F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

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F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by silver123 » Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:33 am

The F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow is available up here in Canada. I picked one up about two weeks ago and really like it. I'm getting 0 leaks and my AHI is running between 0.1 and 0.5 consistently. I use a Resmed 11 Autoset and set it on APAP with low EPR of 1 - pressure at 11.6- 14. Average pressure is ~12.5. I mouth tape.

I was using a Resmed n30 and just always had a bit of leak (side sleeper) and found it was easy to put pressure on the side of the mask, and voila - leaks. Since the pillow is so small on this mask, it fits fantastically without those kinda wings that the n30 has and many other pillow masks and it seems more stable. I don't find it to be loud at all and there is no diffusion device. The venting is up, which might not be something not everyone loves but it's working for me. I like the way the straps fit. I always had problems with the straps on Resmed masks slipping unless I tightened them down way too much. The straps easily stay put on the back of my head and on top with the way this is designed. The velcro straps that allow you to adjust tension are easily accessible. The mask lies a little higher on my cheekbones but I am not seeing mask marks particularly since I don't need to tighten the mask as much with the great fit of the pillow.

I'm not sure when it is headed to the US. It's worth trying if you like a minimalist type of mask.

Any other Canadians trying this mask? Experience and opinions?
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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by mw757 » Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:35 am

Your post piqued my curiosity so I decided to order the mask and give it a try. My go to mask has been the Resmed P10 ever since it was released. My only complaint was the stretchy strap,even with the adjustable version it seemed to loosen up overnight.
I’ve been using the Nova for the past 3 weeks and I am impressed! The strap is more comfortable, the pillows are much softer and more comfortable and the venting is better. Its smaller size makes it less likely to come adrift when sleeping on my side. There’s been no change with my AHI…usually .5 and under. This mask has become my new favourite. 👍👍👍

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by Cecioboe » Thu Aug 15, 2024 1:48 pm

Thanks to you both for your thoughts on the Nova Micro. I hope they are available to those of us in the US soon! I'm a P10 user and would love an alternative.
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F&P Nova Micro Pillows mask

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by randotron » Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:26 pm

Hi, can anyone who has used this mask comment more on the venting, I note there is no diffuser (why F&P stopped making diffusers on their masks I have no clue). Do you find the exhaust hits your pillow/eyes/partner?

Otherwise, this looks like a perfect mask to me.

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by mw757 » Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:40 am

In the past l have tried both the Brevida and Evora masks and vent noise and flow were the main issues with them. As a side sleeper, vented air bouncing off of my pillow and into my face was too much of an irritation. F&P seems to have resolved these issues with the Nova Micro.

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by Chilehead » Wed Nov 13, 2024 4:41 pm

I just ordered the Nova Micro, as I think it just became available in the US. I've always used the P10 and have been happy with it, but always willing to try something newer and lighter.

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by sptrout » Sat Nov 23, 2024 9:08 am

I have been using the Nova Micro Mask for the last four nights, replacing my long history of only using the P10 Masks. The F&P Mask has had a flat line of "0" in my OSCAR Leakage Reports where my P10s have many leak problems. Very light mask with no noise, but even if there was some our white noise generator would cover any mask noise up. Very comfortable and easy to use. One note of caution, I found that I have to use the "large pillow" size where I used a medium pillow with my P10s. A person with a large nose may have fitting problems. Any way for me, the P10 is is history.

Additional Comments: OSCAR & SleepHQ
Machine: ResMed AirSense 11 w/Humidifier
Mask Make & Model: Pillow mask
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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by SakimaStorm » Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:43 pm

Hello all,

About to order the Nova Micro. Does anyone else have thoughts about the sizing of the nasal pillows? A couple of people have said they run smaller than the P10.

I use the Medium on the P10 (a touch small, though the Large is too big) and the M/L on the Brevida (which is perfect).

Should I go w/ the large nasal pillows on the Micro or the Medium? My DME doesn't have a fit pack so I need to tell them which size to send.

thanks much.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask
Additional Comments: OSCAR - Linux - Debian 12 (trixie) with KDE Plasma 6 Desktop
ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto
F&P Nova Micro

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by Pugsy » Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:23 pm

SakimaStorm wrote:
Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:43 pm
Hello all,

About to order the Nova Micro. Does anyone else have thoughts about the sizing of the nasal pillows? A couple of people have said they run smaller than the P10.

I use the Medium on the P10 (a touch small, though the Large is too big) and the M/L on the Brevida (which is perfect).

