Finally back

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Finally back

Post by den942 » Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:11 pm

I was posting here a while back and had to switch operating systems to get a higher speed connection.
I lost this board location but finally found it back. I finally did get my Polysomnography Report. So,
what does the following mean in normal language.

The patient had a sleep efficiency of 90.2% The sleep latency was 4.2 minutes and the REM latency 142.5
minutes. There were awakings with awake after sleep onset of 35 minutes The patient spent 0% in
slow wave sleep and 17.9 in REM stage sleep.

A total of 437 respiratory events occurred giving a RDI of 72.2 and a REM RDI 56.3. Out of the total
number of respiratory events, there were 128 central apneas and 168 mixed apneas while the remainder
were obstructive in nature. The maximum oxygen desaturation was 74% The pt had a soft to moderate

There were 218 leg movements with 99 causing arousal. The PLM index was 16.4. The leg movements
were associated with respiratory events.

There was a normal sinus rhythm throughout.

Additional Comments: Respironics BiPAP autoSV with Encore SmartCard

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Re: Finally back

Post by jweeks » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:22 pm

Your doctor will tell you what this means. It appears that you have a serious breathing problem. The clue is the 168 apneas. Even more concerning are the central apneas. Those are your brain forgetting to breathe as opposed to an obstruction. The most scary number is the 74% oxygen level. Anything below 92% is cause for concern, and at 74%, your brain is dying from lack of oxygen. The 4.2 minute sleep latency means that you were sleeping within 5 minutes. Normal is 10 to 15 minutes or so. At 4.2 minutes, that might indicate that you are so tired that you are basically in a daze when you are supposed to be awake. Or at least you were so tired that you practically collapsed into bed.

Why do I say this? Basically, your numbers look just about exactly like my numbers did. I had been a walking zombie for longer than I care to admit.


Mask: Swift™ LT Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: HumidAire H4i™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Converted from M-Series BiPAP Auto To ResMed VPAP 25 Auto In March, 2010

Gale Hawkins
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Re: Finally back

Post by Gale Hawkins » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:30 pm

It is good you are getting treatment.

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Re: Finally back

Post by kteague » Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:30 am

Welcome back. I was looking at some of your prior posts anad it seems you were working thru some things regarding your treatment. How has your treatment been going for you? Since you don't have the garden variety OSA, there's likely not as many people familar with cases like yours, though some some things pertaining to masks and such are generic to all users. Are you having any specific problems?

In your report it mentioned your limb movements being respiratory related, but you mentioned being told you have RLS. I'd just like to throw out that if you still don't feel rested after stabilizing your sleep apnea treatment, you may want to follow up on if the limb movements indeed have resolved with the sleep apnea treatment. If you were to happen to have Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD), it is more likely to worsen instead of improve with cpap treatment. If there is anyone who observes you sleeping, perhaps they could tell you if there are any repetitive motions happening while you sleep. Limb movements can fracture sleep and cause one to mistakenly feel their cpap treatment isn't working. Just something to be aware of.

Hope you are doing well with your treatment.


Mask: TAP PAP Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Improved Stability Mouthpiece
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments: Bleep/DreamPort for full nights, Tap Pap for shorter sessions

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Re: Finally back

Post by den942 » Fri May 08, 2009 10:59 pm

The only real long term problem I have is keeping my mask in place sleeping on my side. I have a real messed up
back and sleep on my left side quite a bit since my right side and flat on my back are painful. I still don't have
an actual sleep doctor on my case. The day after I came home with my BiPap machine I was rear ended at a red
light. I ended up with my fourth back surgery last May to repair a compression fracture at L1. Eighteen months
after the accident, I have still not received any payments toward my medical expenses. So, making payments on
three hospital bills and several doctor bills don't allow extra money for another doctor. A law suit is in the works.
I also had sinus surgery last year in April. He took out three polyps, trimmed a few things and fixed a deviated septum.
The difference is unbelievable. I no longer have to breath through my mouth to survive. That has helped the sleeping
a good bit.
I suspect their claim that my leg movement is sleep/arousal related. I still do that even though I sleep much better.
I toss and turn so much at night that my mattress moves as much as a foot to the side by morning. The reason I
suspect their claim on that is because my report also says I told them I fall asleep while driving. I know I did not
say that. The report also said that lack of sleep interfered with my concentration at work. When the study was
done I had not been working for fourteen years. I do toss and turn and move my legs a lot at night so some day
I'd like to get that checked out more. I live alone so no one sees how I sleep.
The only other sleep complaint I have is not sleeping more than about five or six hours per night. I usually stay up
till 1:30-2:00 am and am awake about 7:00-7:30 am. Sometimes earlier. Most nights I wake up several times, also.

Some day I'll get it all figured out... lol
kteague wrote:Welcome back. I was looking at some of your prior posts anad it seems you were working thru some things regarding your treatment. How has your treatment been going for you? Since you don't have the garden variety OSA, there's likely not as many people familar with cases like yours, though some some things pertaining to masks and such are generic to all users. Are you having any specific problems?

In your report it mentioned your limb movements being respiratory related, but you mentioned being told you have RLS. I'd just like to throw out that if you still don't feel rested after stabilizing your sleep apnea treatment, you may want to follow up on if the limb movements indeed have resolved with the sleep apnea treatment. If you were to happen to have Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD), it is more likely to worsen instead of improve with cpap treatment. If there is anyone who observes you sleeping, perhaps they could tell you if there are any repetitive motions happening while you sleep. Limb movements can fracture sleep and cause one to mistakenly feel their cpap treatment isn't working. Just something to be aware of.

Hope you are doing well with your treatment.


Additional Comments: Respironics BiPAP autoSV with Encore SmartCard