Results of the Pulse Oximetry

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Sleepless on LI
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Results of the Pulse Oximetry

Post by Sleepless on LI » Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:54 pm

Well, the results are in. According to my night NOT on CPAP but on the pulse oximeter, I am good to go!!! My median O2 level was 96%. I had a 28-second episode where I went down to 86%, but they said 28 seconds out of eight hours sleep is fine. I also had under two minutes total of 88%. They said this is not enough desaturation for anything and not to worry, that it probably was from one of my few events that I know I have nightly, but is not enough to really warrant CPAP. I can go off therapy but keeping an eye on how I feel. If I start to feel exhausted, it may be time to pull the machine out again.

However, I say if I start to feel exhausted, let's get to the bottom of why and really know what we're doing this time. I can't help but feel that I may have been put on therapy when there were other alternatives for O2 desaturations, or other reasons. But I am not going to upset a rather great day as far as being told I don't need to be on CPAP or oxygen therapy with looking for reasons to be upset. I refuse to go there.

So I will take baby steps, one day at a time, so to speak, and pray I continue to feel as well as I have being off the therapy for the past four nights.

L o R i

Jan in Colo.
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Post by Jan in Colo. » Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:07 pm

Lori, that is great news, isn't it? I'm so happy for you! Wonder if just losing that weight did it? Or if your whole study was flawed somehow? But how nice not to need all of our hosehead paraphanalia to get through the nights!

I just went to my DME to pick up my new 420E and got another copy of my sleep study as I had lost mine. You had gotten me curious. My oxygen sats were down to the 50s and 60s the majority of the night during my sleep study....with CPAP, it said I still dipped to 88%, but spent the majority of the time "in the 90's". Hmmmm. Did that mean HIGH 90's or low? Well, I'm still acclimating to CPAP treatment right now. One step at a time. But someday I might want to delve deeper into that oxygen thing myself.

I'm glad you got such good news!

Jan in Colo.

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Post by Sleepless on LI » Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:25 pm


Thanks. Now you make me wonder about you. If you had a lot of apneas that lasted for lengthy periods of time, that can cause significant desaturation, I'm sure. If your apnea was mild and you still had such significant desaturations, then I would look into it.

Believe it or not, I think it's going to take a week or two to sink in and instill in my mind that I'm not hurting myself by not sleeping with the CPAP going. Isn't that crazy? I don't know, but I think this whole thing was so off somehow that now I worry what is going on. Maybe it's just my nature. I guess the test will be if I end up feeling like I did five months ago before I started this whole thing.

Thanks for your support, as always. I'm still sticking around, although I hope people won't get sick of me since I'm not sharing the same situation at the moment. But I've still been there, done that and learned a lot along the way. And I thank everyone on this site that helped me gain all that I did from being here. I don't think I could have survived without them all.

L o R i

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Post by lindas88 » Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:31 pm

Hey Lori...good news...I bet you're happy. I know I would be. I hope you continue to do well without cpap therapy. I'm also glad to hear you will still be posting on here....

*** Linda ***

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Post by felineperson3 » Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:49 pm

Congratulations, Lori,Image

You must feel a big weight has been lifted with being able to discontinue Cpap therapy. (especially off your face)--no more mask paraphanelia--Image
With the outcome it sounds like you were a wise gal to pursue this until you got the answers. WTG!!!
Take care and keep us updated on how you're doing. We care and will keep you in our prayers. Image

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Post by Babbie » Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:55 pm

Great news, Lori!! Yes, I'm sure it's going to be SO different not getting hosed up at night---I'm pulling for you that things will be fine from now on. I'm glad you plan to stay around - we'd all miss you terribly if you left. You've given me such good advice (and countless others) and I really appreciate it. Keep us posted on how things are going.

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Post by rested gal » Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:55 pm

What great news to hear, Lori! Very happy for you!

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Lori's results

Post by Pad A Cheek » Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:03 pm

Wow, How about that!
You must be relieved to know for sure.
I am glad for you, and will continue to look for your words of wisdom and encouragement here on the posts.

You may be leaving the hose behind, but I know you can't leave your hose head's behind.

Keep us informed of your journey, and how you are feeling.

Keep smiling.

Machine: DreamStation Auto CPAP Machine
Additional Comments: This CPAP stuff at night makes the days so much more productive

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Post by Kemosabe » Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:08 pm

Excellent news.

Born Tired
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Post by Born Tired » Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:19 pm

WooHoo!! (To borrow a word from peg )
What great news! Be sure to keep that weight off--just in case that is part of the reason for the good results.
Very glad you will be sticking around--it wouldn't be the same without you.

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Post by dsm » Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:49 pm


Many thanks for keep us all in the loop and triggering such interesting chains of discussion re pulse oximetery and b/o sat. I think a lot of us are far more knowledgeable thanks to you.

Am happy for you re the implications of the information. Your great loss of weight rewards you & this proves it. You deserve to be proud of the achievement.

I have been doing my homework on these devices & will report here soon on what I can recommend to anyone who may want to obtain a used machine (there are some real gotchas in regard to what you get esp if the device comes without a pre-amp cable & no probe. That extra cost can equal the total paid for just the PO device on its own).


xPAP and Quattro std mask (plus a pad-a-cheek anti-leak strap)

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Post by Sleepless on LI » Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:03 pm

Please forgive me for this, but one HUGE blanket THANK YOU for all the kinds words, wishes and comments AND for staying so interested with me throughout this whole ordeal. You guys are the best, and I truly mean it. This is no understatement. I would never have believed that a group of people this large who have never met each other could be so genuinely concerned about each other's health and welfare as what happens on this site. I have said this, too, before but I think, on this occasion, it bears repeating, that I believe things happen in life for a reason. If I hadn't been diagnosed with OSA five months ago, I would never have had the opportunity to get involved with such a incredible group of humanitarians like yourselves and have you bless my life with your interaction and warmth.

When I say thank you to you all, it is coming from my heart. I really thank you for being there and helping me as much as you all have, for the laughter you've brought into my life in a rough period such as it was, and for being such good friends. Someone unfamiliar with this site may think that an odd statement, calling a group of strangers friends. But most of us on this site know what I'm talking about when I say that.

And please indulge me and don't mind if I still stick around. You guys are a very hard habit to break. I know I kid around and say that I'm addicted to this site, but it is really just something that brings joy into my life, being able to share so much with such nice people.
L o R i



Post by Guest » Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:07 pm

I am jealous. I want to not need it too.

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Post by ProfessorSleep » Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:13 pm

As usual, Lori continues her role of setting an example for us all! At the risk of carbon-dating myself:


Sleepless on LI
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Post by Sleepless on LI » Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:29 pm

ProfessorSleep wrote:As usual, Lori continues her role of setting an example for us all! At the risk of carbon-dating myself:


Wish I could take SOME credit for this, but I don't see it as I did anything to deserve it. Thanks for the good wishes.
L o R i