Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

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Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by Gregsue1965 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:57 am

Hi i joined this site for some better understanding, help and honesty, iv done heaps of research but still looking for answers yhis may help my anxiety
Iam embarrassed but i see theres a lot of men willing to work through cpap issues.
My husband is 5'10 approximately 115kg not any less, big belly , 44 inch waist , med to higher level cholesterol, heavy smoker, no exercise, poor diet . Hubby diagnosed with severe sleep ap more than 3 yrs ago and using machine approximately 5 hrs pr night. Biggest concern he expresses no interest in sex or intimacy. Yes affectionate hugs etc . No sexual desire. I feel unsure whether it's me or combination of his health issues
I was hoping cpap would help change things iv bern very supported , i clean eat and exercise and have tried to motivate him but cant push.
He was diagnosed with low t brought injections he had one shot but never used other, prescribed 100mg viagra but dont use thes either . When we have tried to be sexual he cant get an erection . He states poor performance . Iv offered support ut he wont talk which makes me more confused.

Is it possible that with all these health issues mentioned plus i say low self esteem, confidence, body image causing possible erecticle dysfunction, low sexual desire and libido. He has Been like this for 8 years now. Only married for 9 yrs.

Iv read that cpap helps a lots with regaining erections and desire but not in this case. Cpap made no difference.

Trying to understand could he have sexual desire but not being sexual with me or
All his contributing health issues creating no desire , wont matter using cpap erection problems or desire wont change unless he changes his lifestyle. His to embarrassed to talk about it, is it possible for man not to want sex and avoid intimacy if you have performance and erecticle issues.

Can someone help me understand any opinions please. Or some advise :roll:

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by Pugsy » Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:22 am

If he has a cpap machine we assume he has some form of sleep apnea.
It's entirely possible that the cpap machine isn't providing optimal therapy so his low sex drive could still be from untreated or sub optimal treatment of his OSA.
It is also possible that his low sex drive is unrelated to sleep apnea and the best cpap treatment in the world won't help.

More information about the cpap treatment is needed though for us to offer ideas.
What model cpap machine? Is he still using the cpap machine?
Is he on any medications of any kind? If so what?....even OTC meds count. Lots of meds (even OTC) have side effects that mess with the libido.

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by RRR » Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:37 am

Anything that affects the health of blood vessels can affect erectile performance. Your husband has multiple risk factors for vascular problems including obesity, elevated cholesterol, poor diet, heavy smoking, and lack of exercise. Maybe if he understood the relationship between these risk factors and erectile function, he would be more motivated to focus on correcting them. Also, as Pugsy said, some of the medications used to treat these conditions can adversely affect erectile function. If he focused on lifestyle modification to treat these issues, he might require less medication.

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by Miss Emerita » Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:03 pm

My heart goes out to you both. Is there any chance, do you think, that you and he could have a visit together with his doctor to talk about a range of your husband's health issues, including (but not limited to) his diminished libido and erectile function? If that isn't possible, I wonder whether you can afford to have a little time with a professional counselor or therapist about how to open up a conversation with your husband. (A religious or spiritual advisor could possibly be helpful too.) To me, finding a way toward a conversation seems like the first step that might get you out of the very tough place you are in now.
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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by lrob123 » Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:55 pm

Gregsue1965 wrote:
Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:57 am
Hubby diagnosed with severe sleep ap more than 3 yrs ago and using machine approximately 5 hrs pr night. Biggest concern he expresses no interest in sex or intimacy. Y
He was diagnosed with low t brought injections he had one shot but never used other, prescribed 100mg viagra but dont use thes either . When we have tried to be sexual he cant get an erection .
Does your husband sleep for more than 5 hours per night but take the mask off for part of it? He needs to wear the mask all the time when sleeping, even during naps. If he has trouble with his mask, there are many other types and styles of mask he could try that he might tolerate better. People here have suggested that the CPAP user tape the mask to their face if they take off the mask when they are asleep, the tape will help stop that or wake them up if they start to do it, it should help break that habit.

