COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by raisedfist » Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:03 pm

khauser wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:32 pm
raisedfist wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:40 pm
I like to take things seriously, and am, but also acknowledge that most media outlets are putting these headlines up to cause fear and panic, and increase their ratings. It's unfortunate that younger people succumb to COVID-19, but for the average person reading this, it is incredibly unlikely statistic wise that something like that would happen to you. I played around with the COVID-19 morbitity calculator, and even pretending I was an older person with a lot of health problems, your chances of death are still incredibly low. Even if 1 million people somehow end up dying, that is .003% of the USA population. Wear the damn mask and keep your distance, but COVID-19 should not at this time be causing the world to come to a stand-still, IMHO.
I respectfully disagree with your analysis. I personally know of 3 different people that fought Covid-19. One is no longer with us. Two recovered ... BUT NOT FULLY. Both have long-lasting lung damage. The one who passed was quite old, but the other two are younger than 50 and in generally good health.

I think the media is doing its best to get word out, but like EVERYTHING in our world today the issue almost instantly becomes politicized, and one side says "the media overstates" while the other says "this is real!" I like listening to science, myself. Science tells me this is a most nasty bug that is far worse than a seasonal flu.

It makes no sense for parts of the country to re-open but they do it anyway, and suffer far increased disease and see their abilities stretched past their abilities to cope. I see people willfully not wearing masks, or wearing them improperly. Some because they feel no threat (and they are ignorant of the fact that the masks are to help protect others), and some because they see it as a challenge to their freedoms. The ones wearing it below their nose REALLY annoy me.

If 1 million people died because of almost any other cause their would be a riot if nothing was done. But this one dares jeopardize your fiscal comfort, if only temporarily, so people are leading with their greed (I am sorry if that offends, but that's how I see it).

Pugsy, I may have borrowed your soap box. I hereby return it.
Well yeah you can't both open and also not wear masks or keep your distance, without the obvious consequences. States like Texas messed up. But we can't all hide in our closets either -- the virus doesn't magically disappear. Getting back to some sense of normalcy, while wearing a mask and having distancing guidelines in place is the most logical place to be right now, IMHO. With this in place it would cause an increase in cases, yes, but it would be manageable. Flattening the curve involves the same amount of infections, stretched over a period of time. Time bought is the best shot people have at surviving should they become infected. But, look around, many are not willing to sit around at home doing nothing anymore; that is the reality, whether anyone thinks it makes sense or not.

The media is not informing you out of altruism. It's the same reason why in a 30 minute news segment, 25 of them are dedicated to street level crime. Yet statically, it's nothing the viewer needs to worry about. In fact, turning off the news is probably the best thing one can do for their health. The reality is: children, teens, young adults, even older adults, the mortality rate for COVID-19 is incredibly low. There is a reason the media plasters each and every story of one of those unfortunate cases on the front page, and it isn't to inform you. A lot of the initial deaths were from long term care facilities, in idiotic states like NY who literally forced seniors into harms way instead of protecting them. Cuomo is responsible for thousands of deaths yet people treat him like a hero because he finally got his butt in gear and started doing a good job after the fact.

Notice how the media says nothing as tens of thousands of people gather to protest police brutality. They would rather demonize and do a story on a few hundred people enjoying themselves at the beach or yell at joggers for not wearing a mask.

In my area only very old people in residential facilities have died from COVID-19 since the beginning. And I don't live in the middle of nowhere, a county of over 100,000 people. I'm in Illinois, we have started opening up AND our infection rates and daily deaths continue to decline. So we know it's possible to achieve success.

The majority of businesses are small in America. To trivialize them wanting to re-open so they can feed their family, and their employees can do the same, is not the answer. The average american would be in trouble if at any time they got a surprise $500 bill. A stimulus check from the government is a band-aid. $1200 in a city is pocket change. Once rent freezes go away, thousands of people are going to become homeless. Most of corporate america is working remote so they are hardly exposed. But when smaller businesses shut down and their employees lose their job, or are forced to stay home to watch their kids because school/daycare is closed, the situation gets much worse.

Seniors are lonely. Non covid patients are falling through the cracks. People are having increasing mental health problems. Human Beings are not designed to sit at home.

