Cheap Masks!

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Cheap Masks!

Post by mlgambino » Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:19 pm

Hello, this is my first post in this forum. I am 23 years old and I have been using a cpap for about a year now and it has truely been a life changing experience.

Here is my question. After using a few different masks I found that the cheapest, simplest nasal masks work best for me. I was warned that they will probably break down quicker,which is now happening. Well after a year I am ready for a new mask and I was wondering if anyone had a good source of cheap masks. The dme's around here seem to be quite expensive and I have found a few good deals online, but I always like a save a buck when I can.

Thanks in advance.

Ps I am using a ComfortClassic CPAP Mask right now.


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Post by Wulfman- » Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:48 pm

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Post by mlgambino » Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:03 pm

Thanks for the info.
$45 seems to be about the right price for the ComfortClassic mask. I seem to be rough on my masks, but the simple ones seem to be the easiest as far as just strapping them on and going to sleep. It may cost me more in the long run, getting a new mask every year or so, but as long as I can sleep, its worth it.

Thanks again.

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Post by snork1 » Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:05 pm

actually, 6 months to a year is the predicted lifespan for most masks under normal conditions.

Amazing that the comfortclassic was comfortable for you. That model has a generally bad reputation for comfort and is usually just a cheap alternative pushed by the DME's to maximize their markups.

But everyone is unique, so if it works you might as well continue with it, and at $45 you will certainly not find anything cheaper.

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