Morf Nasal Mask - custom fit mask

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Re: Morf Nasal Mask - custom fit mask

Post by Bluper » Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:15 pm

I only made it one hour with the Morf last night. I just couldn't stop the leaks without making it unbearably tight. It fit perfect the last try but hurt my nose. Guess I try reshape #4.


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Re: Morf Nasal Mask - custom fit mask

Post by Mask Guy » Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:35 pm

Thanks for the feedback on the fit.

The key to fitting is to what 5 minutes for it to set to the shape of your face while lying on your back and pressing gently on the seal around the side of the nose. The forehead support should also be touching your forehead during the fitting.

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Re: Morf Nasal Mask - custom fit mask

Post by Mask Guy » Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:38 pm

If anyone would like to try a free Morf please private message me your shipping address and name.

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Re: Morf Nasal Mask - custom fit mask

Post by Garethep » Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:26 am

Does this now include non US people?


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Re: Morf Nasal Mask - custom fit mask

Post by RNeil » Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:13 pm

The Morf mask requires molding to your face.

The Morf mask is very interesting. It can mold for an exact fit with your face. Other masks make you choose between 3 or fewer sizes to get a compromise fit. They depend on flexibility to make the fit acceptable. The Morf can fit exactly. But it is not flexible.

It can’t be used right out of the box. It must be molded to your face. This takes about 10 or 15 minutes. Instructions are in the manual, the quick start guide, and an on-line video. My first attempt worked, but I did not think it was optimal. I repeated the molding process the next day and it worked better.

The head gear is very secure. It attaches to the mask in four places and surrounds your head. It is a little awkward getting it on and off. I found it best to unhook the two lower attachments to get it on and off. The mask is very quiet.

This is the fourth mask I have found that is acceptable. The other three are nasal pillow masks. I had some trouble when I had congestion. I had trouble breathing through my nose. I switched to a pillow mask and I could breath much better. The pillow pressurizes the inside of the nose, but not the outside. This expands the nose. The Morf and other non-pillow masks apply the same pressure inside and outside of the nose.

I like the custom fit, but I wish it were flexible. I like the secure head gear. I like the quiet. I think I prefer a nasal pillow mask. I am still looking for the perfect mask.

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Re: Morf Nasal Mask - custom fit mask

Post by babydinosnoreless » Wed Dec 13, 2023 8:35 am

I was given this mask to try out. It has a lot of cool features I really like. I'm a nasal mask user. Unfortunately it is not working for me.

First off molding it to your face is simple. If you mess it up boil it and try again. It only took me two tries to get it to mold to my face correctly. Unfortunately as I am a female with smaller features the forehead piece and the headgear are huge. When it fits my face correctly the forehead piece is almost at my hairline. If I move down the forehead piece the nasal part is over my lip. I think most people would not have this problem as I usually see the issue posted that masks are too small not too big.

What I really like is the stability. I'm a side sleeper and it doesn't move all over the place. I think this mask would be good if my face were a little bit bigger or the mask had a smaller size.

If anyone has any questions please ask away. I think its a wonderful idea and if they ever make a smaller size I will be buying it to try out. :)

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Re: Morf Nasal Mask - custom fit mask

Post by Mask Guy » Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:43 pm

Thank you for the review babydinosnoreless.

The Morf is stable as the seal provides stability to the mask, unlike silicone masks. That is one of the key benefits with the Morf nasal mask.

It is available on and had free 30 day return insurance, so if anyone want to try it, but is not sure if it will work, you can always return it for a credit it does not work for you.

Merry Christmas.