Going back to stay at home orders is highly unlikely.

This is the current reality, it is what it is, so I wear a mask and go to places where people also tend to wear masks, and avoid places where people don't. But I am done sitting at home and so are many, many people.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by khauser » Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:15 pm

Agreed, the world doesn't need to stop. Many people can work safely from home. The rest only need observe the actual precautions medical personnel recommend to keep spread down.

I will say I am very happy and lucky to have an employer that allows me to WFH. Given the general public's non-observance of simple mask-wearing guidelines (let alone that which I can't see, like what other precautions they do and do not take) I am extremely cautious about going out right now.

If only stupid WAS required to be tattoo'd
raisedfist wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:03 pm
Well yeah you can't both open and also not wear masks or keep your distance, without the obvious consequences. States like Texas messed up. But we can't all hide in our closets either -- the virus doesn't magically disappear. Getting back to some sense of normalcy, while wearing a mask and having distancing guidelines in place is the most logical place to be right now, IMHO. With this in place it would cause an increase in cases, yes, but it would be manageable. Flattening the curve involves the same amount of infections, stretched over a period of time. Time bought is the best shot people have at surviving should they become infected. But, look around, many are not willing to sit around at home doing nothing anymore; that is the reality, whether anyone thinks it makes sense or not.

The media is not informing you out of altruism. It's the same reason why in a 30 minute news segment, 25 of them are dedicated to street level crime. Yet statically, it's nothing the viewer needs to worry about. In fact, turning off the news is probably the best thing one can do for their health. The reality is: children, teens, young adults, even older adults, the mortality rate for COVID-19 is incredibly low. There is a reason the media plasters each and every story of one of those unfortunate cases on the front page, and it isn't to inform you. A lot of the initial deaths were from long term care facilities, in idiotic states like NY who literally forced seniors into harms way instead of protecting them. Cuomo is responsible for thousands of deaths yet people treat him like a hero because he finally got his butt in gear and started doing a good job after the fact.

Notice how the media says nothing as tens of thousands of people gather to protest police brutality. They would rather demonize and do a story on a few hundred people enjoying themselves at the beach or yell at joggers for not wearing a mask.

In my area only very old people in residential facilities have died from COVID-19 since the beginning. And I don't live in the middle of nowhere, a county of over 100,000 people. I'm in Illinois, we have started opening up AND our infection rates and daily deaths continue to decline. So we know it's possible to achieve success.

The majority of businesses are small in America. To trivialize them wanting to re-open so they can feed their family, and their employees can do the same, is not the answer. The average american would be in trouble if at any time they got a surprise $500 bill. A stimulus check from the government is a band-aid. $1200 in a city is pocket change. Once rent freezes go away, thousands of people are going to become homeless. Most of corporate america is working remote so they are hardly exposed. But when smaller businesses shut down and their employees lose their job, or are forced to stay home to watch their kids because school/daycare is closed, the situation gets much worse.

Seniors are lonely. Non covid patients are falling through the cracks. People are having increasing mental health problems. Human Beings are not designed to sit at home.

Going back to stay at home orders is highly unlikely.

This is the current reality, it is what it is, so I wear a mask and go to places where people also tend to wear masks, and avoid places where people don't. But I am done sitting at home and so are many, many people.
The state of Texas did NOT mess up (well, maybe they did, but...) the PEOPLE messed up.

The virus won't magically disappear, no, but a vaccine is very likely to magically appear, and that looks VERY promising.

How do you get back to normal when the places you've always worked at were designed with close proximity in mind?

Is the reality that I and my fellow disadvantaged people should stay at home while the brave and healthier other people go back to work? That's not fair in either direction.

I don't know what news you read or watch, but I have seen a LOT of coverage around people protesting police brutality. They are two separate issues, but I see a lot of coverage on each. (Ironically my local news was just doing something around the local police protests as I wrote this).

I am most certainly NOT trivializing a small business, nor a huge business, wanting to reopen. I'm just keeping my priorities in place. I'm not saying any of this is easy to solve, but the solution most certainly is not to force people in to unsafe situations just because money is at risk. You have a business and want me there, find a way to do it safely!

