Newbie question about chinstraps

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Newbie question about chinstraps

Post by js_insf » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:05 pm

Hello everyone. I'm a brand-new (four days) CPAP user. It has been bad, but my experiences are so similar to some other newbies here that I won't go into much detail. I'm mostly disappointed that I feel worse, not better. I'm waking up with extreme mental fog, worse than ever in my life, am more tired during the day than before treatment, and have little or no energy. I've suffered from depression my whole life, and take medication and am in therapy twice a week. This experience, so far, has made my depression worse - just at the time when it really had started getting better.

Enough despair....I have a question about chinstraps. I'm using the Mirage Swift LT nasal pillows. I was also given a chinstrap, which was way too small, so they sent me a larger one. I tried it on and it's genuinely painful - it actually makes my eyes bulge out. I think it's a cheapo model, it's not even adjustable, and I know better ones are available. There is no way I can add this torture device to to the very uncomfortable new world I now live in.

BUT, my question is: how do I even know if I need a chinstrap? I don't think I'm a mouth breather, but I don't really know for sure. And neither my RT (who doesn't seem very knowledgeable - when he brought the equipment to my house he didn't even have me try my mask on - or offer me any choice of masks), or my MD can give me a clear answer. I get the feeling the chinstrap just gets automatically tossed into the package, whether it's actually required or not.

The closest I've gotten to an "answer" was from my MD's assistant, who said that if my "system is working, then I don't need a chinstrap." When I asked her to define "working," she was rather vague, and said I wouldn't wake up during the night. Not a very helpful response. No one else at Apria (the medical equipment company in the San Francisco Bay Area I'm forced to use) is of any help. (I've since learned that they do not exactly have a stellar reputation)

Well, if anyone has any information, links, advice on chinstraps, I'd sure appreciate it. I don't want to use one if I don't have to.

Oh, if it's relevant, I have a ResMed S9 AutoSet CPAP machine.

Thank you.

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Re: Newbie question about chinstraps

Post by jabman » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:12 pm

Hi and welcome to the forum.

From what i have read and my own experence you only need a chin strap if you are breathing through your mouth. You will know that if you are waking up with a dry mouth. At least that is what happened to me, but it didn't start for me untell 2 weeks into my usinh my machine.

Hope this helps, someone else will be along with a better answer soon I am sure.

Mask: Mirage Micro™ Nasal CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments: Machine is set on CPAP mode/ Pressure is set at 12.
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Re: Newbie question about chinstraps

Post by nanwilson » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:56 pm

Hi there, and welcome to the forum.
I tried a chin strap too, but it only ended up choking me, so tossed it. I have used the chin up strips (if you do a search you'll see what they are) they are easy to make at home, just use 2 inch wide micropore tape and cut out a "U", they do work to keep your mouth closed. I find it much easier to just tape my big mouth, do a search on taping too for more info. I use chap lip stuff on my lips first, then suck in my lips and tape over them. I thought I would not be able to do it, so I first off just taped the middle of my mouth and left the edges free......."just in case". But now it doesn't bother me at all. When you do your searches you will get all kinds of info, some use chin up strips and some tape and some use a head band over their mouth. There are all kinds of suggestions out there, just read, read & read, you will get the hang of it and feel soooooooo much better. I started my journey in April and I have finally caught up on my "lost" sleep and am doing great.
Do not dispair, you will get there too!
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Re: Newbie question about chinstraps

Post by brazospearl » Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:38 pm

Welcome, js! I use a Hybrid mask, so I can't comment on if you need a chinstrap or which one would be best. I do want to commend you on sticking with your therapy under difficult circumstances. Many DMEs are less than helpful, and you seem to be stuck with one of those. The people on this forum, though, will do all we can to help you get your apnea under control. Many people have excessive sleepiness when starting therapy, that WILL improve soon. Your body's been craving sleep all the while you've been gasping for air at night, and now that you're actually breathing your body wants you to sleep more. This will pass. Good luck.