You say he is diagnosed with low T (Testosterone). If a man's testosterone gets down to about 450 ng/dL or less, he often will lose libido or libido is more rare, and erections might be more difficult. Some doctors think being in the 400's is normal because it is somewhat common but most men who levels in the 400's start complaining to their doctors about loss of libido (or their wives do!). If your H wants his libido back, he will probably need to be on testosterone replacement therapy and will probably need to continue it for the rest of his life. Chronically low T doesn't just resolve itself. Note that if you are trying to get pregnant, then he can't be on T therapy, I think there is a different therapy he could use instead that doesn't interfere with fertility called hCG therapy.

The best and cheapest testosterone therapy is to self-inject testosterone cypionate twice a week. His doctor can give him a prescription for this, and he can then pick up this med at most any drugstore pharmacy along with the syringes. Injecting once a week really isn't enough, you end up on sort of a rollercoaster, so most men do their injections twice a week, injecting into their thighs or stomach, or asking their partners to inject into their buttocks. Testosterone cypionate is not patented so it is cheap med that most people can afford even out of pocket with no insurance, but it is also covered by many health insurance plans.

If he absolutely won't try the self-injections, then he could try testosterone patches or pellets. The patches aren't the best idea because skin absorption isn't as good, creams are a mess, and with pellets it is hard to adjust the dose. Some men who try these end up stuck on the wrong dose for months and don't see a benefit because of that. These patches and pellets are a lot more expensive than the liquid testosterone cypionate. Self-injections of T cypionate make sense because the twice a week frequency is important, men who try going to their doctor for a shot every 2 weeks for an injection end up on a hormonal rollercoaster, that is just too infrequent to keep your T level up.

Ideally if your H agrees to try the self-injections, he will start out with an initial dose recommended by his doctor (maybe a urologist or men's hormone specialist) and then will need to get a blood test in about 3-4 weeks to see if the level is OK. He should adjust his dose until his blood Testosterone level is 600-800 ng/dL (it is best to start out conservative around 600 ng/dL and see how that goes). During the first few months, he will need to be having some blood tests every few weeks to recheck his levels and check his hemoglobin and estrogen levels also. Definitely ask for both Total T and Free T, as well as Estrogen (Estradiol) and Hemoglobin (Hb), and Hematocrit (Hct) to be tested during these early months of figuring out his correct dosage. Some men get high hemoglobin when they take T supplements, this needs to be checked (if this happens, I think men solve that by donating blood regularly). Some percentage of men produce too much estrogen in response to T therapy (some T gets converted to estrogen), and those men need to take an estrogen lowering drug along with the T. It might take 6-8 months of experimenting with the dosage to find the right dose where his libido is strong, but his estrogen levels and hemoglobin levels are in the right range, T level not too high. He should start getting nocturnal/morning erections again and feeling frisky again. Once he has figured out the best dose to inject and whether he needs to also take an estrogen lowering drug or give blood regularly for high hemoglobin, then he can stop with the frequent blood tests, and just recheck his T level about once a year thereafter (and at that point, maybe it is fewer tests, perhaps just the Total T and not Free T and estrogen). I suggest he finds a doctor that is familiar with T therapy if his primary care doctor is not. Some primary care docs are quite experienced with all this, others aren't and will refer you to a urologist or men's health clinic. Men's health clinics can be the easiest to work with since this is their specialty, and it is less embarrassing for the man since most everyone they see at those clinics is in the same boat. But I would avoid any clinic that isn't on board with self-injections, if they are wanting your H to come in every 2 weeks for a shot, then their primary motive is not to optimize his health, it is to keep him in a dependent situation, and make more $$$ on unnecessary visits. If the doctor or men's clinic doesn't know that they need to check estrogen and Hemoglobin+hematocrit levels when initially monitoring and adjusting the T injection dosage (and offer estrogen lower drug only if needed), then they are not competent enough in T therapy, and I would suggest going elsewhere.

Your husband might start losing more hair after he starts the T therapy. He might feel weird or lightheaded for the first week or so as he adjusts to a higher level of T. If he gets really tired of doing the self-injections, eventually he could get pellets implanted but I just think the shots are best to try first since it is so much easier to adjust the dose which is so important.

