Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

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Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by ShelaghDB » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:51 am

Saw an ENT doctor 3 years ago. No particular reason, just hit early 50s, part of age related testing, all was great.

Family Doctor not in till next week for needed referral but have, I believe the start of something medical and first wish to find out if this is something others with Sleep Apnea have also had, or not at all. OR if a common potential aging symptom?
I will be seeing another doctor, ENT, no doubt but until then, today just curious.
As a former smoker, I am aware of the possibilities of Throat Cancer, COPD, quite clearly so let me rule out those here in as such as there is no need to speculate on those. That can only be seen by a doctor. And I am aware of possibilities.
Wonder if any others will recognize my symptoms.
No need to suggest i see a doctor, etc. That's a given..(maybe today if i can but unlikely)

Sleep on back due to vertigo if i sleep on one side.
Done this about 5 years from first episode. On back, no vertigo episodes but also could have been the reason initially diagnosed with Severe Apnea.
Using my mask, I am fine, often Zero at night...as I was last night, as my chart will show.

Noticed 1 year ago, I was more comfy using one pillow only. Two I almost felt restricted my throat a bit. Bends head down, etc.
6 months ago, perhaps, I felt it slightly constricted. Understand I am highly in tune to my body and when I say restricted, others likely might not have noticed it in themselves.
Thought i might be fighting start of a cold but when I do, all my life, i fight them off and gone next morning, as this *feeling* was
But that night I instinctively slept diagonally, pushed pillow out of way and had top half of my head leaning over bed....as if to ensure throat was stretched out straight. Slept fine.

So subtle it might have happened 1-2x since but if so, so subtle i am not sure.
Last week I noticed it again, but also noticed it shortly after waking, sitting in a chair, bad posture throat sitting towards chest---but not unusual position for life before now.
Went away. Sort of had it at back of my mind and would speak to doctor next week while there for other things. There but not serious, I felt.

This morning before waking, I had a dream. Sitting in a box and someone fell in on top of me and i started to suffocate (in my dream) but woke up with a start. Not sure why. I potentially was not breathing and *kicked* awake?
As a mouth breather, occasionally I rarely but have awakened up with my lips sort of stuck together (sounds awful, mouth breathers might understand description)....this morning, that was the case..but even now 2 hours later, I am aware of something very slight.
Again, very subtle. Could be something as slight as a scratch on the throat. I don't get the idea there is a lump or that anything is constricted, but that just, I am aware that something is different.
Slight new food allergy?

1) I have heard of people having a flap of some sort removed, although i have also heard it was not often successful. Am curious if such people recognize what I am experiencing. If so, related perhaps?

2) potentially something that one experiences as they age and likely not anything? (will be seeing doctor regardless-will have tube up nose, down throat to see but until then )

Posting here only to find out if this is a *flap* related issue since i don't really know what that flap is I have heard of....but this comes to mind. No where better to ask than those with that....

If no responses are forthcoming I shall presume no one has had this.........therefore not at all related to Sleep Apnea.

Last. Will post last night's chart. I am not an expert, far from it of reading them. I in my inexperience, don't see any sign of *hits* even moments before I woke up.
See *marks* in flow rate and mask pressure only.
Would I not have had *hits* on this if I had indeed stopped breathing, long enough to shake me awake?

T.I.A....(sorry, can't express all in 2 sentences)



1 large event = conking out before had time to turn off TV i never watched at at event, woke up responding to video of sounds/France, etc....Got up, back to bed 10 min later

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by Julie » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:27 am

Hi - somehow you wrote all that but didn't really describe the actual symptom you're writing about... The flap refers to your uvula, the little tissue piece that hangs over your airway at the back of your throat. Unfortunately removing it does not generally cure OSA, even though surgeons would like you to believe it would.

Could you separate out some of your note to be more specific about the actual symptom(s) you're worried about vs the history of everything?

Have you had respiratory function testing re potential COPD?

And has anyone mentioned that gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) can give you a sore throat? It's quite common with OSA and should be addressed on its own... it can be worse if you're on your back (many people raise the head of their beds on 4-5" blocks, which seems to help a lot).

Your chart doesn't 'grow' when clicked on and is very hard to read... but leaks look rather high from what I can tell in the second one.

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by ShelaghDB » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:31 pm

Hard to describe *symptoms* when they aren't specific. Hence I referred to a *gut instinct* that something is wrong. One *hopes* if related, someone will recognize what I mean, otherwise, likely won't.

Sleeping and feeling as if my throat has less room than before.
The feeling that I must lie down with my head partially over the side of the bed in order to ensure that my throat placement is straight, therefore, not constricted.
But on and off, not daily.
But noticing it suddenly, closer together.

