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Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:52 pm
by The Latinist
I have a cousin with apnea who's four years old and wearing a CPAP. Perhaps you're too old to have it?

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:22 pm
by candlegirl76
The Latinist wrote:I have a cousin with apnea who's four years old and wearing a CPAP. Perhaps you're too old to have it?
And now I'm worried about my kids!! Hopefully they have inherited all their Daddy's healthy, amazing genes!

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:02 am
by WildMtnHoney
Eh, I'm 38 and falling apart.

OSA, osteoarthritis in the knees (but that's from treating them poorly, too), a DVT with a blood clotting disorder so I take blood thinners and wear compression socks daily, and now my thyroid seems to have decided to poop out after a viral infection (viral thyroiditis, lucky me!), and I've had tummy issues, so I've already dealt with not one, but TWO colonoscopies, as well! Oh, and I'm obese, but haven't been this way for long. Can't forget I have had migraines for years.

BUT, I'm alright! My friend who works in assisted living does tease me from time to time about dealing with "old" people problems, but we giggle and move on. In my *mind* I'm still in young, and that's what matters, right?

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:34 am
Enchanter wrote:If I do in fact have it, I've had it since age 19. I remember the day everything started becoming rough and I started to become tired and not sleep. No joke. Happened OVERNIGHT....... And what's ironic is that it happened the night after I sprained my ankle. I have no idea why that is, but everything started to go bad for me after that ankle sprain.
This is more ridiculous than your other posts. ( Many of your other posts border on OCD)

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:13 am
by jjhall
Yes, I'm 34, and as others have said, I've probably had it for a good 5-10 years before I finally went in and got checked. I'm quite overweight at the moment, but when I was closer to "normal" weight my wife still noticed symptoms.

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:15 am
by MissSax
I was just diagnosed at 39... stopped breathing 94 times in an hour! In a week the CPAP has made a worlds difference!

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:54 pm
by zoocrewphoto
candlegirl76 wrote:I'm interested in knowing if there are anymore like me out there. I just turned 39 and I feel like I'm too young to have high BP that requires meds and then to find out that I have OSA, which probably caused the high BP in the first place. I've had migraines since I was 11 but they changed after I had my 3 kids and then I got them all the time and not just 3-6x a year. Add to that depression (which has been killing me, literally, because I'm Miss Happy Sunshine Girl and never got so depressed that I couldn't talk myself out of it) and having a hard time losing weight, no sex drive and three kids to chase around. Exhaustion and just barely surviving isn't fun and I really want to thrive and climb mountains. My husband deserves more, my kids deserve more and I deserve more than just survival! That's why I'm here, that's why I'm doing the APAP therapy and that's why I want to know everything I can about OSA and optimal treatment, lifestyle changes and sleep!

I am 42 now, but I was diagnosed with sleep apnea at age 39, and I know from experience that I have had it at least 10 years prior to that. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years before the sleep apnea. Even with 3 medications, it wasn't staying good. I still have some ups and downs with my apap, but I am a ton better than I was before. It has made a huge improvement in my life.

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:11 pm
by candlegirl76
Thanks, everyone, for replying. I am feel so old sometime because I'm so tired and then at other times I still feel like a young woman, maybe 23. I guess the way we look at life has a lot to do with how we feel. I'm glad I got it diagnosed now instead of in 10 years after I had a heart attack (my mom died of a massive heart attack at 75, in 2007). I just saw my doctor today and I got my Rx for my APAP. So excited to get settled into my treatment and see even more positive changes. My blood pressure is coming down so nicely that my Dr. said I can drop my meds another 25mg so I'll be taking 75mg a day, instead of 100mg. He's even lowering my med for my depression. That makes me very happy! Right now I'm using the nasal mask and I'm thinking that I want to try out the nasal pillows. They look like they'd suit me better. I hate that you all have sleep apnea, too but then again it's kinda nice not to be the only "young" one around here! That is, if almost 40 can be called young!

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:19 pm
by AlexC
I was diagnosed at 24 while in the military in what was possibly the best shape of my life. I was 5'8 170 pounds with about 8 percent body fat. It was pretty annoying, Now I am 28 and have gained some weight since I don't work out nowhere as much as when I was in the Army. My biggest problem has been keeping my mask on past the 4 hour mark. I hover at 3 1/2 hours and when I do wake up and realize the mask is off it's time for me to start my day.

Re: Anyone else under 40 w/ OSA?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:36 pm
by SleepyStar
27 now, diagnosed at 25. Yeaaaaah.

Good way to attract the fellas, between that, the cubital tunnel braces for the elbows and the bite guard and the ankle brace... I feel like at this point I'm almost armoring up to sleep.

Almost all my AHI came from hypopneas vs full apnea events, but it still was like....23ish an hour? With my machine it's 0. The headaches have gotten a LOT better. So has the blood pressure. So don't give up, this goofy looking thing will help.

I have a beach theme for my apartment as best I can for "stuff from friends and family and craigslist because I'm just out of school" and I put on beach sounds to I think of my cpap gear as a snorkel or scuba mask. I found that to be a helpful transition way to think of it.

Uh, I also use those sleep caps from the beauty supply store to keep my hair from breaking. Helps because curly hair will tangle in the headgear hard otherwise. Not hot, the headgear line of breakage. 2 dollar cap ftw, but I'm sure I look nuts. Crazy night look is so much better than feeling like crap while awake though.

Ooo. I use the Swift FX mask with the bella loops most of the time. Occasionally the other headgear if my jaw hurts too much. LOVE the bella loops that go around the ear, then my hair doesn't have to be a worry. Give it a try next time you're up for a mask!