My H went through all this and it made all the difference, the libido came back. Best thing in the world for our marriage. I'm really happy and don't mind helping him with the shots.

The T might be enough to help with his erections, but if he has vascular issues, he might also need Viagra. But Viagra is step 2, first he must get his libido back with testosterone, viagra doesn't help with libido. There is not much point to taking Viagra until his blood levels of T are in the correct range.

If your husband is taking SSRI antidepressants, that can kill libido even if he is taking T therapy.

Machine: DreamStation BiPAP® Auto Machine
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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by Lifeisabeach » Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:29 am

I can offer some perspective as a man with a particularly severe case of low T (in the low 100's) and sleep apnea. both of which I have clearly had my entire life but weren't diagnosed until my mid to late 30's. I'm also a rather large, overweight guy myself, largely due to these disorders. While I'm no health nut, I've always gotten some level of exercise in and while my diet far from ideal, hardly the worst. I also don't smoke (never have) and have no signs of heart disease. My cholesterol is also normal. My T-levels have never been controlled (the last attempt backfired. More on that below) and my sleep apnea only under control since age 41 or so.

So with that background in mind, while I don't know what a "normal" anything is, I haven't ever had the issues your husband is having, nor does my wife have any complaints. To be honest, I'm defying the odds a bit because on paper I should be, but I simply don't. I can't speak for whether or not your husband would improve just by getting his sleep apnea under control, after all we are all different and react in different ways, but I would wager his problems are more rooted in his lifestyle for the reasons RRR laid out. I wish I could offer you more hope, but there's not going to be a quick solution here. The others gave great advice and there's little to add, but the bottom line is your husband has to WANT to improve and WANT to do something about it before anything will change, and he will need all the support he can get. But don't blame yourself, not for a moment, if that never happens.

Just a word of warning about testosterone injections. In my case, it caused me to gain a lot of weight very quickly in a short period. I could actually see my leg swell up after taking an injection. It apparently was causing me to retain fluid. But worse than this? At the time, my sleep apnea was not being treated, and the t-injections made it worse. Oh man, so, sooooo much worse. I'm back to seeing an endocrinologist now that I'm in a better place, and better alternatives are available, but please, be aware of the potential side effects of these treatments. Androgel, another treatment for low-T. very specifically in the insert says it is a "relative contraindication" if you have sleep apnea. So approach ANY testosterone replacement therapy with caution!

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by Sheriff Buford » Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:23 am

You never said you loved him.


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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by lrob123 » Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:35 pm

Sheriff Buford wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:23 am
You never said you loved him.

She is here asking for help to improve her marriage. It is likely they have become somewhat disconnected, like roommates or friends rather than lovers. A sexual relationship in a marriage is very important, except maybe for the very elderly if both of them have lost their libido. It is the glue that brings spouses back together if they have drifted apart, increases intimacy, a fun thing to share, adds spark to their lives, helps them overlook each other's faults and flaws.

If one person in a marriage has a libido and the other does not, that marriage often does not last, and it can be very frustrating for both.

Her husband needs to take action to work on fixing this, else he might lose her eventually. For many men (not all but probably for millions in the US alone), it is fixable with testosterone therapy. It is one thing if a person has medical issues they can't fix in spite of working hard with their doctors, but it sounds like so far he hasn't put in much effort to try.

Machine: DreamStation BiPAP® Auto Machine
Mask: ResMed AirFit™ F20 Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
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Last edited by lrob123 on Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by BlueDragon » Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:13 pm

Has your husband been checked for diabetes and had a heart checkup? ED can be one of the early symptoms of diabetes.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: Brevida™ Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Dx Mar 2018 (AHI=24, RDI=54; AHI=73 supine). Started APAP June 2018, VAuto Aug 2020.
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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by lrob123 » Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:38 pm

Lifeisabeach wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:29 am

So with that background in mind, while I don't know what a "normal" anything is, I haven't ever had the issues your husband is having, nor does my wife have any complaints.[.,..] but I would wager his problems are more rooted in his lifestyle for the reasons RRR laid out. I wish I could offer you more hope, but there's not going to be a quick solution here. The others gave great advice and there's little to add, but the bottom line is your husband has to WANT to improve and WANT to do something about it before anything will change, and he will need all the support he can get.

