Looking for orthodontic/sleep apnea stories from BC

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Looking for orthodontic/sleep apnea stories from BC

Post by olalani » Tue May 10, 2016 5:12 pm


You may have seen an old post of mine looking for people to participate in an orthodontic class action for people who have sleep apnea due to retractive orthodontic work that pulled the maxilla back into the airway with headgears or other similar appliances.

Since then, I started a non-profit educational organization called Right to Grow and I looking for more stories. Our aim is to educate the public on the impact of orthodontic maxillary growth stunting, it's relationship to disordered breathing and to also change how orthodontics is practised so that what happened to us never happens to anyone again. A class action is still a possibility.

My short story is that when I was a kid, I was given a cervical headgear which was designed to pull my upper jaw back in order to correct an overbite. Gradually, I started to become more and more fatigued, and this eventually mapped out a large portion of my life until 2013, when I woke up one day and could barely move. I was diagnosed with severe OSA as a result of a maxilla that was sitting too far back, taking up the space of my airway.

If you have a similar story, please post it here or write to me at olalani@gmail.com, or olalani@righttogrow.org.

If you are from British Columbia, that would be a bonus.

I am also looking for stories of people who have reversed their sleep apnea through orthodontic work.
