Connecting sleep apnea with other's deaths.

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Re: Connecting sleep apnea with other's deaths.

Post by borgready » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:39 am

Keep in mind that with the right cock tail of prescription drugs, these can be the reasons for people dying in their sleep. Many famous celebrities have had doctors that pushed too many meds only to kill the person. Was this on purpose for someones financial gain? Who knows. Even for the no bodies these days, you have to wander is maybe granny is on the govt kill list. So when she goes in the ER complaining of aches and pains they send her home with a lethal hard core pain med which is known to put her to sleep and screw with her breathing. One less person sucking off the govt tit. Sinister and cold, this govt is up to no good as it seeks ways to get people off social security and medicare and govt pensions. Doctors go along with this system and give out the meds with out giving too much thought as to the side effects of drugs or drug cock tails.