Just a word of warning about testosterone injections. In my case, it caused me to gain a lot of weight very quickly in a short period. I could actually see my leg swell up after taking an injection. It apparently was causing me to retain fluid. But worse than this? At the time, my sleep apnea was not being treated, and the t-injections made it worse. Oh man, so, sooooo much worse.
If you are not having a libido problem, then your level may be fine for you and your body regardless of the blood T number or the usual range for men. But her H is having a libido problem. He was diagnosed with "low T" by his doctor which probably means less than 400 ng/dL. This is low enough for many men (not all) to lose their libido or not have a very strong one (e.g. only interested in sex maybe every 2 weeks instead of every 3 days which is more normal in a marriage). When he had low T, my husband could still do everything and wanted to occasionally, but it was often 'take it or leave it', he could forget for several weeks and be fine with that, even if it was his birthday or our anniversary, it wasn't a priority and didn't often enter his mind.

If he was diagnosed by his doctor with low T, that is not a 'lifestyle problem'. But sleep apnea can lower testosterone. Having sleep apnea is not a 'lifestyle problem' unless losing weight alone fixes the apnea (but waiting for weight loss success is too slow, he needs to use CPAP every night and not just for 5 hours).

Quotes from a few web articles:
"Researchers have found evidence that men who have obstructive sleep apnea are more likely to have ED, and vice versa. A 2009 Trusted SourceJournal of Sexual MedicineTrusted Source studyTrusted Source found that 69 percent of male participants diagnosed with OSA also had ED." "Sleep deprivation caused by sleep apnea may cause a man’s testosterone levels to dip." "According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, many men with OSA who use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for treatment experience improved erections. "

"In the JAMA study, 10 men volunteered to have their testosterone levels checked during eight nights of sleep restriction. They were only allowed five hours of sleep per night. The study found that their daytime testosterone levels decreased by 10 to 15 percent. The lowest testosterone levels were in the afternoon and evening. The study also found a progressive loss of energy over the week of sleep deprivation."

"In one study, researchers from Fujian Medical University separated subjects into four groups based on the severity of their sleep apnea and measured their testosterone levels. Results showed that men suffering from severe OSA had much lower testosterone levels and a higher rate of erectile dysfunction compared to the groups suffering from simple snoring or mild OSA."

You are right that sometimes T therapy can make apnea worse: "Some studies have suggested that Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) may exacerbate the severity of pre-existing Sleep Apnea. Talk to your healthcare professional to determine if you consider a sleep study prior to initiating TRT."

There is a strong connection between low T and apnea, but we really don't know which is mostly the chicken or the egg. "Studies have shown that low testosterone levels frequently occur in men with obstructive sleep apnea." In one study, "16.5% of men who used testosterone developed obstructive sleep apnea, compared to only 12.7% in the control group.". So if you didn't already have sleep apnea, then starting T therapy might make you start having it (still this was only 4% difference in that study, that doesn't rule out trying the therapy). But this poster's husband already has apnea and is already on CPAP, so if her husband tries T therapy and his apnea numbers get worse, he might be able to address that by increasing his CPAP pressure.

Treating the apnea might raise his testosterone. The wearing a mask for only "5 hours a night" is a red flag to me. The first step for her husband should be to use his mask for the entire night, and monitor his AHI with Oscar, adjust pressure to get the AHI below 5.

