Hyperventilating when masking up

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Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by Kody » Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:02 pm

Been having an issue with masking up that's starting to cause problems. Seems like since the very beginning this has been occurring. When I first get into bed I have to wait for about five minutes to relax and calm down before putting on the Mask. I don't know if it's my heart rate that has to come down first, or my breathing has to slow down or what. If I just get into bed and immediately mask right up and turn the machine on I feel out of breath and like I'm hyperventilating and not getting enough air, and start to panic and have to take the mask off until I calm down. If I just wait a good 5 minutes before I put it on then there's no problem and I go right to sleep. Don't have any other medical issues that I'm aware of, and am in pretty good shape, so I don't know why I feel out of breath right away like that.

The problem comes in like last night where I take a restroom break, do the five minute wait thing, and accidentally fall asleep before I put it on again. Feel horrible today of course.
Just wondering if this is a normal thing to have to wait a few minutes before masking up, or if any of you guys have the same problem, or any ideas, thanks.
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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by BlackSpinner » Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:37 pm

You need to get your mind and body used to the mask. Try to wear it during the evening while watching tv, reading a book, playing computer games or other things that keep your mind a bit busy. It should get familiar like an old pair of slippers.

Machine: PR System One REMStar 60 Series Auto CPAP Machine
Mask: Hybrid Full Face CPAP Mask with Nasal Pillows and Headgear
Additional Comments: Quatro mask for colds & flus S8 elite for back up
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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by jamiswolf » Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:42 pm

Are you unhooking the mask from the hose? Do that first and then hassle with getting the mask adjusted properly. You are then free to breath free and easy and take your time. Then, hook up hose just before turning the machine on.

That was a problem that I had until I started to unhook the mask.
Just a thought...

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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by LSAT » Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:28 pm

Kody wrote:

The problem comes in like last night where I take a restroom break, do the five minute wait thing, and accidentally fall asleep before I put it on again. Feel horrible today of course.
Just wondering if this is a normal thing to have to wait a few minutes before masking up, or if any of you guys have the same problem, or any ideas, thanks.
You do not have to wait before you mask up. Just turn off the machine and unhook the hose from your mask .... KEEP THE MASK ON when you take your bathroom break. When you are done just hook up the hose and turn on the machine. SIMPLE

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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by harry33 » Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:35 pm

you may later have panic attacks so read about these on the net

to stay calm, breathe deep and slow, start at full pressure with ramp off, get comfortable in bed and remember to breathe deep and slow
australian,anxiety and insomnia, a CPAP user since 1995, self diagnosed after years of fatigue, 2 cheap CPAPs and respironics comfortgell nose only mask. not one of my many doctors ever asked me if I snored

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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by napstress » Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:47 pm

Hi, Kody.

I'm sorry to hear of your hyperventilating when first masking up. I agree with BlackSpinner, Jamiswolf, and LSAT about logistics. The only thing I would add is to set everything up a few hours before your intended bedtime. I found that I had slight feelings of tension filling the humidifier tank, attaching the hose, putting the mask liner on the mask, making sure the data card was in the machine, etc., and wanted to remove that feeling from just before climbing into bed. So I started doing all that stuff when I got home from work in the evening.

I found that I had a touch of sleep-onset insomnia—a new development to my regular sleep-maintenance insomnia for the first couple of weeks. You've been at this longer than a couple of weeks, but everyone is different. To resolve that, I would read in bed until I felt sleepy, at which point I would mask up.

I also found that talking to myself in a comforting way about the mask helped: "Even if I don't attach the hose, I can still breathe with the mask on," "Even if the machine goes off, I can still breathe with the mask on," "Air and germs do not go back down the hose from my mouth," etc.

This will pass. Good luck.
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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by SleepingUgly » Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:02 pm

Do you feel anxious during these times?

I agree--do not take the mask off to go to the bathroom, although admittedly with a full face mask, if it's going to be a lengthy pit stop, it's no fun to breathe like that.

Also, is there a good reason why you're using a FFM? I think those are a bit more claustrophobic in the first place.
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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by chunkyfrog » Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:17 pm

I hated the original Quattro.
It was the most miserable thing I ever had to wear.
When I qualified for a different mask, I got a Phillips/Respironics Comfort gel full face mask.
Still the most comfortable for my face.

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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by DocWeezy » Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:47 pm

You have my sympathies....many of us struggled with this at first. I'd never had panic attacks before my titration study, then I had them in spades....along with severe claustrophobia.

The only way was desensitization...i.e., like others have said, wear your mask while watching TV or whatever when you are not in bed. I had to do this a LOT, and even had the machine hooked up and running. I had to learn that I could breathe just fine with the machine. I had complete control and I was NOT going to suffocate.

One mind trick that worked for me was telling myself that I could take the mask off any time I wanted to. Of course I knew that I could not sleep without it, but I gave myself permission to control when I could take it off. Sometimes I woke up screaming and ripping it off in the middle of the night (hubby really loved that one!), but I would calm down, put it back on, and start over, telling myself that I could take it off if I really really needed to. Eventually, I didn't have to tell myself that and I quit having panic attacks. However, please note that even if you do take off the mask, you MUST put it back on before going back to sleep. That's the trick--ALWAYS put it back on before going to sleep.

It took a while. It also took getting a different mask. I had to try 10 masks to find one that worked for me, and in the process I went from a dedicated and confirmed mouth breather to someone who uses nose pillows and sleeps with a closed mouth (now if only I could figure out how to keep it closed during meetings....).

Hang in there! Give your body time to adjust, but do NOT give yourself permission to not use the machine every night, all night. Even if you wake up 10 times during the night and you've taken the mask off in your sleep, PUT IT BACK ON EVERY TIME. You will adjust. Believe me...determination to sleep and not suffocate works wonders for motivation and sticking it out through the tough beginnings.


Mask: Swift™ FX Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
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Re: Hyperventilating when masking up

Post by Kody » Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:47 pm

Thanks for all the responses guys. No it's not an anxiety thing I don't think, because if I relax for a few minutes after laying down before I put the mask on I'm fine with it. Don't have any trouble sleeping with it on at all. While talking with my Wife she say's the same thing happens to her, and she has to wait a couple minutes after she first lays down. Thought maybe it was just the physical act of first laying down that maybe your body or breathing has to adjust differently than when your up walking around that may have been the reason for this. However doesn't sound like too many of you have the same issue, so looks like I'm in the minority so far.

Yes maybe it would be better for the bathroom break to just keep it on and unhook it with the machine, that way I'm sure I wouldn't fall asleep without it anymore.
Complex Sleep Apnea