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Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:45 am
by Kermit

I used an Adams for a short time but being new to cpap at that time, I didn't quite know what was going on or able to compare.

Yes it used to be very popular and uses the Breeze pillows. The headgear was ok and simple. Tension was applied by pulling on the side velcro straps.

The air vent was a straight drilled hole that when wet with condensate, would whistle. That always woke me up. I learned that using a round dremel cutting bit and manually rotating the cutting tool with index and thumb you could gently put a radius on the surface of the vent hole. Now when it got wet, water would not stick to the hole and whistle.

The side straps where a little annoying. The pillows given me where not the right size, I later learned, and did not help.

Cpapman sells or did, a host of stuff to enhance the Adams and probably made it liveable. He had his special Conjo headgear, and angle fitting that changed the pillow entry angle for better fit and something else I can't remember. I understand this really improved the Adam's usability.

I can see the benefits of the Adams, good Breeze pillow system available, good headgear and simplicity.

As for comfort. it was ok but I had nothing to compare with at that time. I do remember the soreness of the nares but I did not know about Ayr gel back then. I guess it is a similiar experience than the Breeze except more stable. If you do get one, get the accessories from cpapman.


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:06 pm
by Moxie Chick
I used the Adam Circuit nasal pillows system for almost 3 years. I love the soft nasal pillows. The angle adaptor is a "must" with this system, otherwise the shell holding the pillows is just not at the right angle and I don't know how you'd get a good seal without it. Unfortunately, the angle adaptor is cheap and every one I've had got a crack in it and then it leaked. Cpapman has instructions on his website for a homemade angle adaptor that I always meant to try - just a couple of cheap parts from the hardware store and you've got it made. The exhaust hole in the shell blows straight out from the middle of your face - so I always had to be careful not to turn towards my husband. I did not like the headgear at all - it shifted around if I moved around, and I had a hard time getting it to fit, even though it's adjustable with velcro all over the place. There are lumps and bumps in it near the temples that really bothered me. And the strap running from the shell to the sides doesn't hit my cheeks at a comfortable place. The Conjo custom headgear from looks like a great idea and I may still take the measurements and order one.

I've been using a Swift for about 2 weeks now and like it much better, mainly because the headgear does not shift around on my head and yet I can leave the straps somewhat loose. Now if I could just use my soft Adam Circuit pillows. In fact, I'd love a combination... One nice thing about the AC system is being able to twist the pillows around to fit the nares just right and seal out leaks. I will probably order a new set of pillows and still use it once in awhile.


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:21 pm
by Ms Piggy
Has anyone done anthing to change the angle on the Breeze pillow holder?
I don't think the cpapman model would be usable with Breeze.
I don't find the Breeze pillow holder angle much use, such a rinky dink little screw on it that slips. Tilting it doesn't seem to help, often just drives it into my top lip more. But I still like my Breeze.
Let us know how you make out with the Adam please WillS

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:54 am
by Geocom
When I was having trouble finding a good mask, I asked Joe at what mask he uses.

He says the only interface he has ever used, and the only interface he will ever use is the ADAM circuit with the CONJO headgear. He says he has used it for over 15 years.

As you may know, Joe is a CPAP pioneer; so his advice is pretty reliable.

Also, he says that they have a money back guarantee for the ADAM circuit with the Congo headgear.

Might be worth a try.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:10 am
by elliejose
I love my Swift....As far as comfort goes! But I still have a VERY high leak rate. At first I thought it was all mouth breathing as i would wake up with a very dry mouth. But I no longer have that problem and still have a very high leak must be the mask. Right?? However, I have my first cold since since starting on cpap in March and I really feel the need for a full face mask but was told yesterday that I cannot get one until Wednesday.

As soon as I am able to afford another mask, I intend to try the Aura.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:47 am
by Sleepless on LI

I felt like a change last night and switched back to my Swift from the Aura I've been using for a month. The Aura has started giving me a bit of leaks here and there and I figured now that I'm ued to the over the head hose setup from using the Aura, I was going to go back and try my old friend Swifty with the hose fastened to the top strap and see how it works.

I had such a good night last night with it. No leaks and I had very little trouble side sleeping. My leak rate was actually a 26 and I felt nothing coming out of the mask all night.

My suggestion to you would be to try a different size pillow with the Swift before switching and make sure it's really clean. I always thought the bigger the better when you are talking about the pillows, but not true in my case. I ended up with small or medium with the Swift and had a lot of success with them.

If you are absolutely sure it's not a mouth leak, it may be the pillow size is not the right one. I have to admit, the Swift is one of the best when it comes to adjustments since it is not very complex and just a twist of the barrel or the right strap adjustment is usually all it takes.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:33 pm
by CollegeGirl
Sorry for resurrecting a dead thread, though, but I got my new interface, and it's this one. All I can say is it BETTER work. I have been through hell and back with these masks, and I'm tired of it.

The RT at Apria today, having been faxed an RX saying I needed nasal pillows, started me off with this interface - I should have argued for something better, but I'm willing to try anything at this point if there's any hope it could work for me. I even bought Ayr nasal gel when I found out I'd be getting nasal pillows to hopefully help prevent the sores.

The RT was funny, though - I asked her what type of nasal pillows they were, meaning brand, model. She gives me a look and said, "They're just nasal pillows." I said, "What brand?" She said, "Respironics." I said what model? She said, "Oh, they're just called nasal pillows. They don't have a name."

*Sigh.* Looks like I have to take the good (sleep doc) with the bad (DME). I'll try these tonight and let you all know how I do with them.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:29 am
by CollegeGirl
I am so frustrated and so ready to give up. 20 minutes after FINALLY getting these things adjusted so they didn't leak, my nose was bleeding like crazy.


I've called the RT from Apria back and left a message on her machine. I am getting truly angry now. There has GOT to be an interface out there that can help me - why can't I find it?!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:49 pm
by Sleepless on LI

Did you try the Activa or, as Rested Gal is now endorsing, the Dreamfit?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:43 pm
by CollegeGirl
No, I haven't tried either of those. My insurance company will only pay for one more mask this year, however. I'm not sure if I should try the Activa, the Dreamfit, or the Ultra Mirage Full Face. I'm tempted to go with the full face, just in case. I'm a daytime mouth breather, and I'm definitely a mouth breather at night too. The chin strap that came with my adams circuit setup doesn't even come CLOSE to keeping my mouth closed. Also, the Ultra Mirage is the most expensive of all those interfaces. So I guess what I'm going to have to do is get them to buy me an Ultra Mirage, and if that doesn't work, buy an activa or dreamfit out of pocket. Why does this have to be so ridiculously hard?

The RT at Apria never called me back after I left her a message telling her what happened. Somehow, I'm not surprised.

So That's What It's Called!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:03 pm
by Amigo
So, it turns out that I've been using the Adam Circuit for over two years and didn't know it.

At the time of my original "fitting," this was the ONLY headgear that worked for me. I haven't a clue what the names of the others were, but they all felt heavy, cumbersome, did not seal the pillows correctly, and had plastic "thingies" that were very uncomfortable.

When the DME brought out what I now know is the Adam Circuit, I was delighted even with its appearance. Entirely made of soft material with easy to adjust diagonal straps for the pillows, and minimally intrusive in all other respects.

Yes, the CO2 hole is a little noisy, and it does put out quite a breeze, but, all in all, I have been VERY happy with this interface.

I do appreciate the reference to, and am taking a serious look at the CONJO headgear as well as the "angle adaptor."

If you use nasal pillows, my vote is definitely for Adam Circuit.