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Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:21 pm
by rheumrn
I tried the Liberty mask last night for the first time. I was given a small Quattro 3 weeks ago when I had my sleep study because my mouth falls open when I am asleep. My chin is receded and I have had numerous leaks with the Quattro in addition to air in my eyes. I have a new PAPcap plus to hold my chin up so I decided to try the Liberty. I adjusted the upper and lower straps while on a pressure of 9 instead of using my ramp feature (pressure of 5) for 10 minutes.

The Liberty worked great (small mask with medium nasal pillows). I could not hear any leaks at all. My lips did flutter so I used a tiny strip of tape to hold them closed. I did apply the lanolin (Lansinoh) to my nostrils about 1 hour before going to bed. The PAPcap Plus has so many extra velcro straps that I could have customized the mask fitting to my face to a greater degree than using just the Liberty headgear but it wasn't necessary. It was so comfortable to have the hose go up over my head and be held by the velcro loop on top of the PAPcap. Now I can turn without holding on to my Aussie hose.

I slept the entire night and so far have had no nasal irritation. I did remember posters' comments to be very careful with the upper clips, so I avoided handling them as much as possible.

I did order a Hybrid mask as well in case I had problems with the Liberty. It will be wonderful if I can use one of these masks to improve my AHI since the Large Leak rates seem to be hindering my progress with the Quattro.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:53 pm
by Muse-Inc
No need to tape the lips with the hybrid-style masks...therapy air will do exactly what it's supposed to do (stent open your airways) if it escapes your mouth when you are wearing a FFM.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:36 pm
by fidelfs
Does the bottom strap bother any one? I feel like is extreme tight in the back of my neck, even I know it is not, because I am able to put a finger easily between the strap and my face.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:24 pm
by Muse-Inc
Bottom strap is my loosest strap on my RespCare Hybrid; it's only tight if I bend my head backwards. Could you be doing this on your pillow?

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:16 am
by rheumrn
Muse-Inc wrote:No need to tape the lips with the hybrid-style masks...therapy air will do exactly what it's supposed to do (stent open your airways) if it escapes your mouth when you are wearing a FFM.
Muse, I appreciate your comment! I thought that I needed to tape my mouth no matter what type of mask I used. I had alot of problems with dry mouth all day from the Quattro so that is when I started taping with a 1/2 inch piece of vertical tape.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:43 am
by melissa1974
The past couple of nights have not been as good as my first few were with my Liberty. I am having trouble with the nasal pillows popping out and increased leaks as a result. My AHI went up to 7.7 (still waaaay better than 96, but I was down below 5 for a couple of nights and would like to get back down there!). Still, I am sleeping better than I did with the Quattro, so I am determined to stick with it and keep tweaking. I tried the Lanisoh last night, but I was worried about over doing it and used a miniscule amount. I will give it another try tonight and hope for better results.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:27 am
by Gerald
Slather in on, Melissa. If it's safe for "nipples-n-babies", you'll be OK.

Squeeze out about 1/4"......that's approx the amount I use every night.


Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:09 pm
by melissa1974
Thanks, Gerald. Here's to hoping to those pillows stay put tonight.... I have been chasing my 3.5 year old twins all day and I am TIRED!

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:20 pm
by fidelfs
I have always run hotter than normal people. I don't know for sure but if anyone and I start drinking ice water, when we finish drinking the water my glass will have all ice melted, the other guy will have some left.

Same thing happen with lansinoh, after a few hours (2 or 3), lansinoh becomes kind of liquid and slippery, and the pillows cannot maintain the seal.

Also, if the mouth piece looses the seal, it is impossible for me to get a good seal, I have to change masks. I think this is the last try I did to have a full face mask. I will use nasal from now on.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:10 pm
by rubymom
Melissa, I've been using the Liberty for about 10 months now. I find that I have good nights and bad nights, kinda like you're experiencing. I can't figure it out sometimes. I do know that when I clean the mask, I can usually expect a few bad nights, then it settles back down. It's probably a ratio of 4 or 5 good to one bad so I've stuck with it. I keep thinking though that maybe I should try something new, perhaps the Hybrid.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:17 am
by melissa1974
Thanks for your response. I am starting to wonder if I should try the hybrid, too. I really like the liberty, but I am so confused about why some nights are good and some are rough. I just wish I could figure out what the variable is!

Last night was super confusing......I had the best leak rate I have ever had: .08L/s, but my AHI went all the way up to 10.3, and my AI was 3.0. Why did my AHI and AI go UP, when my leak went DOWN??? (The night before my leak was .46L/s, but my AHI was 5.3 and my AI was 1.7.)

Also, I tried the pantyhose strap to help hold the nasal pillows in place and wound up with the strap around my eyes. I just could not get it to stay around the nasal pillows. And leak rate ever.....

I am so confused.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:23 am
by rheumrn
I had some problems last night with the Liberty also. I kept having small leaks around the bottom sides of the mouth mask. I tightened the lower straps very tight and pushed them higher up onto my face which semed to help some. I guess that all masks need to be readjusted frequently.

I have had no problems with the nasal pillows popping out. I have a pantyhose leg ready if that happens. There is not much of a distance from my nares to the top of the mouth mask so the pillows really push my nose up (like Miss Piggy). My nose is getting somewhat tender but I hope to adjust to it. I do use the Lasinoh lanolin, saline nasal gel and a neti pot with saline rinses at night and in the morning to lessen nasal irritation.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:27 am
by SnoresLikeWalrus
I think sometimes it helps to relax and give it some time. Last night I got 8 hours straight with the liberty. Best so far. I am only a month into treatment and not every night is good, but I woke up this morning feeling great! I am using more of the lanolin and trying to relax more.

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:12 pm
by melissa1974 everything else in my life, I want this issue solved NOW! You're right, I need to be more patient, give it some time, and relax. I also need to keep things in perspective....even on my "bad" nights with the liberty, I am still getting a zillion times more real sleep than I was before I was diagnosed. It's all good.....

Re: Mirage Liberty - fantastic night!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:21 pm
by SnoresLikeWalrus
Just about everyone I have talked to said it can take at least several weeks to adjust to having a mask, even when one's attitude is "good." It's like the body says, for a while, I don't want that thing on me!!