSRIs for depression for, dunno, 4-5 years? And I most definitely have OSA, been on CPAP for just over 5 monhts. I did notice a distinct improvement in my mood once the CPAP treatment started making a difference. More energy, better mood - within a couple of weeks, I felt almost light. But I don't know if it's REM rebound, general stress/exhaustion from work or what, but that boost was short-lived and has not returned.

I finally got so tired and stressed that my family doctor upped my meds and put me on short term disability. But I STILL feel exhausted even being able to sleep all I want/need. Therapist says I've gone from dysthymia to full blown depression, and the sleep doc says to give it more time. I'm not happy with either of those answers. I go for a few days where I'm OK - normal sleep cycle, though not exactly bursting with energy. Then I spend three maybe four days when all I want to do is sleep.

Here's what I mean. Friday I slept until 7 AM, got up for about an hour, went back to sleep until 10 AM, ran around madly cleaning house so it would be decent for old college friends coming over at 2 PM. We sat around and talked, went out to dinner - nothing wild. Went to bed as soon as they left for home (9 PM) and was completely shattered physically. Saturday, woke up at 9 AM, up for an hour, back to sleep for four hours, up for about two hours, back to sleep for two more hours, up for about four hours, to sleep for two, up for one, then out cold for the night around 1 AM. Woke up today, 8 AM - up for an hour, back to sleep for 3 hours, up for an hour, back to sleep for 6 hours. Currently, I am totally exhausted and tried for far too long to sleep - reading, etc... threw off both masks in frustration and decided to come down here to see if anyone on the board had any pearls of wisdom.

So I'm beat, but I think I'm going to demand another sleep study from my sleep doc just based on posts here, maybe talk to primary about getting some new blood work done - if she thinks that's indicated. SOMETHING has got to give. I'm wearing thin.


RemStar M Series Auto w/C-Flex, many masks (ComfortCurve, Comfort Lite, MirageSwift, lots of personal mods)

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Post by gracie97 » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:29 am

Please don't judge me because I choose to continue to take the depression meds.

Nobody should judge you for that (especially not dorky third-rate movie stars who belong to treatment cults).

I've trialed many antidepressants, and if I'd found any that worked for me, I'd certainly still be on them!
Started CPAP on 7/1/2005
Mild apnea
Plus upper airway resistance syndrome with severe alpha intrusion