Moleskin or tape for sore nose bridge? & FFM issues

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Moleskin or tape for sore nose bridge? & FFM issues

Post by mrammell » Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:44 pm

I'm fighting a bad head cold. Normally I use the Activa nasal mask, anyway I have tried several FFM and don't like any of them, including the Hybrid. Anyway I've got the regular Quattro and I get by with it but the cushion hurts the bridge of my nose. Common problem I've read here. I've read that moleskin works but to put the sticky side out. Towards the cushion? Just how does that work? The cushion is as you know 2 layers and I can't figure out how at the very top of the cushion it would adhere. Last night I put it sticky side to my nose and got by but it does stick darn good and hard and several posters say not to stick the moleskin directly on the nose. Anyway, is some type of tape a better cushion? How and where do you apply it. I do wish I could find a FFM that would "glob" onto my face like the Activa does so I don't have to cinch the straps so dang tight. And yes I've tried the "loose" strap theory and it's seal is lousy. I've tried the new Quattro and find it worse than my old one. The ultra mirage hurts my nose worse yet. Does anyone know of an "Activa" like FFM ? I know that's been hashed before but just wondered if anything new seems promising to anyone who has faced the same problems that I do? Thanks.

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Re: Moleskin or tape for sore nose bridge? & FFM issues

Post by Starlette » Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:55 pm

Moleskin - Yes, sticky side is applied to the mask, not you.
Where you apply depends on where the pressure point/source of irritation is for you. Like for my Resmed Mirage Softgel Nasal mask, I have a piece of moleskin the size of a bean on the lower right side of the cushion. I'm a left-sided sleeper and the pressure point/irritation for this mask is on the lower right. However, since I recently replaced the cushion, I haven't had the need to apply moleskin.

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Re: Moleskin or tape for sore nose bridge? & FFM issues

Post by snoozysue » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:20 am

Before I got a gel pad I was using a blister bandaid - they are thick and spongy (not sure what you call them in US)
I cut off almost all of the sticky parts and just left enough to keep it in place. That way I wasn't pulling off any skin when I took it off.
It worked well but was a bit expensive to use every night.