By the way, if you research any studies on T therapy benefits and risks, I suggest looking closely to see if the study was properly designed and run. A well-designed study would include these things: 1) All the men in the study initially (at start of study) had confirmed low T blood levels (which is < 400 ng/dL, it is a bad idea to take T therapy if you don't have proven low T), and 2) the men's blood levels of Total T, Free T, estrogen, and hemoglobin were tested often during the study (else the people who planned the study weren't very knowledgeable), 3) the men's dosage was adjusted individually to get their levels up to about 600 ng/dL (if they give every man the same dosage, that is really dumb, it is not 'one size fits all'), and 4) preferably the study went on for at least 6 months to give the men's bodies time to adjust. Also 5) the T level should be as constant as possible which means shots at least twice a week, patches, pellets, cream, or gel, in other words NOT a weekly or biweekly or monthly shot which leads to rollercoaster. Ideally, 6) they should be giving estrogen-lowering drugs to the small subset of men who convert the T into too much estrogen. If a study has not done the necessary checking and adjusting dosages for each man, then it is no surprise that some men have bad results. That would be like a CPAP study where every person was assigned the same pressure range, and the doctors did not regularly check their machine data and keep adjusting the ranges to optimize their AHI. Many people would obviously have bad results in that situation. Disturbingly, many of the testosterone therapy studies in peer-reviewed journals did not even involve any follow-up blood tests to see if the men's levels were too high or too low during the course of the study.

You say "there is no quick solution here". That might often be true, but sometimes there is. In my husband's case, the T therapy fixed it within a few days (but in his case he didn't have complications of obesity or apnea). It was sort of like a light switch, problem was solved. A lot better than paying hundreds or thousands of dollars in marriage counseling bills, and having all those uncomfortable conversations about me not being happy and him feeling like a failure or resenting my wanting him to change - we avoided all that. I wish we had tested for low T many years earlier. Now my own libido is reduced and I'm on T therapy myself (but much lower dosage since I'm a woman, they don't do shots for women since low dose, I take a sublingual compounded lozenge.) Since I've been on both sides of the fence, I understand how important it is to not ignore and dismiss the lack of libido problem. If your spouse isn't happy, you need to take action, don't give up, keep trying various things to improve it for the sake of your marriage. Sometimes you need to see a different doctor if your doctor doesn't seem to be helpful or experienced in this area.

Yes, some men have bad side effects, that is true of any medicine or hormone. I wonder if you started at too high a dosage? Initially my H's doc prescribed way too high of a dose. (It was weird during that period when his T levels got overly high, he started 'sleep groping' me and initiating sex when he was asleep which he never did before, but he stopped doing when they lowered the dosage.) My H doesn't weigh very much, and I think the doctor probably gave the same amount to his 200lb patients which was not appropriate for my H. I wonder if they were monitoring your T levels and estrogen levels closely. I've heard of doctors prescribing T shots and then not checking the blood T levels a couple weeks later which is so important. The estrogen level needs to be monitored for a few months to check to see if it is creeping up too much. Also, I wonder if you injected twice a week and did you give your body a few weeks to adjust? If less frequently than twice a week, you could be on the infamous "hormone rollercoaster" of ups and downs in T, and maybe it was the rollercoaster that was making the apnea worse. The leg swelling up thing sounds interesting and probably not very common. That has never happened to my H, did you doctor have any theories on why? Did you try injecting in other places such as your stomach? The weight gain sounds like too much estrogen (your body converts some portion of the T to estrogen), so maybe you needed to be on an estrogen lowering drug along with the T therapy, that is true of many men. Usually T therapy helps promote weight loss unless you have too much estrogen, but of course this varies with every person.

Machine: DreamStation BiPAP® Auto Machine
Mask: ResMed AirFit™ F20 Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: DreamStation Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: IPAP 15 EPAP 13.5
Last edited by lrob123 on Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:34 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by lrob123 » Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:52 pm

Gregsue1965 wrote:
Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:57 am

Can someone help me understand any opinions please. Or some advise
I think the first thing is to get his AHI under control, and the first step of that is getting him to use the Oscar software to monitor his numbers. If you do not post his Oscar charts on here, we cannot offer any advice on how to improve his CPAP treatment, other than he needs to wear a mask for the entire night. Please read the stickies which explain all this. And please tell us what medications he is taking and if he has diabetes as people above have asked.

