I don’t know how much longer I can take
I don’t know how much longer I can take
61 male 210 pds airsense 10 full f20 mask 12-14cm 1 epr use the machine 8-10 hours a night very minimal leaks but I’m really not sure I’m getting any sleep. I’m exhausted all day long my eyes feel so heavy I can’t nap my anxiety is taking over. My wife says it’s because I’m sleep deprived. I’ve had bloodwork done thyroid vitamins my heart ct scan on my brain and nothing. I’ve used the machine religiously for 3-4 months. I do leave my mouth while I sleep. Didn’t mean to bother my wife did all that Oscar stuff I still use a rotary phone lol. Tom
Re: I don’t know how much longer I can take
When's the last time you talked to your MD in any detail and what did they say (if anything useful)?
Have you considered going somewhere else?
Have you had bloodwork etc. done to rule out other things that could be causing your symptoms?
Have you considered going somewhere else?
Have you had bloodwork etc. done to rule out other things that could be causing your symptoms?
Re: I don’t know how much longer I can take
Thanks for the reply. Yes on bloodwork to rule anything else out my primary physician saw me like 10 days ago we omitted one of my prescriptions no effect to date. I’m seeing my pulmonary doctor this weds. His last chance I also saw an ent doctor who said my sinuses were ok