So you're new and finding it difficult...

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So you're new and finding it difficult...

Post by 3dmark » Mon May 30, 2016 8:33 am

I don’t think I’m alone in finding the initial stages of CPAP difficult. It took me the better part of three months, but I can now sleep through the night without issue. I thought I’d write down some of the things that I found helpful in getting a set-up I could live with. Everybody’s experience is different, but if you’re new, some or all of these might help.
  • The mask: If you read through these forums, you will see that while there are some favourites, people use many different types of mask. I started with an AirFit P10 pillow, which is popular, but didn’t work for me. (I found the airflow to be too restricted, and felt like I was suffocating.) Switching to a Nuance Pro Nasal Pillow got rid of this sensation for me. So don’t hesitate to switch out and try new masks until you find one you like.
  • The fit: While we’re on masks, experiment with the tightness of the mask. It’s natural to want to cinch it up tight so it doesn’t move. You may find that the mask works better a bit looser so that the straps don’t irritate your face. You may also find that over-tightening a nasal pillow squashes the nose plugs, inhibiting air flow.
  • Humidity level: Most machines allow adjustment of the humidity in the air coming through the hose. I don’t do well with high humidity, so had this cranked down. But then my nose would get congested. For me, the right balance was to have a low humidity that was just enough to stop congestion, but not to be irritating in its own right. The right setting for you may be very different, so experiment and see what works.
  • Ramp setting: Many people have trouble with auto-ramp up of the air stream if the initial setting is too low. I personally turn this feature off and go straight to full blast. Again, what works best will depend on your own experience.
  • Hose: Most likely, you have a high quality hose. But my initial hose had a bit of kink in it, which could sometimes close off and slow the air. Swapping out the hose was a huge improvement. This is one more thing to check if you’re having a sense of not being able to breathe.
  • Pillow: Your old pillow may not work well with your mask, particularly if you have a soft pillow that your head sinks into. This may be more the case if sleep on your side or front, where the pillow can interfere with the mask. I personally went to a bedding store which had experience with CPAP, and got an Aquagel pillow. This has a slightly balloon-like feeling that pushes the head up while still feeling soft. This is another area where it’s worth experimenting to find what works for you, and there are many threads on the forum where people have recommended their favourites.
So good luck, and hope some of this is useful.

Last edited by 3dmark on Mon May 30, 2016 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: So you're new and finding it difficult...

Post by ChicagoGranny » Mon May 30, 2016 8:56 am

That's pretty accurate and should be useful to newbies. Good summary, 3dmark.