But as long as stupid people are going to ignore proper preparations as evidenced by the poor results in places that are re-opening I am going to say stay at home is the way to go. Maybe that monetary pressure on businesses will help them see the light on how to do business now!

Earning a living is hugely important, whether it be the small business OWNER or the small business EMPLOYEE. I think both want to be able to earn a living, I just don't think we need to throw caution to the wind to get there.

Please don't start a debate about government incentives making people prefer to stay at home. Instead lets just both realize there isn't enough money to make that happen anyway, so we don't need to debate it.

Sleep loss is a terrible thing. People get grumpy, short-tempered, etc. That happens here even among the generally friendly. Try not to take it personally.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by babydinosnoreless » Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:45 pm

raisedfist wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:40 pm
But I am done sitting at home and so are many, many people.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by McSleepy » Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:10 pm

Just doing a small PSA on math:

* According to the census bureau, the US population is currently 330 million
* As of this writing, the number of deaths in the USA is 129,811 and the number of diagnosed cases is 2,886,267 (according to CDC, who suggest their numbers are conservative)
* That means the deaths currently attributed to COVID-19 are ~0.04% of the population and the cases are ~0.9%; that is, almost one in 2500 people has been determined to have died from COVID-19 in a few months and nearly one in one hundred has taken a test that came out positive. I'll hold off the math on the compound rate of deaths, since that kind of math is speculative, and I simply refuse to believe people would be that stupid to allow this rate to sustain for any prolonged periods of time.

Others here (thank you CG and Pugsy, and others!) have already put this in perspective, and explained why we are not "simply delaying the inevitable" by putting a relatively small effort in sticking to the only two effective measures of protecting ourselves (and by that I mean all of us!) from COVID-19, so I don't have to repeat it. I'll just remind you that some people have been through a lot more than we are, and never complained of how hard their live was. Let's take a celebrity, how about George Burns, not because of who he was (privileged) but because it's easier to situate it historically. He lived through WWI, the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, WWI, Vietnam, Korea, and all the other disasters of the 20th century (just open a history book for more). Do you think he spent the whole time complaining of how tough it was, and how he couldn't take it anymore? Just roll up your sleeves, listen to the representatives of that one thing that by definition is not subject to faith but is designed only to help humanity, and we'll get through this with the minimum amount of casualties.


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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by zonker » Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:16 pm

babydinosnoreless wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:45 pm

i'm not picking on you because, baby, you KNOW i love you! :wink:

i'm just pointing out a pet peeve. i dislike it when folks quote two pages of posts just to type in something short and sweet.

maybe everyone could take the time to edit what they are quoting a bit?

but remember, baby...i LOVE you!
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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by babydinosnoreless » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:07 pm

zonker wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:16 pm
i'm not picking on you because, baby, you KNOW i love you! :wink:

i'm just pointing out a pet peeve. i dislike it when folks quote two pages of posts just to type in something short and sweet.
Sorry I was posting from my phone. I went back and edited it ! :)
Last edited by babydinosnoreless on Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by Pugsy » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:49 pm

babydinosnoreless wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:07 pm
I went back and edited it !
Thank you for editing. Not only are those large redundant blocks of quotes annoying (most of us have read it already) they take up space in the storage archives which costs money. How much I don't know but the more we store the more it costs and it's just wasting storage space.

I appreciate your editing the document. Every little bit helps out in more ways than just one. does a lot on their own dollar.....we don't have annoying ads popping up here all over the place....that costs them money and the storage of repeated and sometimes multiple repeated quoting takes up storage.
They already increase our attachment size allowance...that takes up space as well and costs money.
It's nice when we can do little thing that add up in the long run to save money.

So thanks again for cleaning it up a bit.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by babydinosnoreless » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:50 pm

McSleepy wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:10 pm

I'll just remind you that some people have been through a lot more than we are, and never complained of how hard their live was. Let's take a celebrity, how about George Burns, not because of who he was (privileged) but because it's easier to situate it historically. He lived through WWI, the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, WWI, Vietnam, Korea, and all the other disasters of the 20th century (just open a history book for more). Do you think he spent the whole time complaining of how tough it was, and how he couldn't take it anymore? Just roll up your sleeves, listen to the representatives of that one thing that by definition is not subject to faith but is designed only to help humanity, and we'll get through this with the minimum amount of casualties.

