shingles help

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shingles help

Post by donah » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:14 pm

Has anyone out there had shingles. it is my first time and it is awful, its on my head around my eye and thats where my mask straps are any sugestions on this one and what to do about them im on meds but it dont seem to be helping. if anyone can tell me what to do thank you.[/b]


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Post by ozij » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:32 pm

Oh, that is painful.

If you started taking the meds close enough to when the shingles started you'll be feeling better gradually - keep in contact with the doc. because shingles on your face can cause complications. And you may need painkillers too.

The Headrest is a mask with headgear, and a seal literally floating above your face - touching a bit of your nose, and your nostrils. Since shingles can leave the area sensitive to touch for a long time, the mask is worth trying, if you see the headgear straps don't go where the shingles are. Sealing it as is may be difficult for a woman - when I used it with the headgear I found it helpful to fold a tennis sock between my head and the headgear.



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Post by Beulah » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:42 pm

Oh, I'm so sorry. Having shingles was almost the worst pain I've ever felt, I think because it attacks the nerve.

I would recommend an otc amino acid called L-Lysine. You can google it to confirm that it's harmless. I started that when the regular, prescribed meds did NOTHING to dent my shingles. Also, he was treating the surface lesions (which weren't so bad to me) instead of the nerve pain (which was horrendous). I researched online and found out that the shingles virus (a herpes strain) thrives on and is fueled by the amino acid arginine, which is present in many foods commonly eaten in a normal diet. Arginine is suppressed by L-Lysine, I believe also present in foods but not in as great a quantity. Hence, the logic is that taking L-Lysine would cut off the virus's food supply and "starve" it out of existence. I swear, it worked for me. Within DAYS of starting L-Lysine, my shingles went away.

An aunt of mine suffered with shingles for a year without telling any of us. My mother told her about my results with L-Lysine, she tried it, and her shingles were gone within a week!

Whatever you do, good luck and hugs to you!




Post by Guest » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:22 pm

WARNING: You may not like what I'm about to post.

My stepfather had shingles 5 years ago. He was given Neurontin. He had a reaction to it. He is now legally blind, profoundly deaf, and has mobility and cognitive issues. He will never "get better."

This is not an isolated case. The year this happened to him, Merck paid out on a class-action lawsuit against them to a group of patients who had similar bad reactions.

It did not stop them from continuing to market this drug as "just like aspirin" to the medical community. It continues to be given out to patients with shingles every day.

I honestly do not know what alternatives are out there for shingles. But think twice before taking Neurontin, and alert your family to help you seek medical attention immediately if you see any of the following symptoms: Darkening of vision, loss of center vision, blurring of vision, loss of hearing, loss of balance. My mother noticed these symptoms quickly, and stopped my father from taking the medication, and he still ended up permanently disabled.

My biological father, the MD, says in most cases, patients just die, and people think it was the shingles and no one bothers to do an autopsy and find out what really happened.

My stepfather was lucky(?). Or not. You decide.

Best of luck to you,

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Post by Slinky » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:56 pm

You have my sincere sympathies, Donah. I've gone thru a bout of shingles myself. FORTUNATELY, NOT on my head or face. THAT is a DANGEROUS area. Stay on top of it w/your doctor, shingles near the eye or ear can cause blindness or deafness.

Ask your doctor to refer you to a Pain Clinic ASAP. The sooner they can break the pain cycle, the less your chance of PHN (Post Herpatic Neuralgia).

Stay with the anti-viral at least until the lesions are gone. Like you, I had very little rash and what I did have never looked anywhere near as bad as the pictures you see. But rash & pain don't necessarily coincide!

(((hugs))) Best wishes for a speedy recovery and God bless!

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Post by roster » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:10 pm

Not to change the subject, but I was just told by a friend Sunday to get a shingles vaccination. He did some research on the vaccine and was impressed. So, he asked his doc about it and the doc told him to get one by all means.

Anyone else have any information on the vaccine (too tired to google tonight)? I will have a 30-month physical next month and want to ask the doctor about it.

