can you clear up the fog

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can you clear up the fog

Post by whatrdreamsmadeof » Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:09 pm

I have been on cpap almost 10 months and while i feel alot better than pre cpap I often have very FOGGY days. I usually stay at 2.7 events a night and lower, I have low mask leak and do not mouth breathe. I do wake several times a nite and go right back to sleep. I average about 6 hours sleep each nite, although I try for more. On these FOGGY days I notice my concentration at work is somewhat compromised, typing for instance is more difficult, mutlitasking is hard too. I would like to know if anyone else experience this, why it may be occurring or am I alone in this weird FOG. Any help is appreciated.........Thanks guys and gals........Ellen


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Post by woozle » Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:45 pm

Wow - that was weird - I really could have written your post - I have been on cpap since april - and same info re: get 5 to 6 hrs of sleep at night, ahi's real low, leaks/mouth breathing covered, etc. but can't sleep too long and really starting to get scared because I am not able to concentrate very well on some days and there is really no reason I can find as to why or when this happens

I write down every day the mask I used the previous night, and all info from the vantage s8 too. ahi's are around 2

I had major nasal/sinus surgery in novemeber and finally recovered from that and sinuses feel better however the fogginess is still there - I have been at the same job for ten years and always loved it, loved going to work, getting things done, etc and since I started deteriorating so bad right before cpap and since then, I could really care less about work - am not depressed either - things in life are really good EXCEPT this - I got new insurance this year and am going to fup with a new sleep doc - my ent said that a lot is not known about the sleep apnea and that it could be found that there is some neurological thing going on that allows the muscles in the throat to close -
and anyone seen the recent articles on fluid from the legs when lying down could be huge cause of osa if not overweight? ie, fluid whenl ay down goes into upper body and has same effect as fatty tissue on throat

anyway sorry so long but just kind of going off on tangents - I am sorry you are having this problem too, but feel a little bit better knowing it is not just me
I wonder if something happens with the air pressure going somewhere it's not supposed to.................... ahhhhhhhhhh who knows but if I find out I will surely let you know
good luck

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Post by JimH » Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:53 pm

I feel foggy when there are extreme changes in tempurature. I noticed it more lately with the odd weather here in Jersey. No snow, unusually high temps but offset with occasional cold days. I tend to get a sinus/throat infection when the seasons change since I got the CPAP. I have to stop with the Nasal pillows and go back to the old mask until it goes away.


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Post by Lyza » Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:42 pm

I'm 100% compliant on my cpap therapy for 6 months now and still have the 'fog' as well.. My Dr. put me on Provigil one month ago, and that has been a godsend.. Its only for Narcolepsy and other Sleep Disorders which OSA is so insurance will cover it, once proven you've had a sleep study. It keeps me alert and clear headed, yet doesn't make me jittery or anxious or keep me awake at night.. If I were to take it on a day when I didn't have things to do or have to be at work I could easily still take a nap on it, If i wanted to.