I did. I think Philips is over this whole thing because when I registered they were all about having a doctor's prescription. They've gotten down to accepting DME paperwork. You'll need to have your DME fax the settings information (mine is 12/9) to the Philips recall fax (331-233-0129) with your Philips Recall Confirmation Number on it really big so they can't screw it up. I had to have the information faxed twice. When I had to call back the 2nd time I made the call center guy enter my settings information into my account comments so they couldn't say they didn't have it.
I got my Dreamstation BiPAP today and I will tell you my System 1 carrying bag is too small for the new Dreamstation. They send regular tubes instead of the heated tubes in the YouTube videos, but the girl in Colorado said that's only to dry up any condensation in the tube and since I never push my humidifier past 2 I shouldn't have a problem with it. I'm going to try and use this machine tonight just the way it is. I would love to get 8 hours of sleep again.
Does anyone have their Philips Dreamstation plugged into a UPS system? The Dreamstations seem more digitally complex and I can't see why they wouldn't want them to receive continual power to them when the lights go off. I've had the lights go off from thunderstorms (Florida) and waking up barely able to breathe because the machine isn't working any more isn't a fun experience.
Hope this information is useful to someone.