I can't sleep with raised pillows, if that's what you meant. That would emphasize it.
Hence, I do not use pillows if/when i notice this and rest of the time, only one (used to love 3 or 3 but that constricts my throat)

Yes to respiratory functions and was told i was in remarkable shape BUT that was 10 years ago.
I will likely repeat it as potential tumours or anything else will be tested for.
That isn't my question though as those are all obvious tests to look at.
Also had ENT tests a few years ago and perfect then....horrible tube shoved up nose and down throat and pictures taken-all clear then but things can change, i understand that

What I specifically was looking for was whether this *feeling* I am describing with my throat as i am describing it would have someone saying, *aha...yes, I had the same thing - looked at this or that for what it was8
Essentially looking for some possible direction other than the obvious first choices people will jump to, Re: COPD, tumours, etc.

I have already had a pretty serious illness diagnosed 5 years after I asked to be tested and was told i was wrong, only later to confirm with other doctors i was right but lost 5 years due to it and once so, dealt with appropriately and now fine.
Often learned, people who have experienced it themselves, can often cut out a lot of unnecessary tests, doctors misdiagnosing and time IF one has a direction to look, that is not of the obvious first choices.
Hence, trying to ask here IF only to save precious time being wasted looking in the wrong direction if there is something indicative to SLEEP APNEA i am unfamiliar with.

u mention *gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)*
A quick peek suggests it's not that, not close.

No means here to upload a screenshot. Did what I could.
Did say that my AHI is 0 as it is most nights. Rarely higher
I don't see leaks , other than just before I wake up much earlier one time but can't read them as you could.
If referring to ONE large leak - i meant/forgot to say that is unrelated. Woke up 2 hours earlier-forgot to turn off TV and at 4am heard gunshots, Paris attack reporting, hence woke up, looked up and mask slid--not related,-thanks though.

My 2nd question was IF one stopped breathing long enough for it to create a dream where one is suffocating, only to be kicked awake by one's body needing air, would that not show up in a leak, or somehow on the chart?
Yet my AHI is 0
So not sure if i did indeed stop breathing, could not breathe for a few seconds + or perhaps felt constricted and came out in the dream..no question, was constricted, but was questioning if so, why was it not showing up in my AHI numbers?

Not looking to cure OSA. Was simply wondering if these *effects* are common to those that for whatever reason felt the need to remove it.......understanding I did not know what it was, why they were being removed, or what it was called. Now i do.

Thanks......this was a shot in the dark so as to avoid wasting time IF someone recognized what I am describing.
I will check back later tonight and see if so although I tend to doubt anyone will.
Shot in dark only.

Thx (excuse typos)

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by ShelaghDB » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:45 pm

sorry, meant to add, uvula

did not know what the flap was I had read about
or why it was being operated on
considered it a possibility

it appears to be in the area of my complaint but so are my tonsils which i still do have
but that's not important

Here only to rule out any Sleep Apnea potentially related issues,
confirm possibility of being so


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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by chunkyfrog » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:54 pm

Throat constriction? Hubby had noticed this same symptom, but was repeatedly poo-poo'd until he had
a different medical emergency. He was not dx'd with an enlarged node on his thyroid until it was seen on a CT scan,
One of the myriad of tests done when he was admitted to the hospital with a suspected heart attack.

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by PEF » Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:42 pm

There is a type of Sleep Disordered Breathing that is called UARS (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome). It is different from OSA in that people with UARS don't have apneas or hypoapneas, but the events are characterized by an obstruction and then an arousal. On a typical sleep test, people with UARS will be told they do not have sleep apnea. This is because there is a special test for this disorder that involves putting a small catheter into the person's esophagus while they sleep. This can detect when an obstruction occurs because there will be a buildup of pressure in the person's chest and esophagus in an attempt to suck in the breath. When the obstruction event is over, the pressure will drop back down. Most sleep centers do not perform this test for UARS and these people (some sources suggest perhaps 20% of the population) are turned away from getting treatment fr their SDB

This disorder often causes serious throat discomfort, asthma symptoms or congested sinuses, as well as other respiratory problems that mysteriously come and go. It can also cause serious choking during sleep and even stomach contents being dangerously aspirated into the lungs and bronchial tubes. The throat can often feel like something is stuck, the throat feels swollen, swallowing is painful, etc. What has actually happened is that after a breathing obstruction occurs during sleep (especially REM sleep) and the brain tries to solve the problem by building up pressure in the chest, this pressure causes a vacuum effect downstream that literally suctions stomach contents into the throat. Throat swabs from people with UARS events have discovered acid, bile, pepsin, even H-Pylori in the throat.

If you see a doctor about this problem, the doctor will probably fist scope your throat. Then he/she will tell you you have a condition called LPR (Laryngeal Pharyngeal Reflux. He/she will probably tell you that this is a type of acid reflux (GERD). You will be given acid reducing medications like Nexium that probably won't work because they don't prevent reflux into the throat during sleep, they only reduce the acid content of the stomach contents. Medical Science simply does not know much about LPR and it does not respond to GERD medications.

