Newly diagnosis Not reaching sleep 3or 4 stage

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Newly diagnosis Not reaching sleep 3or 4 stage

Post by Buffy » Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:56 am

I would be very interested in anybody with information about my sleep study results that say I don't reach stage 3 often and never stage 4. My medical Dr. says this causes the heart and organs to never rest and could cut 10 or 15 years off my life. I am 60 and he said without CPAP or other types of hlep I would not live to 65. I can't seem to find information on this type of sleep disorder. They also seem concerned that my feet at twitching all the time.
I have been using a CPAP for two weeks and I can get to sleep okay but I walk up ever hour or so and after four hours I don't go back to sleep.

Posts: 1318
Joined: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:36 pm

Post by snoregirl » Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:53 pm

Buffy, post your machine and mask information please so someone here can help. Also your pressure settings. Do you have data capabilities on the machine?

Hang in there. If you are not getting stage 3 or 4 sleep you really do need to be on the machine all night.

Things get better as you get used to them or find equipment that works best for you. Mask is the most critical. Many start with a mask that the DME hands to them for whatever reason that is (cheapest, DME thinks it is good for everybody or whatever).

Tell us more please. And keep trying.

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Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:54 pm
Location: New Jersey

Post by JimH » Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:07 pm

Buffy, like most anyone, when you don't reach the lower levels of sleep, it is true that you your heart doesn't rest. I found out I had Atrial Fibrulation (irregular heartbeat) and I am now on medication to treat. When I was just on the meds, i still had a couple of episodes every 3 or 4weeks ago. At that time, I did not know I had sleep apnea. Working really long hours and under a great deal of pressure, I just assumed I was over tired and stressed. It wasn't until I heard someone else talking about that I thougt I might. ( my father even had it and I still (probably didn't) want correlate it. Now, I rarely have any episodes with the combination of CPAP treatment and medication. The heart does not rest and in fact will often beat harder and faster. Everytime you stop breathing and you oxygen level drops, the brain finds a way to wake you up. Usually, it is not a pleasant wakening. Just like getting scared, your heart will beat much quicker than usual and you will wake more frequently. Thus the heart is working overtime and the muscles tire.

As Snoregirl says, you really do need to be on treatment. Keep trying different masks if you have to. Keep plugging away and don't give up. Yes those masks can be uncomfortable, but if you psychologically can accept the fact you have to use, your brain may adjust to it and it won't be such a nuisence to you.
