just joined 1-23-2005

General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.
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just joined 1-23-2005

Post by s » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:22 pm

hi everyone, i was very excited to find this web site. i was diagnosed with sleep apnea about 2 months ago and have been using my cpap for about 3 weeks now. so far i have been getting a very peacefull night sleep but still am tired during the day -- any suggestions would be helpfull.

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Post by Clownshow » Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:07 pm

It takes time to stop feeling tired all the time - Take it day by day, Eat healthy and remove yourself from stress.Be happy!

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Post by Peter » Sun Jan 23, 2005 8:42 pm

If you're more than 15-20% overweight, that'll cause it. Just try picking something up that weighs what you're over, and carry it around for a while. You'll find that although our bodies tend to 'get used' to the extra weight, it still causes the same effect of carrying that extra load around all day.

Try drinking more water. Believe it or not, being just a little dehydrated will cause fatigue. If the first two of these are true and you're a smoker, it'll make it even worse. Top that, if you drink caffinated and sugar laden sodas, you'll feel even worse. Avoid high-fat foods unless you're on a low-carb diet. This'll also make you tired. If you drink coffee first thing in the morning, and it's not 'waking you up' like it used to, drink two tall glasses of water instead of or before the coffee. Chances are, you won't even want the coffee after that. Eat a complex carbohydrate first thing in the morning. Skip the eggs, bacon, sausage, etc. Try a whole grain cereal with skim milk or even granola. Add some fruit. (Two excellent sources of complex carbs.)

If, after trying all these, you don't feel better in a couple of weeks, stay in contact with your DR. It's not uncommon that the first type of machine/mask isn't what you need. Don't just give up. Keep at it till you find what works.


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Post by Clownshow » Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:02 am

And exercise, helps with depression

before being diagnosed i ate poorly because it was easy

I'm a great big huge guy 6 foot 8 inches and i was over 500lbs (my frame is so large that i carry the weight well)
It's always been embarrasing to me being so big that going to the gym has always sucked. besides that most of the equipment is not designed for my size and getting up the gumption to go sweat to the oldies in an energy low state is hard enough

Solution??? where could I go and be around other freakishly large peaple and feel normal???

Sumo Wrestling... Yup, it kicks ass. it's like Kung Fu fer fat peaple and I now feel great from the exercise

Another thing that i did was take steps to cleanse my body of stored toxins
by fasting 2 to 3 days at a time and hydrating myself then going on a high fibre chute cleaning diet. you should see the stuff that comes out of you.

I started eating right, which is really hard to do in a society where fast food and processed sugar are available every 15 feet.

I stopped eating processed food of all kinds just to see how i'd feel- i ate mostly fruits and veggies and fish. When I ate meat I only ate "Happy Meat" free range organic stuff. Most of the meat in the grocery stores are not that great for you. Production line animals are pumped full of hormones to give them bigger breasts and better size. The chickens used by fast food companies like McDinks and Swish Shalet have breasts so big that the animals have a hard time standing under their own power, Plus the female hormones that are used cause men to develop boobies

I feel alot better now,

Oh one other thing I did was start taking these daily

Metamucil bars, If your gonna hydrate yourself why not fibreize yourself at the same time

And remember that hydrating means water - NOT sugary pop or juice


Post by FreeRanger » Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:44 am

"fast food every 15 feet" in Iqaluit, Nunavut... really? "McDinks" must be doing better than I thought.

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Post by Clownshow » Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:15 am

there are some pretty awful fast food places here Pizza Hut, KFC, Subway & "The snack" a 24 hr poutine pusher. A regular subway sandwich is $16 and change + tax

The problem in the north is that food prices are so steep that peaple are pretty much forced to eat poorly if they don't make a wak of cash so obesity is pretty rampant.

I'm from Toronto - Just visiting here

If you would like to see an interesting documentary about Mcdonalds and fast food check out Super Size Me.

Last edited by Clownshow on Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Popinka » Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:33 am


Glad to hear you are making such strides in your health...did you loose weight when you started eating this way. Have you got banned the fast food completely, or do you allow the occasional indulgence?

How long did it take you to get used to eating heathily? I am addicted to Starbucks and Quarter Pounders and Coke. When I am tired and stressed, I find it very difficult to take the high road, even though I know how damaging I am being to my body.

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Post by Clownshow » Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:21 am

Popinka wrote:Clownshow,

Glad to hear you are making such strides in your health...did you loose weight when you started eating this way.

Not at first, I was still really sick, even now the weight is very slow to come off and It has a tendancy to fluxuate but the exercise makes me feel good
I believe that Apnea damages your system so much that our bodies natural defence mechanism is to pack on the beef and sheild itself- when I was 19 I was 380 and built like Pro wrestler. when my apnea kicked in I shot up in weight severely.

Have you got banned the fast food completely, or do you allow the occasional indulgence?

Ah yes - Coffee, Tim horton is my Crack dealer (Tim hortons is a canadian coffee chain)
Other than that I have banned the fast food completlybut I do eat in resteraunts but I Eat sensibly. It is OK to indulge and chow down sometimes just be smart about it if that is what makes you happy - fruit is now my candy bars, If I'm jonesing for sugar I hit the grapes and oranges If I pig out on that stuff I get a wicked sugar high and then I'm all bushytailed and I don't have to feel guilty about what I've eaten

How long did it take you to get used to eating heathily?

Before being diagnosed I had almost given up and was eating pizza every other night cause I was depressed and thought it doesn't matter at this point - I'd done the diets and just continued putting on weight anyways
I thougth that I might as well enjoy being fat.
I got the machine and started feeling good, My body started healing, Cuts and scars where going away on my legs and bruises stopped lasting a month and i had energy again (I'm still healing, It is just slow)
I started to eat "Smoothies" in the morning in the blender cause they would give me a quick energy boost that would last.

Clownshow's blender smoothie (makes enough for two peaple)
Four ice cubes
a heaping spoonful of flax seed (rich in Omega3)
1/2 cup frozen Cranberries
1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
1 banana
handful of baby carrots
and enough fruit juice to make it work in the blender (the blade has to be in liquid)

Turn it on and take a shower Come out and enjoy

I am addicted to Quarter Pounders and Coke.

Walk... No ... Run to your video store and rent super size me.

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Post by djv1255 » Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:36 am

I am also addicted Coca Cola Classic.
I switched to flavored water. I prefer the grape and cherry.
I have lost 50 pounds since Sept.

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Post by Clownshow » Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:48 am

Nice, Thats pretty signifigant.

Pop is brutal, and don't kid yourself with the Diet stuff either everybody


Re: just joined 1-23-2005

Post by Poisson » Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:54 pm

Assuming you have a basic cpap, could the pressure be set inappropriately for your needs?

s wrote:hi everyone, i was very excited to find this web site. i was diagnosed with sleep apnea about 2 months ago and have been using my cpap for about 3 weeks now. so far i have been getting a very peacefull night sleep but still am tired during the day -- any suggestions would be helpfull.