CPAP while sick with the cold or flu

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CPAP while sick with the cold or flu

Post by Lindsie » Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:19 am

I had the common cold and then caught the flu right after (lucky me, right?) and at first, I used my CPAP machine despite being sick. I noticed my cough was way worse than usual and lasted longer than it did when I smoked. I would wake up in the middle of the night with uncontrollable fits of coughing and ended up having to remove my mask. I went two days in a row without using it at all and seemed to have slept much better without it. Last night I used my CPAP machine again because I was afraid of being out of compliance with my insurance company, but it was horrible. I was up coughing all night. I had turned my humidity and heated tubing all the way up but it didn't make a difference. My question is, does anyone else just not use their CPAP machine while they are sick? Does it make your symptoms worse? Is there a risk of a secondary infection?

Machine: Luna G3 CPAP
Additional Comments: Mask: Airfit N30 nasal cushion / Using an all-in-one machine with heated humidifier

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Re: CPAP while sick with the cold or flu

Post by lazarus » Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:54 am

I personally find PAP therapy especially useful and helpful when sick, especially using my nasal-pillows mask, although I do keep a full-face mask in a drawer just in case I need to mouth-breathe at night.

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Re: CPAP while sick with the cold or flu

Post by Janknitz » Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:05 pm

The ONLY way I can sleep when I'm sick is with CPAP. It really calms my coughing. The humidity and warmth (I usually don't use the humidifier) seem to help. I'm very grateful for CPAP, I remember before CPAP having to sit up in a recliner to breathe and not sleeping for DAYS.

Those gooey nights are just terrible no matter what. I use a FF mask then, particularly since my nares get really hypersensitive from the constant nose running and wiping, but I have to wake and clean my face and the mask up a few times. Not fun, not great sleep. But it would be way worse without CPAP for me.
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Re: CPAP while sick with the cold or flu

Post by Okie bipap » Wed Sep 04, 2024 7:03 pm

I have used my machine during asthma attacks, bronchitis, and the flu. I need the additional air flow in order to get enough oxygen while sleeping.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: Evora Full Face Mask - Fitpack
Additional Comments: IPAP 20-25, ps 4, OSCAR software
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Craig H
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Re: CPAP while sick with the cold or flu

Post by Craig H » Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:28 am

I could not cope with my CPAP when I had COVID and a 3 week spell of nasal and chesty issues subsequently.

A snotty nose, a cough and sneezing was hell so I abstained from using CPAP.

I did not have any daily fatigues or issue while abstaining.