humidifiers and relief for colds?

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humidifiers and relief for colds?

Post by LDuyer » Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:35 pm

Can these humidifiers be used with some vaporizors, mentholated stuff for colds and stuffed up noses? ......dumb question?

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Post by AirHog » Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:13 pm

Hey LDuyer

My wife asked me the same question. I think it would be way to intense, metering it would be very difficult, Vick's at 10cm would make your head explode. hehehe

GJ (nl)
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Post by GJ (nl) » Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:19 am


My dr gave me 'Budesonide Dumex' That is a nosespray you can use for a long time. It takes about a week or two to start working but then it helps you to keep your nose open.

I'm from hollland and I don't know if they sell it everywhere around the world.
The working ingredient is budesonide.

It works for me so maybe you can give it a try.

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Post by LDuyer » Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:02 pm


I'll have to check into that. But I may have to look into having a full face mask as a spare, in case of those stuffy nights. Oh, lovely.

I noticed that was your first post. Wow. Holland!
Don't think I've ever known anyone from Holland.
How is sleep apnea there? Do many seem to have it? How long have you had it? What was it like for you, finding out you had it?
(I find it all interesting)


GJ (nl)
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Post by GJ (nl) » Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:14 am

How is sleep apnea here? Just as bad a thing as everywhere I guess. I don't think there is a difference in the amounts of people that suffer from OSAS. I have it since about 4-5 years. I was diagnosed in February 2003 and hooked up in March 2003.

Our health care is organised different from the states. A big problem here is the time you have to wait before you get help. I takes about 5 months to get a sleep test. That is the reason it took so long to get the right diagnose. I first was sent to see a whole bunch of other doctors. Finally I saw a television program about OSAS and recognised my illness. I then went to the specialist and was diagnosed OSAS. Treatment started….now three cpap machines further I still can’t work because of the OSAS. Is case you are wondering why 3 machines…the first one was too loud, the second one had c-flex but that didn’t help. Now I am back to a bi-level but with this one the neighbours don’t wake up when I go to bed.

My doctor says I am a difficult case (cpap doesn’t do the trick). We have tried every pressure setting from 12 over 9 to 17 over 11. Although the apneas seem to disappear the daytime problems keep worsening.

Now my doctor thinks my problems are caused by a combination of OSAS and DSPS (delayed sleep phase syndrome). Started light-treatment 4 days ago….I hope this will help me…

Don't think I've ever known anyone from Holland…?...
Well, here’s a real genuine Dutch guy…
- no sorry, I do not own wooden shoes (although they are very comfortable)
- My drowsy appearance during the day is not caused by smoking to much pot.
- My cpap-machine is not hooked up to a windmill.
- By light therapy I don’t mean red-light….but maybe that is a good idea to improve the quality of life.

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Post by LDuyer » Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:01 pm

Ha! Very funny, Mr. Holland,

Now, what does everyone there think of us mean old Americans?

I have the BiPAP also, it was the first machine prescribed and I've only been on it a week. My prescribed level is 17/14, also high, I understand. Luckily I was able to get the testing and the machine quickly after first going to the doctor about it. (but I took my good time getting around to it.)

I worry about your daytime problems continuing. What are they? Exhaustion? Do you nod off during the day? Or is it other physical problems. I have a long long list of health problems. I'm hoping this thing gives me at least a small amount of energy to start handling some of them, not to mention getting off my butt and clean my condo.