Machine: DreamStation BiPAP® Auto Machine
Mask: ResMed AirFit™ F20 Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: DreamStation Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: IPAP 15 EPAP 13.5

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by Lifeisabeach » Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:58 pm

lrob123 wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:38 pm
Lifeisabeach wrote:
Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:29 am

So with that background in mind, while I don't know what a "normal" anything is, I haven't ever had the issues your husband is having, nor does my wife have any complaints.[.,..] but I would wager his problems are more rooted in his lifestyle for the reasons RRR laid out. I wish I could offer you more hope, but there's not going to be a quick solution here. The others gave great advice and there's little to add, but the bottom line is your husband has to WANT to improve and WANT to do something about it before anything will change, and he will need all the support he can get.

Just a word of warning about testosterone injections. In my case, it caused me to gain a lot of weight very quickly in a short period. I could actually see my leg swell up after taking an injection. It apparently was causing me to retain fluid. But worse than this? At the time, my sleep apnea was not being treated, and the t-injections made it worse. Oh man, so, sooooo much worse.
If you are not having a libido problem, then your level may be fine for you and your body regardless of the blood T number or the usual range for men. But her H is having a libido problem. He was diagnosed with "low T" by his doctor which probably means less than 400 ng/dL. This is low enough for many men (not all) to lose their libido or not have a very strong one (e.g. only interested in sex maybe every 2 weeks instead of every 3 days which is more normal in a marriage). When he had low T, my husband could still do everything and wanted to occasionally, but it was often 'take it or leave it', he could forget for several weeks and be fine with that, even if it was his birthday or our anniversary, it wasn't a priority and didn't often enter his mind.
Well yes, that's why I mentioned we are all different and react in different ways. But the point was that "low T" doesn't necessarily explain what he's going through, or rather not "entirely" explain it.
If he was diagnosed by his doctor with low T, that is not a 'lifestyle problem'. But sleep apnea can lower testosterone. Having sleep apnea is not a 'lifestyle problem' unless losing weight alone fixes the apnea (but waiting for weight loss success is too slow, he needs to use CPAP every night and not just for 5 hours).
Lifestyle choices certainly can impact your T-levels. But when I was referring to lifestyle, I was talking about diet, smoking, lack of exercise, all of which affect cardiac health and lead to vascular issues. Those in turn lead to erectile dysfunction. And yes, there is an interaction with sleep apnea and t-levels. My own levels started to rise after my sleep apnea was under control, but mysteriously crashed last year. But I digress... this isn't about me.

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by Gregsue1965 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:29 pm

I like to Thank you for all replies. Yes i do love love my husband very much so.
My post isnt all about me it was hain knowledge and understanding from man point of view who is going through or gone through points i explained.
Trying to establish whether his desire is not for me or whether its physical and pschological issues he may have to avoid itimacy.
Yes being treated at the moment and last 5 yrs wearing mask but sleep on lounge snoring and goes to bed hrs later and uses mask 4 to 5 hrs.

Explained by a mate of his .. he loves you but never desire you in the way i want. I wander if it more deep rooted than sleep apnea. Yes my self esteem and confidence is past 9yrs never been intimate.
He had sleep apnea for long time undiagnosed and whether physical and vascular effects on body had taken a toll

T shot used once then apparently testetone level low by not low enough to use shots but very quick to no erections. Has viagra but not uses them
Hubby told me its his sexual performance, but he never initates anything. Total avoidance to my needs.

I know he looks at woman on his phone i see he obviously has desire. But desire not with me or cause of his issues, weight, performance, fit made him embarrassed and avoids intimacy to avoid feeling like a failure.

Trying to work out whether his true about sleep ap and performance or is he hiding something.
Finding hard to understand how man well my husbsnd wont discusss, try or have any desire.

Again i do love him i dont know many or any partners that would want to feel unloved and unwanted. This is why im trying to understand him and his issues as cant discuss them when i attempt to gey him to open up

Is it possible for man not to have desire

Diabetes and heart check no. Iv tried and hinted for him to see dr about this but wont . Rarely goes to Dr.