Should I go w/ the large nasal pillows on the Micro or the Medium? My DME doesn't have a fit pack so I need to tell them which size to send.

thanks much.
The Nova Micro pillows do seem to run on the small side of things.
I normally use the small in the P10 but I ended up using the large with best success on the Nova Micro NP mask. If truth be known I probably would do best with something between the medium and large but I think larger is better than smaller since there isn't an option for something in between large and medium.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by SakimaStorm » Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:12 pm

Thank you Pugsy.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask
Additional Comments: OSCAR - Linux - Debian 12 (trixie) with KDE Plasma 6 Desktop
ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto
F&P Nova Micro

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by BlueDragon » Sat Jan 11, 2025 10:11 pm

I have used the Brevida for some years and recently got a Micro Nova fit pack to see how it was. My first reaction on opening the package was that the cushion was amazingly small!

I used the M-L cushion with the Brevida. With the Micro Nova, I found that I had to breath harder with the medium cushion, but it was leak free. With the large cushion, breathing was easier but I had to tighten the straps more than with the medium one to prevent leaks. I liked the headgear of the Micro Nova a bit more than the Brevida's, but neither is perfect. AHI was marginally higher with the Micro Nova, but that may well just require getting more used to that mask.

I will probably stay with the Brevida as my standard mask.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: Brevida™ Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Dx Mar 2018 (AHI=24, RDI=54; AHI=73 supine). Started APAP June 2018, VAuto Aug 2020.
See OSCAR for the latest release.
ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto, F&P Brevida.
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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by JOinPA » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:56 am

Thank you to the OP for enticing me to try a new mask!

I've used the ResMed P10 for the 8 years I've been on CPAP therapy, trying only one other mask about 4 years ago. I forget what it was but it covered the whole nose, but only the nose, not the mouth. I've been very happy with the P10 and did not feel the need to experiment.

However I got the Nova Micro and I really like it. It is fairly similar to the P10, but I like the headgear better, it seems less stretchy than the ResMed and in my first night it stayed put much, much better than the P10 does. Leaks seemed to be lessened and smaller with the Nova, as well. AHI and sleep comfort were about the same, but I believe I woke up less with the Nova Micro, probably because it stayed put and did not wake me up needing adjustment.

I'll use it a couple more nights, then the P10 again, but I think I just found my new mask. Maybe I should experiment a little more. The only area whereI think the P10 is a clear winner is how their pillows snap in/out. But that's a really minor thing. This F&P Nova is a great little mask for me! Thanks for posting!
Initial diagnosis = severe, current stats (02/09/2025): weight 220 lbs, Airsense 10 Autoset with ClimateLine Air tubing, F40 mask, Climate and tube temp = Auto, CPAP pressure = 13, ramp = off, EPR = 3

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by JOinPA » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:28 am

Well, second night with the new mask. Not enough to evaluate, I'll use it probably for the rest of the week, then try the P10 again for comparison.

My observations so far, though, are my leak rate with both masks seem to be about the same. I thought the Nova would leak less but that is not the case, at least with me. Also, I noticed the list price on their nasal pillows is $29, while the price on the ResMed P10 pillows is $22. Cpapsupplies gives various discounts, but $7 more per pillow (I replace them monthly) is a little steep.

If I like the mask significantly more the cost won't matter, but so far they are pretty much comparable. Thought I'd share the price information if anyone is following this thread.
Initial diagnosis = severe, current stats (02/09/2025): weight 220 lbs, Airsense 10 Autoset with ClimateLine Air tubing, F40 mask, Climate and tube temp = Auto, CPAP pressure = 13, ramp = off, EPR = 3

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by JOinPA » Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:01 am

Well, I'm going back to the P10 mask.

No change in leak rate that I can see, and both masks are comfortable, but I've used the P10 for 8 years with no issues whatsoever, and if the F&P does not lower my leak rate, why spend another $80 a year in pillows?

Great mask, however, I like it as much as the P10, for those searching for a nasal pillow mask, this one should be on your try list, for sure.
Initial diagnosis = severe, current stats (02/09/2025): weight 220 lbs, Airsense 10 Autoset with ClimateLine Air tubing, F40 mask, Climate and tube temp = Auto, CPAP pressure = 13, ramp = off, EPR = 3

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Re: F&P Nova Micro Nasal Pillow Mask

Post by bran » Thu Jan 16, 2025 6:24 am

With either the P10 or the F&P does the air pressure released, come anywhere near the eyes and if so, how strong? I have the one that fits on top of my head(P30i, I think,) as a stomach sleeper mostly, and feel the hose does not get in the way, but also sleep on my side at times, albeit getting leaks around 16-22, so prepared to try as long as the air gets nowhere near my eyes. Thx.