AirSense 10 troubleshooting

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AirSense 10 troubleshooting

Post by Nightemare » Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:21 pm

So first off hi I'm new and I want to start with I did something pretty stupid. This past Friday my wife and I slept over at a relative's place. I brought my machine with me. The next morning I noticed a critter (roach!!) on the table I had my cpap on. Needless to say I quickly cleaned and inspected my machine.

Now onto yesterday. I took the front faceplate off, and I'm not sure if it was paranoia or not, but I thought I saw another critter on the circuit board (with the faceplate off you can see it through a clear piece of plastic). Well here comes the dumb part...I took my machine apart (took the cover off). I was very careful not to damage anything. I did not see any critters in it or any signs of any critters. So I put the cover back on and started it up. And here comes the first thing that happened. I forgot to put the tank back on before I started it. The machine started ramping up and then stopped. This isn't anything new as it does that when the tank is off and you start it. However, this time instead of just shutting off it gave me a system error as well. Well I unplug and plug it back up again. This time I start it with the tank on. It works fine but now I notice that the usage time doesn't change. It was stuck on the usage of the day previous. This worried me a bit but I couldn't figure out how to fix it and the machine was still working. So I go to sleep last night. Everything as far as my pressure goes (16) is reading the same. However, something felt off. When I would breathe it felt like all the air was gone in my mask. The machine never stopped and air was constantly blowing. Needless to say I had a crappy night. I woke up this morning and the usage time was still the same. When I got home from work the time had reset back to 0:00...however it still doesn't change from that no matter how long I leave the machine on. Also Smartstart isnt working right and the mask fit is constantly showing a good smiley face.

Now that that long explanation is over... have I royally messed up my machine or is there anything I can do to fix these issues?