What other ailments do we have, an informal poll

General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.

Post by Guest » Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:01 pm

the last post was mine, but it showed me as a guest. When I try to log in it tells me that sleepless in ny is already taken as a user name...duh?
Anyway, you made me laugh, you made me cry...you made me pee!!

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Post by rock and roll » Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:44 pm

"Life According to Uncle Bob"

read it, it's a classic!

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Post by Yoga » Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:05 pm

Absolutely hilarious, Uncle Bob!

You should have been on the Oscar show tonight.

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Post by SleepyGuy » Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:14 pm

I had an AHI of 80 at the sleep study. I had almost no level 4 or 5 sleep and very little level 3.

My ailments:




My prostate is technically not enlarged, but is misshapen making it difficult to urinate.

Bladder stones that the doc says are due to the prostate.
60 lbs overweight.

I have some strange blistering on my hands and feet which seem to be related to sleep apnea and seem to be improving as I treat the apnea.

I have sciatic pain, a herniated disk, and life-long back problems.


The back problems are due in part to a congenital stenosis (a narrowing of the bones that puts pressure on the nerves). The doctor suspects this is also responsible for the prostate problems and possibly the IBS. My nighttime urination has improved since using the CPAP, but not my daytime urination or IBS.

GERD has improved since CPAP therapy.

Fatigue is still a problem, but only recently have I started to sleep through the night with the machine. I hope that improves soon.

Pretty good health


Post by Pretty good health » Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:55 pm

49 years old with severe OSA... they say.... remstar plus set on 10....50 pounds larger than they say I should be.... 40 mg. lipitor just in case I eat 14 cheese burgers in a week. They say I have high blood pressure....so I take Lotrel 5/20 each day....They .say I have GERD that refuses to heal.....so I take a Protonix or the little purple pill each day...They say my collection of herniated disks etc. require a few celebrex each day, so I indulge in them as well. They say I can take 3 flexeril each day If I wanna, to control spasms etc. I also take zanax many vitamins and melitonin each night. They say I probably should cut down on my smoking, Im not that sure yet. So before ya start a lottery on my time of death etc....Let me say that I feel fine. Always have. Only they say I might have some small problems. I can walk 3 miles with no problems, smoke drink gamble and have a few women friends....So in summation....dont let a few little problems get you down. THEY dont know how you feel....The meds you take are little adjustments on a great machine.....the machine{your body} has thousands of departments that work great...They make a fuss about the few that have problems....What the heckdo they know? Like the great George Burns said when he was 97..."dont even ask me who my Doctor is'.....MY DOCTORS DEAD.

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Post by Marie » Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:19 am

Ok,here goes:
61 years old,severe OSA, Remstar Plus cpap with passover humidifer set on 11.
Resperonics Comfort Classic nose mask size small. Am I the only one here that hasn't had trouble with the mask? Or the cpap?Or the humidifier?Or the insurance? Or the DME?

High blood pressure,under control.Overweight,don't really want to see how much written down. So,I won't write it.
Just began Lipitor,lowest dose.

That's about it gang.
I feel really blessed.

Hot and humid here in south Louisiana

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Post by Severeena » Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:25 am

Where do I start?

Sarcoidosis, which mimics MS, MD, CP and Fibromyalgia. Sarcoidosis is an autoimmune disease that affects all soft tissue and soft tissue organs. Mine is affecting my lungs, blood pressure, skin, nervous system. No one knows how we get this disease or why we get it.

Erythema Nodosum, an auto immune disease that causes hard nodules on the legs. There are three different colors and each one lasts two to three weeks.

Osteoarthritis, Restless Leg Syndrome, as well as my Sleep Apnea.

56 Years old. Getting married 13th of August

Metropolol HCT

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not until thine own understanding ..... Proverbs 3:5-

Not all Masks work for everyone. Each Person is Different.

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Post by Brian000 » Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:25 pm

37 yrs old. Been on cpap for 3 years. Was suffering from apnea for 4+ years before I began CPAP (although I had never heard of apnea until I referred myself to a sleep specialist in desperation).

Other than that I'm disgustingly healthy.

Oh ... I have worn glasses since I was a kid

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Post by sleepy0808 » Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:11 pm

WOW, I have been on cpap for about 4 weeks.
I have SA, diabetic Type II, overweight, allergies (allergic to everything under the sun), exzema, I had my gall bladder out when I was 14 and I am 30 something now. High cholesterol.

Is this what it feels like to be rested?

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What ails me....

Post by sharonious » Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:12 pm

Hi. I'm 25 lbs. overweight. 3 years ago was 86 lbs. overweight but started counting calories on a good, healthy diet and lost it. Sigh....have gained 25 lbs. back. Will work on it.
HBP (controlled with medication).
High cholesterol.
Chronic bilateral epicondilitis (sp?).
Short-term memory loss (almost forgot that one).
Inverted T wave (though the consensus is that that is normal for me).
Seems like enough for now. CPAP might just help with a few of those. I surely am hoping!

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Post by IWannaSleep » Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:55 pm

Ok, I'll add my list to the thread, I'm 50 years old:

Mild Type 2 Diabetes for 2 years: controlled with a small dose of glucophage twice daily.

Slightly elevated blood pressure: small dose of lisinopril controls it.

Erectile Dysfunction: non responsive to treatment so far.

Slightly elevated heart rate had my Dr running me through several tests which finally led to the Sleep Apnea test and subsequent diagnosis. I'm hoping through maintaining full compliance with CPAP treatment that my other conditions will improve and that perhaps I'll be able to reduce or drop some of the meds. Especially since the diabetes and high bp are very mild.


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Post by glassgal » Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:21 pm

OK, here goes...

55 yrs.
Severe OSA
High BP (controlled with meds)
Meniere's Disease (inner ear disorder)
Gallbladder removed
very overweight
Joint pain (knees & hips especially)
herniated disc
TMJ (probably related to or exacerbates Meniere's)

I had heartburn pre-APAP -- was able to go off of prevacid!

Feeling so much better on APAP!

Sleep well,


PB 420e -- 10-17 cm/H2O
heated humidifier
Aura that I have deconstructed & am making a
new headgear for.

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My turn I guess

Post by Kluemaster » Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:42 am


31.. 9 days left to be able to say that
not sure what my bmi is, but i'm some overweight 6'3 225 lbs.
Just diagnosed with OSA, but my GF and ex wife diagnosed it years ago.
Haven't seen the results themselves but I believe she said my index was ~50 on my side, and close to 100 on my back, so....
PB 420G with a Reperonics Comfort Select pressure set at 8. Ordering a humidifier sometime today, if I can figure out whether to get the one that goes with my unit or a seperate one.
Been a heavy snorer all my life, so I'm not sure when the SA started
High Colesterol 250 range
Lazy eye.. Matches the rest of me
Was diagnosed with slight scoliosis when a child, but it never got any worse to my knowledge.

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Post by littlebaddow » Tue Jun 07, 2005 2:45 pm

Ailments? Wife, 3 daughters, mortgage... oh, not that list

Ok, carry far too much weight, seriously short sighted, receeding hairline, but otherwise generally in good health.

Airsense 10 & Airfit N20

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Post by coffee » Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:29 pm

I'm glad writer's block isn't one of your ailments...

I'm feeling a little better after reading the list of ailments out there...
I've just got the "years of undiagnosed, untreated OSA blues", memory loss, exhaustion, brain fog, etc.
and a pair of prematurely arthritic knees (still dancing...) for this 48 yr old,

but a great wife and 16 month old son to inspire me to shake these OSA blues one way or another...

Mask: Swift™ FX Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: RemStar BiPAP AutoSV model #104016