How tough someone is or isn't is a red herring fallacy.

Even many health experts are saying there are other health impacts of staying locked down that we need to take into account.

Arizona for example is following the advice of our director of health!

"Arizona's Family also asked Christ point-blank if she would have reopened Arizona on May 15 if the decision were hers alone. "We squarely met the gating criteria," she said. "We were starting to see some concerning health impacts from people staying at home. So yes, we would have still opened."

Dr Christ has an impressive background :

"Dr. Christ started her ADHS career in 2000 as an Infectious Disease Epidemiologist. She left ADHS in 2001 to attend medical school at the University of Arizona and completed her residency at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix. Dr. Christ obtained her master’s degree in microbiology with an emphasis in molecular virology and public health. She earned her Doctor of Medicine from the University of Arizona College of Medicine."
Last edited by babydinosnoreless on Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by raisedfist » Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:59 am

Modern appeals to authority are exhaustively annoying. We have Fauci bobbleheads for pete's sake.

We have to remember what each expert is an expert in. ... demic.html

"People wait in line as SF-Marin Food Bank hands out 1600 food bags in San Francisco on April 20, 2020. Work furloughs and layoffs created by coronavirus shelter-in-place orders are driving thousands to seek food assistance."

WFH is a privileged position.

All I know is I hope the giant meteor wins the election this year.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by zonker » Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:45 am

babydinosnoreless wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:07 pm

Sorry I was posting from my phone. I went back and edited it ! :)
much appreciated!
people say i'm self absorbed.
but that's enough about them.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by HoseCrusher » Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:20 pm

I believe that the best defense is a good offense.

I am doing everything to increase the strength of my immune system. There seems to be a lot of information on vitamin D decencies and deaths from the virus.

I decided to get my vitamin D levels checked. I think I am OK. The test came back at 59 ng/ml.

What are your vitamin D levels...?

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by khauser » Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:38 pm

HoseCrusher wrote:
Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:20 pm
I decided to get my vitamin D levels checked. I think I am OK. The test came back at 59 ng/ml.
Yeah that level is good. I wish mine was that good. Mine is borderline low as of 5 months ago, should be better now. I'll know in a few weeks.

I saw the same reports. Definitely worth taking.

More recently I saw a study linking use of protein pump inhibitor drugs for GERD. I used to take one but haven't in years (yay low carb!)

Sleep loss is a terrible thing. People get grumpy, short-tempered, etc. That happens here even among the generally friendly. Try not to take it personally.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by raisedfist » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:42 pm

HoseCrusher wrote:
Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:20 pm
I believe that the best defense is a good offense.

I am doing everything to increase the strength of my immune system. There seems to be a lot of information on vitamin D decencies and deaths from the virus.

I decided to get my vitamin D levels checked. I think I am OK. The test came back at 59 ng/ml.

What are your vitamin D levels...?
Mine is 27...labeled as insufficient, but not deficient. Depends on who you ask though...some organizations say anything above 20 ng/ml is just fine.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by palerider » Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:19 pm

raisedfist wrote:
Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:42 pm
some organizations say anything above 20 ng/ml is just fine.
SOME organizations say "just enough to avoid getting rickets" is fine.

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Accounts to put on the foe list: dataq1, clownbell, gearchange, lynninnj, mper!?, DreamDiver, Geer1, almostadoctor, sleepgeek, ajack, stom, mogy, D.H., They often post misleading, timewasting stuff.

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Re: COVID 19, CPAP, Ventilator MEGA THREAD...everything go here please

Post by raisedfist » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:54 am

palerider wrote:
Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:19 pm
raisedfist wrote:
Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:42 pm
some organizations say anything above 20 ng/ml is just fine.
SOME organizations say "just enough to avoid getting rickets" is fine.
Thankfully you can get basic lab tests on your own these days...I have been supplementing Vitamin D recently, so I can always get retested without my Doctor thinking I am a paranoid parrot :mrgreen:

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