I have an AirSense 10 Autoset that I'm looking to use on overnight flights. It seems there's inconsistency with being allowed to plug it into outlets, and also the outlets sometimes don't give consistent enough power so it's best to use a battery pack.
In Canada there's this battery pack specifically for AirSense 10, but it costs $400, and it seems to not have the best reviews about maintaining a charge. https://www.amazon.ca/Pilot-24-Battery- ... B07C8734MB
I already own an Anker battery pack that I was thinking I could use with the right cord: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0B9XHR6BG?ref ... asin_title
There's an adapter for the airsense 11 with good reviews: https://www.amazon.com/Supply-AirSense- ... B0BV1J88GV , but the airsense 11 one from the same company seems to have terrible reviews saying it doesn't work? https://www.amazon.com/Converter-Airsen ... B0DDSWPC13 Also these are both only from USA Amazon.
Has anyone else been in this scenario and found something that works that doesn't involve paying $400 for a low quality item?