Like he dont want to change.. trying to find out whether its medical issues not just sleep apnea but diet, overweight like 120kg .. bmi 32, cholesterol, smoking and no exercise has contributed to ed and vascular issues or heart issues relating to cardiovascular disease and blocked arteries.

Or has he got desire but in other places.. sorry if harsh but trying to understand him and not addressing these issues may result in marriage dissolving. Why my hubby not addressing them cause dont know many men that want marriage to dissolve.

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Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by Julie » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:38 am

Hi, you're having such a bad time and I think we understand, but we're also not 'therapists', or even sleep doctors, etc. Have you seen any therapists or psychologists who specialize in marital/sex relations? It happens, whether or not we like it, that people just lose interest over time and/or may even possibly be having affairs but not telling you (of course), and apnea may not have as much to do with your problems as plain old 'fooling around' but not admitting to that happening. And these days with phone sex, etc. happening, you never know what might be going on unless you do find out. I don't want to speculate like this when you feel so bad, but maybe a change of direction is needed in trying to solve your problems... a look somewhere else besides just the physical.

Pugsy said (early on here) "It is also possible that his low sex drive is unrelated to sleep apnea and the best cpap treatment in the world won't help." and maybe that's just the most 'answer' we can give from here.

If you do learn anything else, certainly come back to this thread and let us know.

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Location: Indiana, USA

Re: Frustrated living wife needs understanding and some honest knowledge

Post by lrob123 » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:18 am

Do you have kids together? Maybe not if you haven't been intimate in 8 years, but perhaps you conceived before that? If not, did you ever want kids, or are you beyond the age of that being a consideration?

If you don't have kids together, maybe it is time to think about separating or divorce. I know he loves you and you love him, but some people are not cut out to be a lover or just not interested in working on their problems. It isn't you. On marriage forums, this is a common problem with both men and women.

Most people are much happier with a spouse when there is an intimate relationship, so don't give up on that, you will eventually find a new and better relationship (assuming you are still young or middle aged, it might be hard to find a man to remarry if you are over 75). It may be that you and your current husband can remain friends. He has not taken any action regarding his problem in 8 years (from what you are saying), so it doesn't sound likely he will change. You could give him some warning that your marriage is in trouble because of this and it is serious. If he gets scared of losing you, he might change for a while, but I don't think it will 'stick' unless he goes on testosterone therapy. If he doesn't agree to work with his doctor and invite you to the discussions with his doctor (so you can be involved and hear if what is said), then it might be time to give up on him. From what you've said, it doesn't sound like he is gay or asexual and I don't think he's been having an affair for 8 years, it sounds much more likely that he is avoiding doing anything about his low libido and erection problems. He might have a chronic masturbation habit though, and he might have conditioned himself to only get erections by stimulating himself with his hands. If so, he should work with a sex therapist to break that habit. You could also go to together to see a sex therapist as a couple. I suggest avoiding a marriage counselor who isn't a sex therapist because in that situation, the non-sexual person usually will keep talking about every little problem (every flaw of yours) to divert the discussion and shift the blame, getting the focus off himself and onto you. Don't give your husband the chance to do that to you. After 8 years, his non-interest in sex is not because of some flaw of yours, if it were, he would have brought up the issue long before.

I think you should tell him now that your marriage is being threatened by the lack of intimacy. Have a deadline in your head, but don't tell him any deadline (that will make him mad but also he might put off any action until the deadline gets closer or think he only has to change until the deadline and then slide back). You might light a fire under him. I had friends with this same issue, the husband wasn't interested in changing, so they broke up.

Even if you are religious and divorce is against your religion, in some cases, there are exceptions when a spouse breaks the marriage vows such as cheating, physically or emotionally abusing you, or if the spouse completely abandons the physical relationship (this is considered to be 'desertion' or a 'sexless marriage').

Having said that, I think any more non-apnea talk about marriage in general would be better done on a marriage forum such as

Machine: DreamStation BiPAP® Auto Machine
Mask: ResMed AirFit™ F20 Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: DreamStation Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: IPAP 15 EPAP 13.5