I know because I have had throat discomfort most of my life that was always mis-diagnosed as allergies. I always had weird, unexplained respiratory problems. It was my SDB that was causing this problem. That is why I am now using CPAP and it is slowly working.

I am not saying you have this, but it is a possibility.

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by ShelaghDB » Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:58 am

Chunkyfrog: Thank you. I knew one or two would recognize what I was describing. That is a possibility. One that rings a bell. I still have my tonsils and have considered that, as well as an allergy of some sort I could be developing to flavouring within vape juice. One's mind, especially as a non-smoker first goes to the worse case scenario but although aware of the potential, instinct doesnt suggest that but something else.
I would have further enquired if your husband was a CPAP user but in his case, it doesnt sound as if it were related anyhow.
But thank you for your answer.

PEF: Thank you. Right or wrong, for myself, that was an another possible answer I was looking for. We have a legal situation going on where I am and doctors are fighting back. Long story short, the patient is often caught in the middle.
Hence, by asking here, and getting potential answers, I can potentially save time.
An earlier misdiagnosis, of something rather small and easily fixed, being misdiagnosed more than once, led to some very odd, small complications that only took place because of an underlying problem not being treated for 5 years.
Hence, I have learned to listen, discover and save time by going directly where needed, rather than allow multiple tests performed that I am fairly confident ahead of time, aren't related.
Which is why I asked here.
No way of knowing UARS is in the right area, but I now know to look it up further and take it from there with a general doctor, if an ENT is not successful. I have not personally discovered a Sleep Doctor I have any confidence in.

Ms Julie: As I made a point of clearly suggesting, it was best that only those that might recognize what I was speaking of might be best commenting upon this. The fact that you did not, yet still chose to answer, if only to attempt an insult, has always been your modus operandi where I, and some others are concerned. I chose to be civil. But I shall politely ignore your posts/comments in the future, as I have generally done in the past despite your several poor attempts to inflame

Thank you all.
I will most certainly consider the two suggestions. I was hoping to rule out any condition related to OSA, hence my question here, rather than a generalized medical forum. Thank you again.

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by Julie » Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:11 am

You're certifiable!

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by ChicagoGranny » Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:16 am

ShelaghDB wrote:No need to suggest i see a doctor
Your ENT needs to do an In Office Nasal Endoscopy & Laryngoscopy. He can do this on your initial visit. It takes only a few minutes.

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by ShelaghDB » Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:53 am

ChicagoGranny wrote:
ShelaghDB wrote:No need to suggest i see a doctor
Your ENT needs to do an In Office Nasal Endoscopy & Laryngoscopy. He can do this on your initial visit. It takes only a few minutes.


Yes thank you. i understand an EMT is my first course of action but i cannot get into him for 2 weeks as I must have a referral from my doctor, out of the country until late next week.

Hence, I was double checking to make sure it wasn't potentially a recognized problem with CPAP i was unaware of.

I have my answers. I won't need to check in again. Thanks to those helpful.

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by chunkyfrog » Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:15 am

A vaper who considers themselves a NON smoker.
Puh-leeeeeze! Give me a break!
Tobacco in any form is potentially dangerous! Absence of research is significant, too.
At one time some cigarette ads had a "doctor's" recommendation;
the superfine filter supposedly removed all the toxins, or so it was said.
We know better now, unless our reasoning is muddled by addiction.

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by CAIDENSMOM77 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:22 am

theirs no tobacco in vape pens

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by chunkyfrog » Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:34 am

Are you sure? They use tobacco, and distill, refine, and extract
to give you the buzz, without the guilt and the stench;
But only time will tell what ELSE is there.
Are you feeling lucky? Well, do you?

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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by OkyDoky » Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:53 am

There are some tobacco compounds left over in the process of getting the nicotine. This slide show was very informative to me. In addition to nicotine, propylene glycol, and other metals you also have the risk of explosion from the lithium batteries. This is one slide.Image
And here is a link to the entire slide show. I found it very interesting. Especially the part where it can cause eye, throat and airway irritation.
http://www.trdrp.org/files/e-cigarettes ... slides.pdf
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Re: Potential Medical Problem (Throat) Chart?

Post by CAIDENSMOM77 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:25 am

their may be trace ammounts of tobacco depending on the nicotine strength u get in the vape pen, u can also get nicotine free vape juice, and that has no nicotine or tobacco..as used to help stop smoking...i used a vape pen for a while to stop smoking. starting out with high nicotine and ending with zero nicotine...i sucessfully quit smoking and quit vaping...im not saying vaping is safer than smoking by no means...but it did help me quit smoking cigarettes.. i did also find vaping irritated my throat quite a bit, maybe because of all the other added "junk", and the fact that ur heating oil (vape juice) and inhailing leaving residue in your throat...maybe your throat issue is being caused by vaping? just a suggestion