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Post by Beulah » Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:32 pm

rooster wrote:Anyone else have any information on the vaccine (too tired to google tonight)? I will have a 30-month physical next month and want to ask the doctor about it.
Is it the chicken pox vaccine? It's different herpes strains that cause chicken pox and shingles, as well as cold sores and STD herpes, so that could be the one. (Also too tired to google. Should be getting plugged in now.) That's been around for a few years. My daughters all got it and this year it was added to the list of required vaccines for school attendance here.


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Post by ozij » Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:01 pm

My mother was prescribed Zovirax - it helped.

Zovirax (generic acyclovir)" is best used as soon as possible after the symptoms of herpes infection or shingles (for example, pain, burning, blisters) begin to appear."

Mayo Clinic - suggestions for self care

The neurontin mentioned by Babbette is an anticonvulsant, used sometimes against the pain.

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Post by Julie » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:14 am

Yes, Zovirax is the gold standard and you should be on it (if your MD actually doesn't know it).

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Post by Slinky » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:15 am

Beulah wrote: Is it the chicken pox vaccine? It's different herpes strains that cause chicken pox and shingles ...
Straight from Taber's medical dictionary used by many colleges and universities for Medical Terminology courses ...
shingles ...
An acute infectious viral disease. See: herpes zoster.
... h. zoster
... The herpes zoster virus is the chicken pox (varicella) virus that has remained dormant in nerves after recovery from chicken pox. It may be reactivated by the diminishing immune competency that comes with age or the physiological stress of disease. ... This infection is most common in persons with a compromised immune system: the elderly, those with AIDS or illnesses such as Hodgkin's disease and diabetes, those taking corticosteroids or undergoing cancer chemotherapy ...
varicella ... Etiology: This virus is caused by varicella-zoster, which also causes herpes zoster. ...
From Mayo Clinic:
Shingles is a second eruption of the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. ...

The Prevention URL is the one you should read, Rooster, to talk to your doctor about and help you decide about the vaccine.

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Post by BarryKaraoke » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:57 am

There IS a new "Shingles Vaccine" called ZOSTAVAX.....whether or not it is just a marketing re-branding of the existing chicken pox vaccine, I don't know.

According to the CDC:
CDC wrote:A vaccine for shingles was licensed in 2006. In clinical trials, the vaccine prevented shingles in about half of people 60 years of age and older. (link)
So it's a coin toss whether it works for you or not.


Post by Guest » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:11 am

Need an Rx for L-Lysine?

What is it?

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Post by Nodzy » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:12 am

Shingles are absolutely nasty... in anyone at any age. They've been documented in preteen kids on through people people in their 90's.

I've had two short capped bouts of them -- meaning that as soon as I felt the tingle I got the proper med used to treat them at the time.... and prevented a major outbreak.

CAUTION: Neurontin (Gabapentin) is a questionable medication. It serves many people well, but usually with notable and troubling side-effects. The medication causes seizures in many people, even though it's often prescribed to prevent them. It does have documented effects on blocking pain, but does not work well for that purpose in everyone. Usually, it clouds the mind and dulls reality perception much more than blocks pain.

Neurontin leaves many patients with worse problems, often permanent and debilitating ailments, than they had before using the medication. After my personal experience with it a few years ago.... I would absolutely refuse to take Neurontin for any reason. And I would also refuse to let it be administered to anyone I had a medical POA for or right to oversee their medical care. To me... Neurontin ranks as a top Russian Roulette drug.

I wish you well with your bout of shingles and hope that you recover quickly and without years of recurring pain from the attack. You're in my prayers.


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Post by Maryb » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:11 am

I had a nasty bout of shingles about 10 years ago. I had the rash, the nerve pain the whole nine yards. I had it on my right back side. I felt like I had been punched there! I got on the antivirals as soon as I figured out what was going on. I also used some kind of OTC topical gel that contained capsacian (red pepper). I think it was called zorax or something like that. That helped with the pain. You just rubbed it into your skin. However, I don't know if it is still available. If so, I would recommend it.
My question is: you can get shingles more than once? Yikes, I thought that I had it once and I was done. I sure don't want to get it again EVER!


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Post by Nodzy » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:24 am

YES! You certainly can have shingles more than once. I know a guy who has had three bouts with the nasty ailment. His doctor blames his recurrences in-part on serious liver problems, Type-1 diabetes, damaged pancreas and compromised immune system. But, he has not been diagnosed with any form of SDB... yet.
